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"[...] we found out that our region had very similar tradition so called Kalaka: it’s a community volunteer work that took place mainly in rural areas, where people just came together and helped each other to build houses, to harvest and so on, they put together their forces and relations to create something, and this is a very strong tradition in our area."[1] + Urban Kalaka, Stiftungen, Plattformen, ... [2] [3]

Kaláka (Band): "Siehe auch" oder Anfangs-Baustein?


[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]
  1. An insight on the development of the social sector in Romania – Fondazione Lang Italia. Abgerufen am 7. Februar 2024 (it-IT).
  2. Béla Gunda, Thomas A. Sebeok: Work and Cult among the Hungarian Peasants. In: Southwestern Journal of Anthropology. Band 3, Nr. 2, Juli 1947, ISSN 0038-4801, S. 147–163, doi:10.1086/soutjanth.3.2.3628730 ( [abgerufen am 7. Februar 2024]).
  3. Zoltan Hajdu: Heute gibt es bei uns Kaláka. In: oya - enkeltauglich leben. 2017, abgerufen am 7. Februar 2024.