Benutzer:Moinumourir/Chinagirl Tile

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Chinagirl Tile

As many street artists Chinagirl Tile also keeps a hidden identity. Even though the tiles are attached in wall and environmental friendly ways she still believes that it is best not to be known by her real name.

Chinagirl Tile is a street artist who works with glazed ceramic tiles. Her first works appeared in 20010 and can be found in urban areas or rural environments. Most of the tiles are attached to built walls but they can also be found on rocks or wooden objects far away from any man made structure. Although the first tiles were just the size of a hand and glazed "candy white" the new designs soon grew bigger, started to show more detail and also appear in a broader color variety or different pottery burning techniques.

The first candy white glazed tiles were meant to add a new structure to the wall. It was part of the concept that the three dimensional tiles would sooner or later be spray over by other artists and therefore become a part of the new artwork, they would just leave a ghost behind. [1]

The new bigger works are often glazed in more than one colour and so it seems that they are not meant to be sprayed on.

The tiles can be found all over the world in cities like Vienna, Berlin or London, but you can also find them at unexpected places like beaches and natural forests in New Zealand, Scotland or Korea.

All the works are hand produced in small editions and every edition has its own name. Tiles belonging to one edition might vary in colour or burning technique. Recent works were entitled as:

  • "I stole Banksy"
  • "bullet"
  • "brainbugs"
  • "I`m a virus"
  • "Virus"
  • "Phage"
  • "Bambie"
  • "Architeuthis"
  • "die Sterne"
  • "gold fish"

World map featuring pictures and locations of the tiles.
