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  • making a decision before becoming aware of the relevant facts of a case
  • frequently any unreasonable attitude that is unusually resistant to rational influence
  • there are "good" and "bad" prejudices
  • prejudices are often depending on what society you live in
  • the result of a prejudice often is unfairness
  • maybe a prejudice is right - then you have real experience to back up the prejudice
  • if prejudice merely creates fear it is probably never helpful, but if it creates caution it may be helpful
  • prejudice is a prejudgment: without evidence it is bad – with evidence it is good judgment or pre-knowledge
  • stereotypes and prejudices must always be tested to check, if they are right
  • facts are no prejudices
  • generalisations and prejudices are not synonymous
  • implie a level of unfairness
  • common prejudices define groups
  • prejudices often result in discrimination

prejudices can

    • be a big barrier
    • cause unrealistic expectations
    • keep chances away from yourself and from other people
    • limit your decisions
  • prejudices are based on
    • patterns, taught by our surroundings
    • assumptions
    • generalisations
    • own experiences or experiences of other people
    • ignorance
  • a lack of information
  • many forms and types of prejudice:
    • Cognitive Prejudice: refers to what people believe is true.
    • Affective Prejudice: refers to what people like and dislike.
    • Conative Prejudice: refers to how people are inclined to behave