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Hello Dwalin,
you wrote to Benutzer_Diskussion:Felix_König#question_about_fukushima.
english Wikipedia: Destruction] If so much Knallgas (Oxyhydrogen) arised, this is imo a clear Indiz (engl. evidence, indication, sign, lead) that the Steuerstäbe (Control rod) (in Siedewasserreaktor also called "Steuerelement") are destroyed = no one would call that "damage" or even "partial damage".
Do you think a repair / repairing / reparation of Reactor 3 might be possible ?
Could I convince you that "destroyed" is a proper word to describe the situation / state / status of reactor 3 ? --Neun-x 13:07, 14. Mär. 2011 (CET)
"delete now" - you didn't answer my questions. :-|