Diskussion:Elizabeth Cady Stanton

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Übersetzt aus der engl. Wikipedia; noch unvollständig. shelog 18:24, 29. Nov 2005 (CET)

"reguläre" Freimaurerei, Sklaverei und Frauen

[Quelltext bearbeiten]

Habe folgendes entdeckt:

„Our chief object in visiting England at this time was to attend the World's Anti-slavery Convention, to meet June 12, 1840, in Freemasons' Hall, London. Delegates from all the anti-slavery societies of civilized nations were invited, yet, when they arrived, those representing associations of women were rejected. Though women were members of the National Anti-slavery Society, accustomed to speak and vote in all its conventions, and to take an equally active part with men in the whole anti-slavery struggle, and were there as delegates from associations of men and women, as well as those distinctively of their own sex, yet all alike were rejected because they were women. Women, according to English prejudices at that time, were excluded by Scriptural texts from sharing equal dignity and authority with men in all reform associations; hence it was to English minds pre-eminently unfitting that women should be admitted as equal members to a World's Convention. The question was hotly debated through an entire day. My husband made a very eloquent speech in favor of admitting the women delegates.“

Kann man im Artikel damit was anfangen? --SGOvD-Webmaster (Diskussion) 04:13, 19. Mär 2006 (CET)

Artikel wird ergänzt und neu gegliedert

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Ich glaube, dass es an der Zeit ist - nächstes Jahr feiern die Amerikaner 100 Jahre Frauenwahlrecht - diesen Artikel über eine der wichtigsten Frauen des Feminismus zu verbessern. Ich richte mich im Wesentlichen nach dem englischen Text, kürze aber die Stellen, die für uns Deutsche nicht ganz so wichtig sind. Ich bitte um Mithilfe und auch um Kontrolle, it' a Wiki! MfG. --Didi43 (Diskussion) 21:31, 30. Jan. 2019 (CET)Beantworten