„Stradivarius“ – Versionsunterschied

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Antonio Stradivari, by Edgar Bundy, 1893: a romanticized image of a craftsman-hero

Als eine Stradivarius werden Violinen, Bratsche, Celli und andere Saiteninstrumente bezeichnet, die der Hand des italienischen Geigenbauer Antonio Stradivari entstammen. Diese im 17. und 18. Jh. entstandenen Instrumente werden auch noch heute ihrem Ruf gerecht, jeglichem Versuch zu trotzen die besonderen Qualitäten ihres Klanges zu erklären oder gar zu reproduzieren. Der Name "Stradivarius" ist zu einem Superlativ avanciert, der meist in Verbindung mit besonderer (fachlicher) Qualität und Klasse gebrauch findet; Als "Der Stradivari" seines jeweiligen Faches bezeichnet zu werden, bedeutet für denjenigen, dass dieser sein Handwerk in höchster Kunst ausführt.

Maker's label from Stradivari

A Stradivarius is one of the violins, violas, cellos and other string instruments built by members of the Italian family Stradivari (Stradivarius), particularly Antonio Stradivari, during the 17th and 18th centuries. According to their reputation, the quality of their sound has defied attempts to explain or equal it, though this belief is disputed.[1][2] The name "Stradivarius" has become a superlative often associated with excellence; to be called "the Stradivari" of any field is to be deemed the finest there is. The fame of Stradivarius instruments is widespread, appearing in numerous works of fiction.


The wood used included spruce for the top, willow for the internal blocks and linings, and maple for the back, ribs, and neck. There has been conjecture that this wood was treated with several types of minerals, including potassium borate (borax), sodium and potassium silicate, and vernice bianca, a varnish composed of gum arabic, honey, and egg white. Stradivari made his instruments using an inner form, unlike the French copyists, such as Vuillaume, who employed an outer form. It is clear from the number of forms throughout his career that he experimented with some of the dimensions of his instruments.[3]

A comparative study published in PLOS ONE in 2008[4] found no significant differences in median densities between modern and classical violins, or between classical violins from different origins; instead the survey of several modern and classical examples of violins highlighted a notable distinction when comparing density differentials. These results suggest that differences in density differentials in the material may have played a significant role in the sound production of classical violins. A later survey, focused on comparing median densities in both classical and modern violin examples, questioned the role available materials may have played in sound production differences, though it made no comment on variations in density differentials.[5]

Market value

Antonio Stradivari violin of 1703 on exhibit, behind glass, at the Musikinstrumentenmuseum (Berlin Musical Instrument Museum), 2006

A Stradivarius made in the 1680s, or during Stradivari's "Long Pattern" period from 1690 to 1700, could be worth hundreds of thousands to several million U.S. dollars at today's prices.Vorlage:Citation needed The 1697 "Molitor"[6] Stradivarius, once rumored to have belonged to Napoleon (it did belong to a general in his army, Count Gabriel Jean Joseph Molitor), sold in 2010 at Tarisio Auctions to violinist Anne Akiko Meyers for $3,600,000, at the time a world record.[7][8]

Depending on condition, instruments made during Stradivari's "golden period" from 1700 to about 1725[9] can be worth millions of dollars. In 2011, his "Lady Blunt" violin from 1721, which is in pristine condition, was sold in London for $15.9 million (it is named after Lord Byron's granddaughter Lady Anne Blunt, who owned it for 30 years). It was sold by the Nippon Music Foundation in aid of the Japanese earthquake and tsunami appeal.[10] In Spring 2014 the "Macdonald" viola was put up for auction through the musical instrument auction house Ingles & Hayday in conjunction with Sotheby's via silent auction with a minimum bid of $45 million.[11] The auction failed to reach its minimum bid by 25 June 2014,[12] and the viola was not sold.

Vice magazine reported in May 2013 that "in recent years, Stradivarius investment funds have started to appear, pushing already astronomical prices even higher".[13]

Stradivarius instruments are at risk of theft. However, stolen instruments are often recovered, even after being missing for many years. They are difficult to sell illicitly as dealers will typically call the police if approached by a seller with a Stradivarius known to have been stolen.[14] In recent years, the General Kyd Stradivarius was stolen in 2004. It was returned three weeks later by a woman who 'found it' and handed it over to the police.[15][16][17] The Sinsheimer/Iselin was stolen in Hanover, Germany in 2008 and recovered in 2009.[18] the Lipinski Stradivarius was stolen in an armed robbery on 27 January 2014[19] and subsequently recovered.[20] The Ames Stradivarius was stolen in 1981 and recovered in 2015.[14]

However a number of stolen instruments remain missing, such as the Davidoff-Morini, stolen in 1995,[21] the Le Maurien, stolen in 2002[22] and the Karpilowsky, stolen in 1953.[23]

Comparisons in sound quality

Above all, these instruments are famous for the quality of sound they produce. However, the many blind experiments from 1817[24][25] to the present (as of 2014[1][26]) have never found any difference in sound between Stradivari's violins and high-quality violins in comparable style of other makers and periods, nor has acoustic analysis.[27][28] In a particularly famous test on a BBC Radio 3 programme in 1977, the violinists Isaac Stern and Pinchas Zukerman and the violin expert and dealer Charles Beare tried to distinguish between the "Chaconne" Stradivarius, a 1739 Guarneri del Gesú, an 1846 Vuillaume, and a 1976 British violin played behind a screen by a professional soloist. The two violinists were allowed to play all the instruments first. None of the listeners identified more than two of the four instruments. Two of the listeners identified the 20th-century violin as the Stradivarius.[29] Violinists and others have criticized these tests on various grounds such as that they are not double-blind (in most cases), the judges are often not experts, and the sounds of violins are hard to evaluate objectively and reproducibly.[28][30]

In a test in 2009, the British violinist Matthew Trusler played his 1711 Stradivarius, said to be worth two million U.S. dollars, and four modern violins made by the Swiss violin-maker Vorlage:Ill. One of Rhonheimer's violins, made with wood that the Empa (Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology) researcher Francis Schwarze had treated with fungi, received 90 of the 180 votes for the best tone, while the Stradivarius came in second with just 39 votes. The majority (113) of the listeners misidentified the winning violin as the Stradivarius.[31][32][33]

In a double-blind test in 2012[34][35] published in the study "Player preferences among new and old violins",[26] expert players could not distinguish old from new instruments by playing them for a short time in a small room.[36] In an additional test, performed in a concert hall, one of the Stradivarius violins placed first, but one of the participants stated that "the audience in the concert hall were essentially equivocal on which instruments were better in each of the pair-wise instrument comparisons" and "I could tell slight differences in the instruments...but overall they were all great. None of them sounded substantially weaker than the others" [34]

While many world-class soloists play violins by Antonio Stradivari, there are notable exceptions. For example, Christian Tetzlaff formerly played "a quite famous Strad", but switched to a violin made in 2002 by Stefan-Peter Greiner. He states that the listener cannot tell that his instrument is modern, and he regards it as excellent for Bach and better than a Stradivarius for "the big Romantic and 20th-century concertos."[37]

Theories and reproduction attempts

Nonetheless, some maintain that the very best Stradivari have unique superiorities.[38] Various attempts at explaining these supposed qualities have been undertaken, most results being unsuccessful or inconclusive. Over the centuries, numerous theories have been presented – and debunked – including an assertion that the wood was salvaged from old cathedrals. Dendrochronology, or tree-ring dating, has proved this false.

A more modern theory attributes tree growth during a time of global cold temperatures during the Little Ice Age associated with unusually low solar activity of the Maunder Minimum, circa 1645 to 1750, during which cooler temperatures throughout Europe are believed to have caused stunted and slowed tree growth, resulting in unusually dense wood.[39] Further evidence for this "Little Ice Age theory" comes from a simple examination of the dense growth rings in the wood used in Stradivari's instruments.[40] Two researchers – University of Tennessee tree-ring scientist Henri Grissino-Mayer and Lloyd Burckle, a Columbia University climatologist – published in the journal Dendrochronologia their conclusions supporting the theory on increased wood density.[41]

In 2008, Dutch researchers announced further evidence that wood density caused the claimed high quality of these instruments. After examining the violins with X-rays, the researchers found that these violins all have extremely consistent density, with relatively low variation in the apparent growth patterns of the trees that produced this wood.[4]

Yet another possible explanation is that the wood originated in and was harvested from the forests of northern Croatia.[42] This maple wood is known for its extreme density resulting from the slow growth caused by harsh Croatian winters. Croatian wood was a commodity traded by Venetian merchants of the era, and is used today by local luthiers and craftsfolk for musical instruments.

Some research points to wood preservatives used in that day as contributing to the resonant qualities. Joseph Nagyvary[43][44] reveals that he has always held the belief that there are a wide range of chemicals that will improve the violin's sound. In a 2009 study co-authored with Drs. Renald Guillemette and Clifford Spiegelman, Nagyvary managed to get hold of shavings from a Stradivarius violin and examined them: burning small amounts to find their chemical composition showed that the wood shavings contained "borax, fluorides, chromium and iron salts."[45] He also found that the wood had decayed a little, to the extent that the filter plates in the pores between the wood's component tracheids had rotted away, perhaps while the wood was stored in or under water in the Venice lagoon before Stradivarius used it.

Dr. Steven Sirr, a radiologist, worked with researchers to perform a CT scan of a Stradivari known as the "Betts." Data regarding the differing densities of woods used were then used to create a reproduction instrument.[46]

Violins bearing the Stradivari label

While only about 650 original Stradivari instruments (harps, guitars, violas, cellos, violins) survive today, thousands of violins have been made in tribute to Stradivari, copying his model and bearing labels that read "Stradivarius" on them. However, the presence of a Stradivarius label in a violin has no bearing on whether the instrument is a genuine work of Stradivari himself.[47]Vorlage:Clear

Stradivari instruments

Vorlage:Main article



Further reading

Portal: Music – Übersicht zu Wikipedia-Inhalten zum Thema Music
  • How Many Strads?, Ernest N. Doring, William Lewis & Son, Chicago, 1945
  • William Henry Hill, Hill, Arthur F., Hill, Alfred Ebsworth: Antonio Stradivari, His Life and Work (1644–1737). W.E. Hill & Sons, London 1902, OCLC 8179349.
  • Toby Faber: Stradivari's Genius: Five Violins, One Cello, and Three Centuries of Enduring Perfection. Random House, New York 2004, ISBN 0-375-50848-1.
  • Rene Vannes: Dictionnaire Universel del Luthiers (vol.3). Les Amis de la musique, Bruxelles 1985, OCLC 53749830 ( [1951]).
  • Wiliam Henley: [[Universal Dictionary of Violin & Bow Makers]]. Amati, Brighton; England 1969, ISBN 0-901424-00-5.
  • Walter Hamma, Meister Italienischer Geigenbaukunst, Wilhelmshaven 1993, ISBN 3-7959-0537-0
  • Violin Iconography of Antonio Stradivari 1644–1737, Herbert K. Goodkind, Larchmont, New York, 1972.
  • Kestenbaum, David, "Is A Stradivarius Just A Violin?", NPR, May 16, 2014
  • Roger Millant: J. B. Vuillaume: Sa Vie et son Oeuvre. W. E. Hill, London 1972, OCLC 865746 (französisch).
  • David Schoenbaum (2012). The Violin: A Social History of the World's Most Versatile Instrument. New York: W. W. Norton & Company. OCLC 783162545.

Vorlage:Commons category

  1. a b Pam Belluck: A Strad? Violinists Can't Tell In: The New York Times, April 7, 2014. Abgerufen im April 9, 2014 
  2. Christopher Joyce: Double-Blind Violin Test: Can You Pick The Strad? NPR, 2012, abgerufen am 2. Januar 2012.
  3. The Violin Forms of Antonio Stradivari by Stewart Pollens, Biddulph (1992) ISBN 0-9520109-0-9.
  4. a b Berend C. Stoel, Borman, Terry M: A Comparison of Wood Density between Classical Cremonese and Modern Violins. In: PLoS ONE. 3. Jahrgang, Nr. 7, 2008, S. e2554, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0002554, PMID 18596937, PMC 2438473 (freier Volltext) – (plosone.org [abgerufen am 4. Juli 2008]). Vorlage:Open access
  5. Wood Densitometry in 17th and 18th Century Dutch, German, Austrian and French Violins, Compared to Classical Cremonese and Modern Violins, Stoel, Borman, DeJohng. October 10, 2012
  6. Cozio.com: violin by Antonio Stradivari, 1697 (Molitor). cozio.com, 2010, abgerufen am 17. Oktober 2010.
  7. Jeanne Claire van Ryzin: Austin violinist Anne Akiko Meyers buys rare Stradivarius for record-setting $3.6 million. Austin360, 2010, abgerufen am 17. Oktober 2010.
  8. Tarisio, October 2010 (New York) – Lot 467. Tarisio, 2010, abgerufen am 17. Oktober 2010.
  9. George Hart: The violin: its famous makers and their imitators. Dulau, London 1875, S. 130, 135 (google.com [abgerufen am 5. August 2011]).
  10. Yoree Koh: Stradivarius Nets $16M for Japan Quake Relief. In: The Wall Street Journal. 21. Juni 2011, abgerufen am 29. Juni 2011.
  11. http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/03/27/us-auction-viola-idUSBREA2Q19520140327
  12. Business Week: "The World's Most Expensive Instrument Just Got Slightly Cheaper"
  13. Justin Rohrlich: The $5 Million Violin and the Telltale Taser: Inside an Epically Stupid Crime. Vice magazine, 9. Mai 2014;.
  14. a b Nuckols, Ben: Roman Totenberg: Violinist who claimed rival musician stole his Stradivarius is vindicated three years after his death In: The Independent, 6 August 2015. Abgerufen im 7 August 2015 
  15. Rare cello escapes CD rack fate, BBC News, 15 May 2004. Abgerufen am 9. Februar 2008 
  16. Kevin Roderick: Cello returned with damage In: LA Observed, 18 May 2004. Abgerufen am 10. Februar 2008 
  17. Cello by Antonio Stradivari, 1684 (General Kyd; ex-Leo Stern). Cozio.com, abgerufen am 9. Februar 2008.
  18. Violin by Antonio Stradivari, 1721 (Sinsheimer; Iselin). Cozio.com, abgerufen am 12. März 2009.
  19. Colleen Henry: Multi-million dollar violin stolen from Milwaukee Symphony performer In: WISN News, 28. Januar 2014 
  20. Ashley Luthern: Stolen Stradivarius violin found in suitcase in Milwaukee attic In: Milwaukee Wisconsin Journal Sentinel, 6. Februar 2014. Abgerufen am 18. Februar 2014 
  21. Theft Notices & Recoveries. FBI Art Theft Program, archiviert vom Original am 2. April 2007; abgerufen am 7. April 2007.
  22. Violin by Antonio Stradivari, 1714 (Le Maurien). Cozio.com;
  23. Violin by Antonio Stradivari, 1712 (Karpilowsky). Cozio.com;
  24. A guitar-like violin made by the naval engineer François Chanot, a member of a family of luthiers. A committee of scientists and musicians, listening to the violins played in an adjacent room, judged Chanot's violin to be at least as good as the Stradivarius, but apparently Chanot's instruments quickly lost their good qualities. François-Joseph Fétis: Biographie Universelle des Musiciens et Bibliographie Générale de la Musique, Tome 1. Second Auflage. Firmin Didot Frères, Fils, et Cie, 1868, S. 249 (google.com [abgerufen am 21. Juli 2011]).
  25. George Dubourg: The Violin: Some Account of That Leading Instrument and its Most Eminent Professors... Fourth Auflage. Robert Cocks and Co, 1852, S. 356–357 (google.com [abgerufen am 21. Juli 2011]).
  26. a b Claudia Fritz, Joseph Curtin, Jacques Poitevineau, Palmer Morrel-Samuels, Fan-Chia Tao: Player preferences among new and old violin. In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 109. Jahrgang, 3. Januar 2012, doi:10.1073/pnas.1114999109.
  27. John Beamen: The Violin Explained: Components, Mechanism, and Sound. Oxford University Press, 2000, ISBN 0-19-816739-3, S. 89–90 (google.com [abgerufen am 23. Januar 2009]).
  28. a b Alan Coggins: Blind Listening Tests. In: The Strad. Februar 2007, S. 52–55 (westerlunds.se [abgerufen am 14. März 2011]).
  29. John Marchese: The Violin Maker: A Search for the Secrets of Craftsmanship, Sound, and Stradivari. Harper Perennial, 2008, ISBN 978-0-06-001268-7, S. 133–134.
  30. http://www.pnas.org/content/early/2014/04/03/1323367111
  31. Fungus-Treated Violin Outdoes Stradivarius In: Science Daily, 14 September 2009. Abgerufen am 22. Januar 2010 
  32. Analysis of the treated wood revealed a reduction in density, accompanied by relatively little change in the speed of sound. According to this analysis, treatment improves the sound radiation ratio to the level of cold-climate wood considered to have superior resonance
  33. Francis W. M. R. Schwarze, Melanie Spycher and Siegfried Fink: Superior wood for violins – wood decay fungi as a substitute for cold climate In: Wiley Interscience, 24 April 2008. Abgerufen am 22. Januar 2010 
  34. a b Violinists can't tell the difference between Stradivarius violins and new ones. Abgerufen am 3. Januar 2012.
  35. Double-Blind Violin Test: Can You Pick The Strad? Abgerufen am 3. Januar 2012.
  36. Nicholas Wade: In Classic vs. Modern Violins, Beauty Is in Ear of the Beholder In: The New York Times, January 2, 2012 „[Carlyss] likened the test to trying to compare a Ford and a Ferrari in a Walmart parking lot.“ 
  37. Geoffrey Norris: Debunking the Stradivarius Myth. The Telegraph, 10. Februar 2005, abgerufen am 8. August 2009.
  38. Steve Inskeep, Hoffman, Miles: The Sweet Sound of a Stradivarius. National Public Radio (U.S.), 24. Juni 2004, abgerufen am 23. Januar 2009.
  39. Associated Press: Cool weather may be Stradivarius' secret (Memento des Originals vom 13. Mai 2007 im Internet Archive), CNN, 8 December 2003. Abgerufen am 24. Juni 2007 
  40. John Pickrell: Did "Little Ice Age" Create Stradivarius Violins' Famous Tone? In: National Geographic News, 7 January 2004. Abgerufen am 24. Juni 2007 
  41. Rachelle Oblack: 10 Non-Military Historical Events Drastically Changed by the Weather. About.com, 10. März 2008, abgerufen am 11. Juni 2008.
  42. W.H. Hill, Hill, A.F., Hill, A.E.: Antonio Stradivari: His Life and Work. Dover Publications, New York 1963, ISBN 0-486-20425-1 (google.com [abgerufen am 3. Juli 2008]).
  43. Paul Marks: Why do Stradivari's violins sound sublime?, 29 November 2006. Abgerufen am 25. Mai 2008 
  44. Charles Choi: Secrets of the Stradivarius: An Interview with Joseph Nagyvary. In: Scientific American. 10. Juni 2002, abgerufen am 25. Mai 2008.
  45. Texas A&M University. "Secrets Of Stradivarius' Unique Violin Sound Revealed, Professor Says", Science Daily 25 January 2009.
  46. RSNA: Researchers Use CT to Recreate Stradivarius Violin, 28 November 2011. Abgerufen am 28. November 2011 
  47. Stradivarius Violins – Encyclopedia Smithsonian. Retrieved 26 June 2013.