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"Projekt" kleine Parteien (Frankreich) In der Nationalversammlung sitzen zahlreiche Vertreter von kleinen Parteien, die sich den vorhandenen Fraktionen angeschlossen haben:

... soweit von besonderem Interesse.


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"traditional Conservative heartlands such as Rushmoor in Hampshire (now Labour) or Tunbridge Wells in Kent (now Liberal Democrat)." Sollen die Konservativen zurückgewinnen. Sagt "Gavin Barwell, "prime minister Theresa May’s chief of staff and Croydon Central MP" im Guardian

Progress at a price

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L. und der Wahlsieg, die ersten Analysen: "Rob Ford, a professor of politics at the University of Manchester, said: “The Labour strategy was to do better in parts of the country they had lost since 2016: leave areas, more rural areas, more Tory areas, whiter areas. They have done better across the board in all those areas.”

But, he added: “They also have seen trouble brewing up on their left flank. There has been a substantial loss of support in heavily Muslim areas and they are going backwards a bit in progressive areas and areas with students. It is progress at a price.”

The political scientist James Dennison, an expert on the Greens, said: “It looks like a great result [in the local elections]. Let’s see the number of seats but this probably means further establishment of the party at the local level and thus a basis for geographically focused Westminster campaigns. The clear Muslim shift to the Greens is another social group to add to their electoral coalition – environmentalists, protest voters, Corbynistas, [and the] economically struggling in certain historic Tory safe seats.”

.. und Milliardäre: Bolloré, kennt man, aber Pierre-Edouard Stérin kennt man nicht. Politisch rechts bis rechtsetrem, will "Marianne" kaufen.