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Für den Unterricht an den Grundschulen (primary school) gilt der Grundschullehrplan von 1999 (Primary School Curriculum). Der Lehrplan wird vom National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (Nationaler Lehrplan- und Prüfungsausschuß) herausgegeben. Die Gestaltung und Ausübung des Religionsunterrichtes obliegt den kirchlichen Einrichtungen, die an den jeweiligen Schulen unterrichten und sind im Lehrplan nicht geregelt.

Von 1929 - 1967 wurde die Grundschule mit einer Abschlußprüfung, der Primary Certificate Examination, abgeschlossen. Mit dem ersten Grundschullehrplan von 1971 änderte sich dies, jedoch werden weiterhin informelle stadardisierte Tests durchgeführt.

Die Grundschule wird für eine Dauer von acht Jahren besucht. Das erste (junior infants) und zweite Jahr (senior infants) entspricht dem Kindergarten. Danach werden die Klassen 1 bis 6 durchlaufen.

Primary education is generally completed at a gaelscoil, multidenominational school, or national school. Some Multidenominational schools and gaelscoileanna are actually national schools themselves. However, despite the various types of primary school in existence, the parent often has little or no choice in choosing the type of school appropriate for the child, due to a lack of choice of type of school available in the locality. This is becoming an issue in areas with a lot of immigration, where there are increasing numbers of non-Catholic families but only Catholic-ethos schools available. Where Catholic schools are oversubscribed, parents have been asked to produce a baptismal certificate to prove the child is Catholic [1].

  • National schools date back to the introduction of state primary education in the mid-19th century. They are usually controlled by a board of management under diocesan patronage and often include a local clergyman. The term national school has of late become partly synonymous with primary school in some parts.
  • While Gaelteacht areas have always had Irish language National and Secondary schools, Gaelscoileanna are a very recent innovation, started only late in the 20th century. The Irish language is the working language in these schools and they can now be found countrywide. They differ from Irish-language National Schools in that most are under the patronage of a voluntary organisation, Foras Pátrúnachta na Scoileanna Lán-Ghaeilge, rather than a diocesan patronage.
  • Multidenominational schools are another recent innovation. They are generally under the patronage of a non-profit limited company without share capital. They are often opened due to parental demand and students from all religions and backgrounds are welcome. Many are under the patronage of a voluntary organisation, Educate Together. At least one proposed school has been approved under the patronage of the regional VEC, who generally run vocational secondary schools (see below).

Secondary education

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Most students attend and complete secondary education, with approximately ninety percent of school-leavers taking the terminal examination, the Leaving Certificate. Secondary education is generally completed at a community school, a comprehensive school, a vocational school or a voluntary secondary school.

In urban areas, there is great freedom in choosing the type of school the child will attend. The education system emphasis at second level is as much on breadth as on depth; the system attempts to prepare the individual for society and further education or work. This is similar to the education system in Scotland.

In Nov 2006,for the first time, all 720 secondary schools were profiled in a book by Colm Murphy and Daniel McConnell. The Sunday Times Guide to Secondary Schools in Ireland, a Definitive Guide for Parents was launched despite stiff opposition from the teachers unions and the Department of Education. The book went on to be a best-seller.

Types of programme

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The document Rules and Programme for Secondary Schools published by the Department of Education and Science sets out the minimum standards of education required at this level. Examinations are overseen by the State Examinations Commission. Additional documents set out the standard in each element, module or subject.

  • The Junior Cycle builds on the education received at primary level and culminates with the Junior Certificate Examination. The Junior Certificate Examination is taken after three years of study and not before fourteen years of age.
  • The Transition Year is a one-year informal course which is taken by an increasing number of students. The content of this is left to the school to model on the local needs often focusing on work placement and related projects.
  • The Senior Cycle builds on the junior cycle and culminates with the Leaving Certificate Examination. The Leaving Certificate Examination is taken after at least two years of study after the Junior Certificate Examination.

Therefore, a typical secondary school will consist of First to Third Year (with the Junior Cert. at the end of Third), the usually optional Transition Year (though compulsory in some schools), and Fifth and Sixth Year (with the Leaving Cert. at the end of Sixth).

Higher education

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Higher (or third-level) education awards in Ireland are conferred by Dublin City University, Dublin Institute of Technology, Higher Education and Training Awards Council, National University of Ireland, University of Dublin and University of Limerick. These are the degree-awarding authorities approved by the Irish Government and can grant awards at all academic levels. The King's Inns of Dublin has a limited role in education specialising in the preparation of candidates for the degree of barrister-at-law to practice as barristers.

Some colleges are constituent or linked colleges of universities, whilst others are designated institutions of the Higher Education and Training Awards Council. The latter include the Institutes of Technology, Colleges of Education, and other independent colleges. Some colleges have delegated authority from the Higher Education and Training Awards Council, this allows them to confer and validate awards in their own name.

Some institutions such as the University of Limerick and Dublin City University have completed a process of modularizing their courses (others are still in a transition phase), mostly using the ECTS. The Bologna process and applied research are the current concerns of national educational policy, additional concerns include the structures of the National University of Ireland and Trinity College, Dublin.

The Marks & Standards document, offered by most institutions, can be consulted for information on the range and criteria set down for awards, while programme specifications offer additional information. In contrast to practice in the rest of the education system, entry tends to be highly competitive for school leavers; the so called "Points Race". In 2001 the percentage of school leavers transferring to third level exceeded 50% for the first time, as of 2005 it is in excess of 55% and expected to grow at approximately 1% per annum for the next decade.

Under the "Free Fees Initiative" the Exchequer will pay the tuition fees of students who meet relevant course, nationality and residence requirements as set down under the initiative. A "registration fee" of approximately €800, at the start of the academic year, is payable on most courses; this fee is intended to cover student examinations, registration and services.

All but two of the seven universities in the Republic of Ireland offer "open" (omnibus entry) Bachelor of Arts degrees through the CAO where the student can choose their specialisation after their first year of study. The two universities that do not offer "open" (omnibus entry) arts degrees, (Trinity College, Dublin and Dublin City University) do still offer Bachelor of Arts degrees in specific areas of study such as Drama Studies, Journalism, Latin, History, Japanese and International Relations. In one, (Trinity College, Dublin, the student wishing to do an arts degree must apply to the college naming a viable combination of two "arts" subjects, such as French and Philosophy, and in the final year the student must choose one of the two to focus solely on. Dublin City University's de facto omnibus entry arts degree is offered by St. Patrick's College of Education (a college of DCU) and is titled "BA in Humanities".

Ortelius levels

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The subdegree awards still maintain an important and respected position in Ireland. The pattern of academic degrees is similar to that found in most other English-speaking countries: Bachelor's degree at first level, Master's degree, and Doctorate.

Designatory titles and the abbreviations used for degrees generally follow international style, particularly American and British. Since most Bachelor's and Master's degrees are awarded with honours the abbreviations do not include this distinction - thus Hons is never used.

Ortelius level 1

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The Certificate (HETAC) is a one-year course and is generally an introductory, foundation or skills-based qualification. It is awarded exclusively by the Higher Education and Training Awards Council (HETAC). The certificate will not be awarded after June 2006.

Traditionally, the National Certificate (NCert) and National Diploma (NDip) have been by far the most common awards at this level and cover a wide variety of disciplines. It was announced in July 2004 that these awards would be replaced by the Higher Certificate and Ordinary Bachelor Degree respectively in 2005.

Ortelius level 2

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The Ordinary Bachelor Degree, a three year ab initio course, is generally only offered by the University of Dublin or a College of Education; usually a Bachelor in Arts or Bachelor of Education respectively.

The Honours Bachelor Degree, generally a three or four year ab initio course, is offered in a wide variety of disciplines, including the arts, business, engineering, law, medicine, and science, and is offered by default in many colleges and all universities.

Ortelius level 3

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The Graduate Diploma or Higher diploma is a taught course often requiring a research dissertation. The course is often offered as a reorientation or professional qualification required for entry into professions such as teaching or other professions requiring the acquisition of new skills after graduation.

The Master's degree is awarded as either a research or a taught degree, or a combination of both. It is often awarded after the completion of a Bachelor's Degree or a Graduate Diploma and takes between one and three years. Unusually the degree is generally awarded at honours level.

The Doctorate degree is generally offered after original research. The most common is the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Some degrees are particularly indigenous such as the Degree of Doctor of Celtic Studies which is offered by the National University of Ireland.

Further education

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Further education was for many years the "poor relation" of education. There were many different, often poorly defined, awards offered by a multitude of bodies, both ad-hoc and statutory. Typical areas included apprenticeships, childcare, farming, retail, and tourism. These are typically areas of the economy that do not depend on multinational investment and recognition.

The Further Education and Training Awards Council confers awards in the extra-university system. Further education has expanded immensely in recent years helped by the institutions, and because of this the type and range of these awards have been formalized to restore confidence.

  1. Irish Independent [1], April 2, 2007