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ECOVIS AG Steuerberatungsgesellschaft


Ecovis is a German corporation headquartered in Berlin, capital of Germany. It is one of the biggest German consultancies for mid tier companies. Their services are legal, audit, tax and management consultancy. The company supervises and advises family enterprises as well as freelancers and private citizens.

According to the information of the company Ecovis gives advice and supports 20,000 commercial clients. Target groups are private citizens, self-employed persons, small and middle companies and corporations. Their professional knowledge includes notably agriculture, forestry, health economy (physicians, hospitals, medical service centers, pharmaceutical companies, pharmacies) and family enterprises.

The company is represented in over 50 countries like the US, China, India and European countries. It has more than 200 offices.

  1. Ecovis "Unternehmensdaten", abgerufen am 27. August 2012 (