Datei Diskussion:Apothecary vessel Gladiola 15-16 century.jpg

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Letzter Kommentar: vor 2 Jahren von Realulim
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According to the museum all 16th century wooden apothecary jars are forgeries of the second half of the 20th century, with the exception of about a dozen that have always been and still are located in the municipal museum of Krems, Austria and the MAK museum in Vienna. All other jars have been "recently discovered" and can be traced back to one single person, an Austrian collector, who is deceased. the museum itself owns many of those forgeries (about 50 in total are known) and they have dated the wood with the C14 method to the 1960s. --ulim, 11:41, 18. Jul. 2021 (CEST)Beantworten