Benutzer:Danhag/Yale technique in endoprothesis

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The "Yale technique" is a special technique for the implantation of an artificial hip joint

Originally developed at Yale University on the East coast of the USA, this new revolutionary gentle operation technique was introduced in the section for orthopaedics and endoprosthetics of Wolfart Clinic in [[Munich]-Gräfelfing by Dr. Robert Kipping and Dr. Konrad Scheurer in 2004. There, patients have been operated on in this way now for more than 3 years regularly.

The unique and innovative aspect of this method is the avoidance of the muscle cut, which was necessary before and the result of which was the limitation of the walking ability for several weeks or months and a long rehabilitation. For this reason, this procedure is not comparable to the ordinary procedure, which separates important muscle segments that stabilise the hip joint. It introduces an absolutely different and new procedure for the implantation of the prosthesis. Patients who were operated applying the the new technique recover rapidly from the surgery and can walk without a limp and often without a crutch already a few days later. Due to the gentle way of operating on the tissue introduced by this procedure, one can renounce at the autohemotransfusion or even at the blood transfusion, which were often necessary before.It is possible to quickly start working again. A further advantage of the new method is represented by the significantly lower postoperative need of pain-relieving pills due to the gentle, tissue-protecting procedure. These results are made possible through the use of a small frontside cut and a small backside cut over the hip joint without separating the functionally important hip musculature. The aftertreatment can be shortened depending on the method used, so that the in-hospital stay can be limited to the phase of the immediately.

The “Yale technique" of implantation represents a reliable procedure with extraordinary advantages for the respective patient. Besides the very gentle, tissue-protecting technique, it permits a quick mobilisation with a fast transition to normal load and an accelerated reintegration of the patient in the professional and private life. Due to the developed technique, the implant can be anchored firmly and the patient can be certain for the prosthesis to have a long life.

[[Category:Surgery]] [[Category:Orthopedic surgery]] [[Category:Surgical procedures]] [[Category:Implants]] [[Category:Prosthetics]]