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//Dokumentation unter [[Benutzer:Schnark/js/veAutocorrect]] <nowiki>
/*global mediaWiki, OO, ve*/
(function (mw) {
"use strict";

var VISUAL = 1, SOURCE = 2, deps;

function initAutoCorrect (lang, wiki) {
	var autoCorrectCommandCount = 0, quotes, i;

	//like ve.ui.Sequence, with the difference that for regular expressions
	//of the form /foo(bar)/ only the parentheses is used as Range, not the whole expression
	function ReSequence () {
		ReSequence.parent.apply(this, arguments);
	OO.inheritClass(ReSequence, ve.ui.Sequence);
	ReSequence.prototype.match = function (data, offset, plaintext) {
		var execResult;
		if ( instanceof RegExp) {
			execResult =;
			return execResult && new ve.Range(offset - execResult[1].length, offset);
		return ReSequence.parent.prototype.match.apply(this, arguments);

	//when the user enters "from" change it to "to"
	//from can be a string, a regular expression of the form /foo(bar)/ or an array of data
	//to can be a string or an array of data
	//strip is the number of chars to strip
	//mode defaults to both VISUAL and SOURCE
	function autoCorrectFromTo (from, to, strip, mode) {
		//get a unique name, we use it for both the command and the sequence
		var name = 'schnarkAutoCorrectCommand-' + (autoCorrectCommandCount++), seq;
		//create and register the command
			//1st true: annotate, 2nd true: collapse to end
			new ve.ui.Command(name, 'content', 'insert', {args: [to, true, true]})
		//create and register the sequence
		seq = new ReSequence(/*sequence*/ name, /*command*/ name, from, strip);
		if (!mode || mode === VISUAL) {
		if ((!mode || mode === SOURCE) && ve.ui.wikitextSequenceRegistry) {

	//define what should be autocorrected
	quotes = {
		de: ['„', '“'],
		en: ['“', '”'],
		it: ['“', '”']

	//for all languages and projects
	autoCorrectFromTo(/(?:^|[^!])(--)$/, '–', 2); //don't mess with <!--
	autoCorrectFromTo('–>', '-->', 2, SOURCE); //fix --> (only needed for source code)
	autoCorrectFromTo('–-', '—', 2); //--- with -- turned into –
	autoCorrectFromTo('—-', '----', 2, SOURCE); //keep ---- in source code
	autoCorrectFromTo('...', '…', 3);
	autoCorrectFromTo('<<', '«', 2);
	autoCorrectFromTo('>>', '»', 2);
	autoCorrectFromTo('->', '→', 2);
	autoCorrectFromTo(' 1/2 ', ' ½ ', 5);
	autoCorrectFromTo(' 1/4 ', ' ¼ ', 5);
	autoCorrectFromTo(' 3/4 ', ' ¾ ', 5);
	autoCorrectFromTo('+-', '±', 2);
	autoCorrectFromTo(/\d(')$/, '′', 1);
	for (i = 0; i <= 9; i++) { //fix 1'234'567
		autoCorrectFromTo('′' + i, '\'' + i, 2);
	autoCorrectFromTo(/\D(')$/, '’', 1, VISUAL);
	autoCorrectFromTo(/[^0-9'](')$/, '’', 1, SOURCE); //italic/bold syntax
	autoCorrectFromTo(/([′’]\')$/, '\'\'', 2, SOURCE); //fix italic/bold syntax
	autoCorrectFromTo(/\d(")$/, '″', 1, VISUAL);
	autoCorrectFromTo(/(?:^|=\s*"[^"]*")[^=]*(?:=\s*(?:[^" ]|"[^"]*")[^=]*)*\d(")$/, '″', 1, SOURCE); //not in attributes
	//(?:^|=\s*"[^"]*") - anchor at the start of the line or a quoted attribute
	//[^=]* - skip chars that aren't equal signs
	//=\s*(?:[^" ]|"[^"]*") - equal sign either not followed by quote mark or with complete quoted attribute
	//depending on the content language
	if (quotes.hasOwnProperty(lang)) {
		autoCorrectFromTo(/(?:^|[( \n])(")$/, quotes[lang][0], 1, VISUAL);
		autoCorrectFromTo(/(?:^|=\s*"[^"]*")[^=]*(?:=\s*(?:[^" ]|"[^"]*")[^=]*)*(?:^|[( \n])(")$/, quotes[lang][0], 1, SOURCE);
		autoCorrectFromTo(/[^\d( \n](")$/, quotes[lang][1], 1, VISUAL);
		autoCorrectFromTo(/(?:^|=\s*"[^"]*")[^=]*(?:=\s*(?:[^" ]|"[^"]*")[^=]*)*[^\d( \n=](")$/, quotes[lang][1], 1, SOURCE);
	//depending on the wiki
	/*jshint onecase: true*/
	switch (wiki) {
	case 'dewiki':
		autoCorrectFromTo([{type: 'paragraph'}, '=', 'w'], [
			{type: 'heading', attributes: {level: 2}},
			'W', 'e', 'b', 'l', 'i', 'n', 'k', 's',
			{type: '/heading'},
			{type: 'paragraph'}
		], 2, VISUAL); //actually just for proof of concept

deps = ['ext.visualEditor.core'];
if ( {

mw.loader.using(deps).then(function () {
	if (mw.config.get('wgPageContentModel') === 'wikitext') {
		//I use VE for JS/CSS, too, don't enable there
		initAutoCorrect(mw.config.get('wgContentLanguage'), mw.config.get('wgDBname'));
