Past Perfect Simple

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Das Past Perfect Simple ist eine Zeitform der Verben in der englischen Sprache. Die deutsche Entsprechung des Past Perfect Simple ist das Plusquamperfekt.

Bei allen Personen wird had – das Simple Past von to have – und der Wortstamm mit der angehängten Endung „-ed“ verwendet.


1. Person Singular: I had listened.
2. Person Singular: You had listened.
3. Person Singular: He/She/It had listened.

1. Person Plural: We had listened.
2. Person Plural: You had listened.
3. Person Plural: They had listened.

Achtung! Es gibt auch unregelmäßige Verben, wie zum Beispiel „to speak“:

1. Person Singular: I had spoken.
2. Person Singular: You had spoken.
3. Person Singular: He/She/It had spoken.

1. Person Plural: We had spoken.
2. Person Plural: You had spoken.
3. Person Plural: They had spoken.

Die Verneinung wird mit „had not“ (oder kurz „hadn't“) gebildet.


1. Person Singular: I had not spoken.
2. Person Singular: You had not spoken.
3. Person Singular: He/She/It had not spoken.

1. Person Plural: We had not spoken.
2. Person Plural: You had not spoken.
3. Person Plural: They had not spoken

Bei der Frageform wird ein „had“ vorangestellt.


1. Person Singular: Had I spoken?
2. Person Singular: Had you spoken?
3. Person Singular: Had he/she/it spoken?

1. Person Plural: Had we spoken?
2. Person Plural: Had you spoken?
3. Person Plural: Had they spoken?