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// ==UserScript==
// @id             wp_isbnsuche
// @name           ISBN-Suchbeschleuniger
// @version        1.1
// @namespace
// @author         se4598
// @description
// @include*
// @include*
// @include*
// @include*
// @run-at         document-end
// ==/UserScript==
// <nowiki>

if ( typeof $ === 'undefined') {
	$ = unsafeWindow.$;
if ( typeof mw === 'undefined') {
	mw =;

(function(mw, $){
	var config = {
		//will be build in document.ready
		 * internal use
		 * 0: default
		 * 0: mw.loader.using done, config loaded;
		 * 1: mw.hook("wikipage.content");
		 * 2: links replaced/tipsy created
		loaded: 0,
	var defaultconfig = {
		 * a framename to use as target in links
		 * note that if frame doesn't exist new tabs/windows don't open in background 
		 * experienced users could also use here e.g. the current pagetitle
		 * * values: _blank , _self , user-defined-name , ...
		targetframe: 'booksourcesDirect',
		 * if true every entry gets a own target
		 * should only count if targetframe starts not with '_' (sign for a special frame)
		 * implemented via `targetframe` + '_' + displayname of entry
		everytargetown: false,
		 * if true a click on a entry closes the tooltip
		closeonclick: true,
		 * how the script should work
		 * if it is 'fixedtarget' then any isbn-link will be replaced with a link provided by `fixedtarget`
		 * for any other value it will be at the moment the normal behavior
		linkmode: 'normal',
		 * function which generates the direct link if in `linkmode`=='fixedtarget' 
		 * first parameter is the isbn
		 * should return a string used as href of a link
		fixedtarget: function (isbn) {
			//return ''+isbn;
			var val = config.libraries[fixedlibrary];
			if(val === undefined){
				return ['!!!unknown library: '+fixedlibrary+'!!!', '/wiki/Special:Booksources/'+isbn] ;
			} else {
				return [fixedlibrary, val.replace(/\$1/g,isbn)];
		 * function which generates a list of entries for the tooltip
		 * first paramter is the isbn
		 * should return an array of entries used in a list. a entry should be an array of the displayed name and the url 
		links: function (isbn){
			return [ //example list only
			['[[wiki]]', '/wiki/Spezial:ISBN-Suche/'+isbn],
			var ret = [];
			var selLibs = config.selectedlibraries.split(' '); 
			for(var i = 0, l = selLibs.length; i < l; i++){
				var val = config.libraries[selLibs[i]];
				if(val === undefined){
					ret.push(['!!!unknown library: '+selLibs[i]+'!!!', '/wiki/Special:Booksources/'+isbn]);
				} else {
					ret.push([selLibs[i], val.replace(/\$1/g,isbn)]);
			return ret;
		libraries: {
			"*wiki*":    "/wiki/Special:Booksources/$1",
			"DNB":       "$1",
			"KVK":       "$1&kataloge=SWB&kataloge=GBV",
			"": "$1"
		selectedlibraries: "*wiki* DNB KVK",
		fixedlibrary: "DNB",
	var extractISBN = function(element){
		//var isbn = this.getAttribute('href').split('/');
		//isbn = isbn[isbn.length-1];
		var re  = /\/wiki\/[^:\/]+:[^\/]+\/([0-9]+[xX]?)$/;
		var match = re.exec(element.getAttribute('href'));
		if(match !== null){
			return match[1];
		} else {
			return null; //almost impossible
	 * must return a (html) string displayed as tooltip-text 
	var tipsytext = function(){
		//`this` is the (clicked/hovered) html-element
		//isbn-links doesn't have a own tooltip/title but class .mw-magiclink-isbn
		var isbn = extractISBN(this);
		if(isbn === null){
			return 'No ISBN found.';
		var links = config.links(isbn);
		var customtarget = (config.everytargetown && !config.targetframe.startsWith('_'));
		var ret = '<span class="wp-booksourcesDirect-isbn'+isbn+'" />'; // (enough) unique identifier to find the toolip
		for(var i=0,j=links.length; i<j; i++){
			if(i !== 0){
				ret += '<br />';
		  ret += '<a href="'+links[i][1]+'" target="'+
		  ( customtarget ? (config.targetframe+'_'+links[i][0]) : (config.targetframe) ) //FIXME: for crazy (aka non-[a-z0-9]) linktexts e.g. to allow html as displayed text: how about parsing it as html and then getting the text
		return ret;

	var createtipsy = function(index){
		//`this` is the relevant html-element
		var $element = $(this); //must be var
		var options = {
			html: true,
			trigger: 'manual', // -> .tipsy("show"), .tipsy("hide")
			gravity: $.fn.tipsy.autoNS, //position
			opacity: 0.9, //eventually
			title: tipsytext
		var isbn = extractISBN(this);
		//this is the handler for clicks on isbn links
		//any close-element must be added after tipsy-tooltip is created or created with plain inline-js (onclick="...")
		//unbind wrapper if present
			//open tooltip
			//add close X
			.click(function(){ $element.tipsy("hide");}) //could be improved in the rare cases where unlikely this will be added to a wrong tooltip
			.addClass('wp-booksourcesDirect-closex') //is used as marker class but could be used for styling
			.css({position:'absolute', top:0, right:0, 'font-weight':'bold', border:'2px solid #F00'})
			.appendTo($('.wp-booksourcesDirect-isbn'+isbn).parent().filter(function(){return $(this).children('.wp-booksourcesDirect-closex').length === 0})); //should always get the right one except parallel opening of 2 tooltips for one isbn
			//close on click on entry
				$('.wp-booksourcesDirect-isbn'+isbn).parent().find('a').not('.wp-booksourcesDirect-closeonclick') // .wpisbnsuche_closeonclick is a marker
				.click(function(evt) { $element.tipsy("hide"); });
	var tipsyinitalwrapper = function(index){
		//`this` is the relevant html-element
		var $element = $(this);
		$element.bind('click.wp-booksourcesDirect-wrapper', function(evt){
			//we must be in state 2
			if(config.loaded == 2){
				config.loaded = 3;
				//and trigger wanted tipsy
	var changefixedtarget = function(index){
		//`this` is the relevant html-element
		var isbn = extractISBN(this);
		if(isbn !== null){
			this.setAttribute('href', config.fixedtarget(isbn));
			this.setAttribute('target', config.targetframe);
		} else {
			this.setAttribute('href', '/wiki/Fehler_Keine_ISBN_gefunden');
			this.setAttribute('target', config.targetframe);
	mw.loader.using(['jquery.tipsy', 'user'], function() {
		if(!mw.libs.booksourcesDirect || mw.libs.booksourcesDirect.loaded === undefined){ //prevent simple multiload
			$.extend(true, config, defaultconfig); //init with default
			mw.libs.booksourcesDirect = $.extend(true, config, mw.libs.booksourcesDirect);  //overwrite with user options and write back/expose cur. config
			config.loaded = 1;
			//$(document).ready(function() {
			mw.hook("wikipage.content").add(function() { //could be triggered more than once
				config.loaded = 2; //reset in case of rebuild
				if(config.linkmode === "fixedtarget"){
					config.loaded = 3;
				} else {
})(mw, $);

// </nowiki>