„Benutzer Diskussion:C-M“ – Versionsunterschied

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Letzter Kommentar: vor 12 Jahren von Alex Smotrov in Abschnitt RIPE blocking whois on toolserver
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Alex Smotrov (Diskussion | Beiträge)
Zeile 170: Zeile 170:
bugtrack = "submit a bug"
bugtrack = "submit a bug"

== RIPE blocking whois on toolserver ==

Hello. There is a problem with [[tools:~chm/whois.php]] which very often displays
Sorry, access from your host has been permanently
denied because of a repeated excessive querying.
For more information, see
If I understand correctly, you need to specify <code>-r</code> flag. [[Benutzer:Alex Smotrov|Alex Smotrov]] 21:01, 9. Feb. 2012 (CET)

Version vom 9. Februar 2012, 22:01 Uhr

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  • Neue Beiträge bitte unten anfügen
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  • Es gilt RFC 1855

Benutzer Diskussion:C-M
Toolserver tools.wikimedia.de/~chm

New Translation

Here is a new translation for <insert your language here>:

language = "language"

permanent_link = "permanent link"
heading = "Rangeblock-Calculator"
howtoheading = "How to use"
howto = "Just enter your IPs into the textbox, separated by newline, space or everything else which is not a number - copy'n'paste from history works just fine." 
range = "Range"
users_pre = "up to"
users_post = "users would be blocked"
ip_found = "IPs found"
calc_range = "Calc range"
whois = "whois"
contributions = "global contributions"

heading = "chm's tools"
howtoheading = "Overview"
howto = "This page contains tools made by chm. You can find me in Wikipedia <a href='http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:C-M'>here</a>."
vote_heading = "Votecheck"
vote = "Checks weather a user has the right to vote (currently german wikipedia only)"
blockcalc_heading = "Blockcalc"
blockcalc = "Calculates the smallest possible rangeblock for a set of ips"
whois_heading = "Whois"
whois = "Whois-service for IPs and hostnames"
tor_heading = "Torcheck"
tor = "Checks weather an IP belongs to a TOR exitnode."
mark_heading = "Highlight Admins"
mark = "Highlights admins using css (currently german wikipedia only)"
rc_heading = "SVG-RC"
rc = "Live recent changes for de.wikipedia.org using AJAX and SVG"
bugtrack = "submitt a bug"

New Translation

Here is a new translation for Russian:

language = "Russian"

permanent_link = "постоянная ссылка"
heading = "Калькулятор диапазона для блокировки"
howtoheading = "Использование"
howto = "Введите в поле IP-адреса, разделенные переводом строки, пробелом или любым другим символом, не являющимся цифрой - копирование и вставка из истории страницы подойдёт." 
range = "Диапазон"
users_pre = "до"
users_post = "пользователей будет заблокировано"
ip_found = "Найденные IP-адреса"
calc_range = "Вычислить диапазон"
whois = "whois"
contributions = "глобальный вклад"

heading = "Инструменты chm"
howtoheading = "Общая информация"
howto = "На этой странице содержатся инструменты, созданные участником chm. Вы можете найти меня в Википедии <a href='http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:C-M'>здесь</a>."
vote_heading = "Проверка голосования"
vote = "Проверяет, имеет ли пользователь право голосовать (в настоящий момент только в немецкой википедии)"
blockcalc_heading = "Калькулятор диапазона"
blockcalc = "Вычисляет наименьший возможный диапазон для набора IP-адресов"
whois_heading = "Whois"
whois = "Сервис Whois для IP-адресов и имён хоста"
tor_heading = "Проверка TOR"
tor = "Проверяет, принадлежит ли IP-адрес к выходным узлам TOR."
mark_heading = "Подсветка администраторов"
mark = "Подсвечивает ники администраторов с использованием css (в настоящий момент только в немецкой википедии)"
rc_heading = "SVG-RC"
rc = "Недавние изменения для de.wikipedia.org с использованием AJAX и SVG"
bugtrack = "зарегистрировать баг"

New Translation

Here is a new translation for <insert your language here>:

language = "language"
language_code = "en"

permanent_link = "permanent link"
heading = "Rangeblock-Calculator"
howtoheading = "How to use"
howto = "Just enter your IPs into the textbox, separated by newline, space or everything else which is not a number - copy'n'paste from history works just fine." 
range = "Range"
users_pre = "up to"
users_post = "users would be blocked"
ip_found = "IPs found"
calc_range = "Calc range"
whois = "whois"
contributions = "global contributions"

heading = "chm's tools"
howtoheading = "Overview"
howto = "This page contains tools made by chm. You can find me in Wikipedia <a href='http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:C-M'>here</a>."
vote_heading = "Votecheck"
vote = "Checks whether a user has the right to vote (german wikipedia only)"
blockcalc_heading = "Blockcalc"
blockcalc = "Calculates the smallest possible rangeblock for a set of ips"
whois_heading = "Whois"
whois = "Whois-service for IPs and hostnames"
tor_heading = "Torcheck"
tor = "Checks whether an IP belongs to a TOR exitnode."
mark_heading = "Highlight Admins"
mark = "Highlights admins using css (currently german wikipedia only)"
rc_heading = "SVG-RC"
rc = "Live recent changes for de.wikipedia.org using AJAX and SVG"
bugtrack = "submit a bug"

HTTP 500 Interner Serverfehler: http://toolserver.org/~chm/blockcalc.php

Der IP-Bereichs-Rechner war für mich letztes Jahr eine der interessantesten Entdeckungen, da ich nirgend ein vergleichbares Online-Tool zum erstellen summarischer IP-CIDR-Bereiche für Internetprovider finden konnte. Seit einigen Monaten erhalte ich bei Eingabe einer IP unter http://toolserver.org/~chm/blockcalc.php jedoch nur mehr eine leere weiße Seite bzw. "HTTP 500 Interner Serverfehler" (je nach verwendetem Browser). Ich würde gerne verstehen wieso dieser Fehler auftritt und ob dies nur bei mir der Fall ist. --ChrisTi 14:05, 17. Jan. 2012 (CET)Beantworten

New Translation

Here is a new translation for <insert your language here>:

language = "language"
language_code = "en"

permanent_link = "permanent link"
heading = "Rangeblock-Calculator"
howtoheading = "How to use"
howto = "Just enter your IPs into the textbox, separated by newline, space or everything else which is not a number - copy'n'paste from history works just fine." 
range = "Range"
users_pre = "up to"
users_post = "users would be blocked"
ip_found = "IPs found"
calc_range = "Calc range"
whois = "whois"
contributions = "global contributions"

heading = "chm's tools"
howtoheading = "Overview"
howto = "This page contains tools made by chm. You can find me in Wikipedia <a href='http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:C-M'>here</a>."
vote_heading = "Votecheck"
vote = "Checks whether a user has the right to vote (german wikipedia only)"
blockcalc_heading = "Blockcalc"
blockcalc = "Calculates the smallest possible rangeblock for a set of ips"
whois_heading = "Whois"
whois = "Whois-service for IPs and hostnames"
tor_heading = "Torcheck"
tor = "Checks whether an IP belongs to a TOR exitnode."
mark_heading = "Highlight Admins"
mark = "Highlights admins using css (currently german wikipedia only)"
rc_heading = "SVG-RC"
rc = "Live recent changes for de.wikipedia.org using AJAX and SVG"
bugtrack = "submit a bug"

RIPE blocking whois on toolserver

Hello. There is a problem with tools:~chm/whois.php which very often displays

Sorry, access from your host has been permanently denied because of a repeated excessive querying. For more information, see http://www.ripe.net/data-tools/db/faq/faq-db/why-did-you-receive-the-error-201-access-denied

If I understand correctly, you need to specify -r flag. Alex Smotrov 21:01, 9. Feb. 2012 (CET)Beantworten