Benutzer:Shi Annan/Liga dos Escuteiros de Moçambique

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Vorlage:Short description Vorlage:Infobox WorldScouting

The Liga dos Escuteiros de Moçambique (LEMO), the national Scouting organization of Mozambique, was founded in 1994, and became a member of the World Organization of the Scout Movement in 1999.[1] The coeducational Liga dos Escuteiros de Moçambique has 31,108 members as of 2017,[2] with most members located in the major cities. The National Chief Scout Leonardo Adamowicz is from Poland, hence the Liga dos Escuteiros de Moçambique uniform is similar to the Polish uniform, adopted to climate differences. The similarities between the Mozambican Scout emblem and the Polish Scout lilijka may readily be noted, as well. The "D H P" in the emblem stands for Deus Honra Pátria, God Honor Country.

Mozambique hosted the 5th African Jamboree in 2006,[3] and was expected to host the cancelled World Scout Moot in 2008. The association is a member of the Comunidade do Escutismo Lusófono (Community of Lusophone Scouting).

Scout games in Beira, 1930

The association is divided in four sections corresponding to age:[4]

Scout Motto

The Scout Motto is Sempre Pronto, Be Prepared, in Portuguese.[4]

Scout Promise[4]

Tenho toda a vontade de oferecer a minha Pátria
Tudo de melhor que eu tenho e sei;
Toda minha força e vida;
Ajudar aos necessitados;
Lutar pela unidade nacional;
Cumprir a Lei do Escuteiro;
Ser disciplinado e útil na sociedade;
Deus me ajude;Sempre Pronto!

Scout Law[4]
  • Escuteiro é verdadeiro e sua Palavra é sagrada.
  • O Escuta é leal.
  • O Escuta é prestavel e pratica diariamente uma boa acção.
  • O Escuta é amigo de todos e irmão de todos os outros escutas.
  • O Escuta é cortes.
  • O Escuta protege as plantas e os animais.
  • O Escuta é obediente.
  • O Escuta é alegre e sorri perante as dificuldades.
  • O Escuta é sóbrio, económico e respeitador do bem alheio.
  • O Escuta é puro nos pensamentos, nas palavras e nas acções.


Vorlage:WOSM {{DEFAULTSORT:Liga dos Escuteiros de Mocambique}} [[Category:World Organization of the Scout Movement member organizations]] [[Category:Scouting and Guiding in Mozambique]] [[Category:Youth organizations established in 1960]] [[Category:1960 establishments in Mozambique]]

  1. Mozambique to celebrate "Scout Cultural Heritage". World Organization of the Scout Movement, archiviert vom Original am 5. Dezember 2008; abgerufen am 30. Januar 2009.
  2. Triennal review: Census as at 1 December 2017. World Organization of the Scout Movement, archiviert vom Original am 8. Mai 2012; abgerufen am 13. Januar 2011.
  3. 13th Africa Scout Conference Report. (PDF) World Organization of the Scout Movement, abgerufen am 30. Januar 2009. (Seite dauerhaft nicht mehr abrufbar, festgestellt im Dezember 2017.)
  4. a b c d Liga dos Escuteiros de Moçambique: Quem somos nós ?!