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Halo. Ich bin Mauro, Italienisch, ich nicht spachen ganz deutch. Mi sono loggato qui per la prima volta sperando che i miei impegni mi consentissero di migliorare il tedesco almeno a livello di potere contribuire in qualche modo. Purtroppo i miei impegni hanno cambiato le cose e quindi mi spiace se ho fatto solo qualche edit, le speranze però non finiscono mai.

I have experienced technical problems logging into my account, therefore i confide in your patience before i get started here in a 
bigger way. The question that seems to have arisen here is, why did you create an account if you know so little German? There maybe 
some reasons after all: 
  1. Contribute in a technical (non-linguistic) capacity (which does not necessarily require a proficiency in German)
  2. Using German-language resources to improve my German and my knowledge of German culture.
  3. Bringing that knowledge to my own work on Wikipedia and Wikimedia projects

