Benutzer:John Vandenberg/switch editor.js

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// This script adds a 'source' checkbox which, when pressed, causes the 'diff' button to load the Source Editor, with a diff.
// It could break with changes to VE.
// Use at your own risk, and pester the VE team to add this feature.

// This hook is fired when the first 'Save' is loaded.
// There are better hooks to load the editor switcher earlier, but 
// This is the most reliable hook at present.  However this hook is fired
// frequently, so the code needs to be further optimised.
// The save dialog is built from a template, and we dont want to be invoked
// before the save dialog has been properly instantiated.
// TODO: document the other hooks and related problems in more detail, and
//       raise bugs if appropriate.

// Changes:
// - update checkbox insertion after VE change
// - set wpStarttime to avoid previously deleted page warning
// - move checkbox near Review button, fixing bug with en-gb and character count

mw.hook( 've.saveDialog.stateChanged' ).add( function() {
	// If the editor switch UI hasnt been added, add the UI and associated hooks.
	if ($('#jv_switch_editor').length==0) {
		// Add a checkbox.[0].saveDialogReviewButton.$label.parent().after('<input type="checkbox" name="sourceDiff" id="jv_switch_editor" title="Review your changes in the source editor" style="float:right; line-height: 1.5em;height: 3em;margin: 0;">');[0].onSaveDialogReviewButtonClick = function () {
			// Detect if the new checkbox has been ticked.
			var source = $( '#jv_switch_editor' ).prop( 'checked' );

			if (!source)
				this.swapSaveDialog( 'review' );
			else {
				// Build a 'document' from the VE, ready to be serialised.
				var doc = this.surface.getModel().getDocument();
				doc = doc.getFullData(), doc.getStore(), doc.getInternalList() );

				// Copy VE save form buttons into SE form
				var saveOptions = this.getSaveOptions();
				minorChecked = '';
				watchChecked = '';
				 if ( saveOptions.minor ) {
					minorChecked = 'checked="checked" ';
				if ( ) {
					watchChecked = 'checked="checked" ';

				// The serialize function checks this variable to avoid multiple ajax requests
				this.serializing = false;

				this.serialize( doc, 
					function( content ) {
						// Remove form if it already exists
						if ($('#editform').length!=0) {

						// Inject a source editor form, populated with values.
						// It isnt hidden yet, as it shouldn't be too visually annoying
						// and keeping it visible may help with debugging if the op fails.
						$("body").append('<form id="editform" name="editform" method="post" action="/w/index.php?title='+wgPageName+'&amp;action=submit" enctype="multipart/form-data"><textarea name=wpTextbox1 id=wpTextbox1></textarea><input id="wpDiff" name="wpDiff" type="submit" tabindex="7" value="Show changes"/><input name="wpSummary" value="'+mw.html.escape(saveOptions.summary)+'"/><input name="wpMinoredit" value="1" '+ minorChecked + ' type="checkbox"/><input name="wpWatchthis" value="1" ' + watchChecked + ' type="checkbox"/><input name="wpStarttime" value="' + (new Date).toISOString().replace(/([-:ZT]|\.[0-9]{3})/g,'') + '"/><input name="wpEdittime"/><input name="model" value="wikitext"/><input name="format" value="text/x-wiki"/><input name="wpAntispam" value=""/><input type="hidden" value="' +[0].editToken + '" name="wpEditToken" /></form>' );

						// This disables the "unsaved data" warning
						window.onbeforeunload = function (){};

						// add wikitext to form and click the diff button


		// This changes the button click binding.
		// It is probably fragile.[0][0].callback =[0].onSaveDialogReviewButtonClick;