Diskussion:George A. Baer

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George A. Baer war mein Vater. Weil Ich main Deutch fast vergessen habe, schreibe Ich weiter in English. Sorry. There are some errors in the inforamtion about George Baer. George Baer was born of German parents in Hoboken, NJ (USA) on 14 April 1903 and died in Chapel Hill, NC on 24 July 1994. He moved with his family in 1904 back to Wiesbaden,where he grew up in his mother's family, the Hahn family. His grandfather owned "eine Ziegel Fabrik". He studied bookbinding in Germany, mainly in Berlin. During the 1920's he obtained a position in Greece where he taught bookbinding for 3 or 4 years. Upon his return to Germany in the late 1920's or early 1930's, he had difficulties in finding a position because his father was Jewish. As a result, he moved to Switzerland and openend his own bookbinding shop. He married Marta Lena Guyer, who was a Swiss artist. After the war, in 1949, he moved to the Chicago area where he worked at the Cuneo press, where Leonard Mounteney was the supervisor of a two person hand bindery. He did not learn bookbinding from Mounteney, rather they worked as equals. In 1971, he retired from the Cuneo Press, and moved to Chapel Hill, NC where he built a log cabin in the country. He continued to bind books, and also gave book binding lessons at the University of North Caroliona. A collection of his fine bindings is located in the rare book room of the University of North Carolina library. The last 8 years of his life, he lived with us in Chapel Hill, and died in our house in 1994 at the age of 91. Tomas Baer Chapel Hill, NC (nicht signierter Beitrag von (Diskussion) 23:21, 30. Jun. 2015 (CEST))Beantworten