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monit ist eine freie, Open Source Processüberwachungssoftware für Unix and Linux. Mit monit kann der Systemstatus direkt auf der Kommandozeile oder über einen nativen HTTP(S) Webserver angezeigt werden. Monit rose to popularity with Ruby on Rails and the Mongrel web server, because a tool was needed that could manage the many identical mongrel processes that needed to be run to support a scalable Ruby on Rails site, and monit was fairly uniquely suited for the needs of the Ruby on Rails community.[1]

Monit is licensed under the GPL and is written in C.

Many popular Rails sites have used "monit", including: twitter[2] and scribd.[3]

M/Monit, a purchased software distributed by the creators of monit (Tildeslash LTD) expands upon the capabilities of monit, providing multi-host monitoring and analysis from within one web interface.

  1. Ruby on Rails author talks about monit and mongrel (Memento vom 4. Dezember 2008 im Internet Archive)
  2. Unicorn Power (Memento vom 4. April 2010 im Internet Archive)