Benutzer:S.ludwig/Second Life

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  • bietet Distanz und man kann sich hinter seinem Avatar verstecken
  • ermöglicht gleichzeitige Unterhaltungen mit mehreren Personen über grosse Entfernung

  • ich bin abhängig von elektrischer Energie
  • ich brauche einen Datenspeicher (PC oder Zentralrechner), auf dem meine persönlichen Daten gespeichert sind
  • mein Lebensbereich ist zur Zeit noch begrenzt auf die virtuelle Realität
  • Ich kann
    • sekundenschnell mit Hilfe von Teleport an jedes virtuelle Ziel reisen wann und wohin ich will
    • romantische Plätze besuchen oder meine eigene Idylle erschaffen
    • mein Aussehen selbst gestalten
    • mein Lebensalter selbst wählen ohne zu altern
    • Freunde und Gesprächspartner auf der ganzen Welt kennen lernen
    • mir die gewünschten Tages- oder Nachtzeiten selbst aussuchen
    • einfach mal ausspannen, träumen und first life vergessen
  • ich werde
    • nicht krank und habe keine Schmerzen
    • nicht müde oder erschöpft
    • nicht hungrig oder durstig
  • Freundschaften
    • sind oft nur von kurzer Dauer

  • SL allows people to live out their fantasies safely
  • in second life people get involved. It is not "just" pixels
  • maybe you have really close SL friendships and when the people quit playing they are just gone. You do not know who they are.
  • some people
    • see SL as an extension of RL therefoe they give other people some kind of RL contact info in Profile, and add their e-mail address to First Life section
    • have FirstLife and SL completely separate
  • a sim, island can die because the owner stops being active (no events, bad management, lack of money), which sometimes cost a lot of energy
  • many people put a lot of effort into SL
  • if you do not want to see not go there

  • sl provides
    • distance, you can hide behind an avatar
    • synchronous multi-person conversations at distance
    • possibility to try out ideas which would not be possible in the real world
  • sl is
    • safe, no real face and identity
    • the illusion of perfection
    • social interaction
    • a window to a diverse array of cultural expression
    • an extension of RL... a way to socialize in ways I could not afford to do in RL or that I would not otherwise have time to do
    • like licking ice-cream through glass (?)
    • an emotional investment if you take it seriously, understanding that behind every avatar is a person
  • in sl
    • visuals and sense of reality give confidence
    • groups appear to form more quickly than they do in real life
    • groups have the facility to put forward and vote on proposals
    • there are no real physical attacks
    • we can communicate as equals with no attention to race, class, looks, nationality, disability, age, etc
    • people (Avatars) often disappear or change their identity (new Avatar-name and new outfit)
    • people can continue living in sl-cyberspace after first-life-death
    • you can chat, explore or go shopping
    • there is a lack of the ability to touch, to smell things
    • you have beside only text, also an avatar that you can make as you like, to express your entity
    • there are
      • funerals
      • weddings
      • pregnancies and childbirth
  • in sl you can
    • create, script and interact with virtual objects as an individual or as a group
    • make perfect beauty without mistakes
    • make snapshots (see flickr)
    • make movies (see YouTube)
    • hear music tracks
    • create virtual buildings, plants, animals, landscapes
    • create gestures and animotions by scripting
    • practice virtual sex = safe sex
    • control the weather,
    • live for ever
    • make things out of nothing
    • be any one or any thing and explore all corners

  • in the future
    • we will live in both worlds
      • second life as our future virtual world
      • and in the „real“ world
    • there will be a human/brain - machine interface
    • there will be development of holography in sl to show 3D pictures
    • the webcam can project the real face on the avatar
    • imagination together with physical stimulation will be realized

1. What limitations do you encounter in Second Life?
2. What will be the future for Second Life?
3. Who are you - your Avatar in secondlife or your real biological person?
4. Where do you live - somewhere in secondlife or in so called real life?
5. Where do you prefer to live?
6. Is it important for you - who is behind the avatar
6.1 Gender - the same gender as the avatar
6.2 Age - how old is the human behind the avatar
7. What type of place in secondlife do you call HOME? Or do you need one?