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Modul: Dokumentation

Sort/cellNum – Module with functions for generation of sortable number values in tables and for advanced number formatting.

Functions for templates

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Format number.
Parameters of template transclusion around:
Parameters of #invokeall optional:
(Base) Number (mantissa)
Typographic minus sign permitted.
Dot . as decimal separator expected, but local project decimal separator is valid as well.
Machine readable format 1.234E56 for exponential representation (base 10) is also possible. This will trigger presentation with the same exponential number.
Grouping (thousands or other) separator not recommended, since disambiguous interpretation may occur. Dot . as decimal separator will precede.
Default: 0
Exponent (to the power of ten).
Integer number expected.
Typographic minus sign permitted.
This will trigger presentation with exponential number (so-called “scientific notation”).
Short prefix.
Appended to value without line break; normal whitespace.
Positive Values (including zero) presented with preceding plus sign.
Short postfix.
Appended to value without line break; normal whitespace.
Attempt to align decimal separators based on left or right edge.
Positive integer number: Count of digits following decimal separator to align (for left-to-right scripting: right-aligned).
Negative integer number: Count of digits preceding the value (for left-to-right scripting: left-aligned).
If 1 then precede required table syntax for sortable number values.
Otherwise create <span> if necessary.
Universal attribute: space separated list of class names
Universal attribute: CSS declaration
URL and quotation marks " are not permitted.
Universal attribute: fragment ID
Universal attribute: language code
Only if not matching page language
Universal attribute: writing direction, either ltr or rtl
Only if not matching page language
Page name of a TemplateStyles page, for general formatting
Page name of a TemplateStyles page, for formatting with exponential numbers
Returns: Wikitext.
  • On invalid input an error message will be returned.
Version ID: 2024-06-01
optional parameter 1 – required version, or keyword wikidata or keyword ~
  • empty, if minimal version condition not matched
  • local version otherwise, or registered version on Wikidata (2024-06-01) when keyword wikidata
  • empty, if keyword ~ and a registered version on Wikidata is the same as local; otherwise local version ID ()
  • Always typographic minus sign.
  • Always local project decimal separator.
  • Grouping separator (thousands or other) symbol according to local project customization.
  • Multiplication sign between mantissa and 10 according to local project customization and might be improved against · which is difficult to recognized.
Parameter format
  • Both simple ASCII and typographic minus sign possible.
  • Both dot or local project decimal separator possible.
  • Syntax error in input(e.g. n-dash rather than typographic minus, or letter „O“ than digit zero) will be marked.
  • Preceding text or typographic minus sign do not influence sorting order.
  • All cells with simple figures or other templates in family can be combined.
  • It will be tried to arrange decimal separators one below the other integrated for the entire column.
  • For each cell in column the same position is provided, and the individual whitespace to be probaly inserted for each cell and number will be computed.
Copy & Paste
On copy & paste of single numbers or entire tables the local project optical presentation will be replaced by machine-readable international data format. That does permit to insert easily values into other templates or external calculation programs:
  • ASCII hyphen rather than typographic minus sign
  • Dot as decimal separator
  • No (thousands) grouping
Rather than the term ×10 the letter E will be copied, which yields to a common format for many programming languages.

Functions for Lua modules (API)

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All functions described above can be used by other modules:

local lucky, Sort = pcall( require, "Module:Sort/cellNum" )
if type( Sort ) == "table" then
    Sort = Sort.Sort()
    -- failure; Sort is the error message
    return "<span class=\"error\">" .. Sort .. "</span>"

Subsequently there are available:

Reduce enhanced JSON data to strict JSON and analyse for errors.
  • arglist – table with parameters; as for f
    Components, every string will get trimmed:
    • n – number|string; parsed as in template
    • exp – number|string; parsed as in template
    • pre – string
    • plus – boolean|string
      • string – parsed as in template; 1true
    • post – string
    • pad – number|string
    • cell – string|boolean|table
      • string – parsed as in template; 1true
      • tablemw.html object, which will be attributed and filled with content.
    • class – string
    • style – string|table, plain code or property name mapping
    • id – string
    • lang – string
    • dir – string
    • cssNum – string|title
    • cssNumExp – string|title
    • frame – object with frame, if at hand; otherwise nil
returns: string with wikitext or attribution of cell object
Version ID
  • atleast
    nil or required version or "~" or "wikidata"
returns: string or false


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  • Sort/cell – Library with basic functions on table attributes

Internationalisation and local project adaption

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The module is working for all languages and number formattings, even for right -to-left scripting. Grouping (thousands or other) is derived automatically from local project; mostly 3, but some cultures use 4 or 5.

Adaption to local decimal separator and adaption of (thousands) grouping separator is to be done by TemplateStyles:

A second one is configuring multiplication sign and 10n appearance:

Local page names can be provided via cssNum and cssNumExp assignments.