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Babel – Benutzerinformationen
en-au This bloke/Shiela picked up Australian as a tot.
simple-3 This user has advanced knowledge of Simple English.
de-2 Dieser Benutzer beherrscht Deutsch auf fortgeschrittenem Niveau.
yi-1 דער באניצער האט א גרונטיקע ידיעה אין יידיש.
ar-1 هذا المستخدم لديه معرفة أساسية بالعربية.
ur-1 یہ صارف اردو کا بنیادی علم رکھتا ہے۔
hi-1 इस सदस्य को हिन्दी का प्राथमिक ज्ञान है।
he-0 משתמש זה אינו מבין עברית (או מבין אותה בקשיים ניכרים).
bar-0 Der Benutzer kå koah Boarisch néd (óder er vasteets netter mid gscheide Schwiarigkeiten).
de-CH-0 Dieser Benutzer beherrscht Schweizer Hochdeutsch nicht (oder versteht es nur mit beträchtlichen Schwierigkeiten).
gsw-0 Dää Benutzer cha kei Alemannisch (oder verstoht s nume mit greschte Schwirigkeite).
Benutzer nach Sprache
en This user is a native speaker of English.
en-au This bloke/Shiela picked up Australian as a tot.

de-2 Diese Person hat fortgeschrittene Deutschkenntnisse.
hi-1 यह सदस्य हिन्दी भाषा का प्रारंभिक ज्ञान रखते हैं।
اس کاربر کواردوزبانابتدائطور پر معلوم ہے۔
هذا المستخدم يتحدث اللغة العربية بشكل بسيط.

I dabble in many languages, but the only language I can clearly communicate in is English. I am willing to try to use German here, but I suspect most German speaking editors would prefer clear English to my muddled German? I understand German fairly well if it's about a topic I'm familiar with, but I'm far less skilled at writing in German because the grammar is much more complex than English, and I recognize far more German words than I can spell intelligibly.

Simple English Wikipedia: irtapil
Englisch Wikipedia: irtapil

Memrise: irtapil

🐠 Big Babel [Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

en‑N Australian & UK Englisch

Native speaker with wide a weird mix of strengths and weaknesses in written communication. I can't spell, but i think this is just because English spelling is ridiculous. I use too many long words AND too much slang. I often do non-standard things, like lowercase "i" for the pronoun, but usually it's deliberate. I'll use capital "i" in the middle of a sentence when more fonts make it not look like baby "L".

en‑4.0 USA Englisch

Ich hasse "colour" und "centre" schreiben am englisch Wikipedia.

de‑1.5 Deutsch I know enough to get things delivered from Germany without switching the website language to English, but if i need to contact customer service I apologetically eMail in English.


I started learning Yiddish in August 2023 because the resemblance to German meant I could play with a new script without needing to learn much more vocabulary…

cbr/> العربية

… but a couple of months later… Arabic was seeming a lot more useful… particularly for watching the news.
arz‑0 مصری
ur‑0.1 Urdu
I can read the script for the names of people and places and English loan words, but not much else, I have a very small and patchy vocab.
hi‑0.1 Hindi
I can read Devanagari for the names of people and places and English loan words, but not much else.
0.01 viele andere
Yiddish יידיש Jiddisch
Turkish Türkçe Türkisch
Maltese Malti Maltesische
Sicillian sicilianu Sizilianische
Italian italiano Italienisch
Russian русский язык Russisch
Tajiki тоҷикӣ Tadschikische
Farsi فارسی Persische
Punjabi پنجابی Panjabi

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