
aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie
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  • meditation or meditating is a tool or a way to come to a balanced way of consciousness
  • is a mental discipline by which one attempts to get into a deeper state of relaxation or awareness
  • often involves turning attention to a single point of reference
  • is practised outside religion and as a component of almost all religions
  • has been practised for over 5,000 years
  • means spiritual and/or psychophysical practices, which may emphasize achievement of
    • a higher state of consciousness
    • creativity
    • self-awareness
    • simply a more relaxed and peaceful frame of mind
    • some inner silence
  • meditation for starters:
    • 2-5 Minutes is a good thing
    • a calm place and something to focus on, candle/ flower/ a spot on the wall
    • sit upright in a comfy position
    • put your arms and hands easy on your legs
    • close your eyes(or not)
    • Breath in slowly – breath out calm and count 1 (in your head)
    • Breath in slowly – breath out calm and count 2 (in your head)
    • Breath in slowly – breath out calm and count 3 (in your head)
    • count until 10
    • then restart counting from 1 to 10
    • do this in a loop as long as you can and feel comfy
  • each one has to find his/her own best way of meditation, e.g.:
    • lying on the back on the bed
    • gardening or painting or music or potting

  • Is meditating being without thoughts?
  • Is meditation a matter of feeling?
  • Do you see the things clearer after meditation?
  • Is relaxation the goal of meditaton
    • or feeling happy in this world
    • or is the goal to have no goal?
  • How important is religion in meditation?
  • Does meditation need a certaiin degree of intelligence?
  • Can also children meditate?