Diskussion:Wilhelm von Saliceto

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Italian Guglielmo Da Saliceto, French Guillaume De Salicet physician and cleric, the outstanding European surgeon of the 13th century. His influence was felt throughout western Europe for nearly a century after his death.

Saliceto practiced in the principal towns of Lombardy until 1270, when he was appointed to the chair of surgery at the University of Bologna. Four years later he resigned ..

William de Saliceto (1210 – 1280): études à l’école de Salerne. Il fonde ensuite la première école de chirurgie (avec dissection de cadavres humains et non d’animaux). Il recommande le couteau plus que le cautère pour l’ablation des tumeurs et affirme que le « pus dans une plaie est une très mauvaise chose »…

In the thirteenth century, as universities were being formed, teachers of medicine and surgery appeared in Italy at Padua and Bologna and in France at Montpellier and Paris. At Bologna an early professor was William of Saliceto (1210-1277), native of Piacenza and city physician in Verona. He wrote a textbook of medicine, Summa conservationis et curationis, and one of surgery, Chirurgia. He preferred the use of the knife to cautery, and as physician he included advice on internal medicine and on professional conduct. "That it is unwise to be too familiar with the laity, and that high fees are proper as they will cause the doctor to be more respected." (David Riesman, The Story of Medicine in the Middle Ages.) William declared surgery should not be separated from medicine, a statement contrary to the general opinion, which rested partly on the feeling that surgery was a craft and beneath the notice of the professional, and partly on the fact that the Roman church discouraged and even forbade the study of anatomy

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Die Chirurgia ist in der verlinkten Summa curationis enthalten.-- 10:33, 22. Okt. 2012 (CEST)Beantworten