Diskussion:Théâtre du Soleil

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Die Auflehnung gegen 'den Muff der 1000 Jahre' in den spaeten 60ern finde ich schon eine nicht unwichtige Betrachtung zum Entstehen des Theatre du Soleil, sie sollte auch dem deutschen Leser zugaenglich sein. Nachstehend der Text aus Wikipedia english.

Falls es keinen Translater gibt kann ich das gerne machen.

Artur -- 18:20, 12. Aug. 2014 (CEST)Beantworten

Sociohistorical context

The Theatre du Soleil was founded as a theatre collective in 1964, in the midst of cultural turmoil that was sweeping the western world.[1] With the capitalist west and the Communist east locked in the midst of the Cold War, nuclear warfare was imminent while the whole of Europe was slowly recovering from the destruction of World War II. In 1965 Charles de Gaulle was re-elected President of France in the first election with universal suffrage. 1968, a watershed year for protests and turmoil around the world, was characterized by rebellion against conventional culture, huge political demonstrations, and labor strikes in France involving 11 million workers, students, and far-left politicians.[1] It was in the middle of this period of uncertainty, changing cultural attitudes, and disillusionment that Mnouchkine, a student in Paris, started Le Theatre du Soleil with her peers who were interested in creating original theatre.

Joh ... das Entscheidende bei solchen Übernahmen ist immer die Quelle, also nicht etwa en.WP, sondern hier The Independent, 23 February 2008. Soweit bin ich dafür Gruß --Logo 18:25, 12. Aug. 2014 (CEST)Beantworten