Although it's been three years since I last had a meal there, I've been to the restaurant portion many times over the previous fifteen years and have walked through the hostel. Both of which are spotless and friendly. As a dining experience, it is a particular nice place for a stroll, a few drinks, and meal in the Spring and Fall. Food, service and price point are just fine. It's an impressive place - especially with the right fellow traveler - to share a special evening and a fine view. From the tower there is a great panorama of pastoral German valleys and villages. I have never spent the night or done a days hiking there however, I would enjoy doing both and think that it would be very pleasant to do. My suggestion would be to take someone special there for the afternoon; pack your camera, iPODs, Beethoven’s Symphony No. 6 in F major "Pastoral". Opus 69; enjoy each other, a fine walk, great views and supper; get lucky, have breakfast and then start the whole process over again for at least a day or so. Martin McKenzie - smailfromu@yahoo.com
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