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Hugh Binning (*1627; †1653) war ein schottischer Philosoph und Theologe. Geboren während der Regierungszeit von Karl I. und gestorben während der Herrschaft von Oliver Cromwell während des Commonwealth of England (1649 bis 1660) durchlebte Binning die turbulenten Zeiten der Reformation und Gegenreformation auf den britischen Inseln.

Hugh Binning war der Sohn von John Binning aus Dalvennan, Straiton, und Margaret M'Kell, der Tochter eines Pfarrers.[1][2] Binning wurde auf dem Besitz seines Vaters in Dalvennan, Straiton im Ayrshire geboren. Die Familie besaß weitere Ländereien in den Pfarreien Straiton und Colmonell außerdem noch in Maybole und in Carrick.[3] Mit dreizehn Jahren nahm Binning sein Studium der Philosophie an der University of Glasgow auf. 1645 zog sich der spätere James Dalrymple, 1. Viscount of Stair von der Professur für Philosophie in Glasgow zurück. Auf die schottlandweite Ausschreibung bewarben sich drei Männer um die Nachfolge, darunter auch der viel zu junge und nicht adelige Binning. Allerdings wurde Binning aus der Fakultät unterstützt, die als Auswahlkriterium einen improvisierten Vortrag der Kandidaten vorschlugen. Nach der Rede von Binning zogen sich die Mitbewerber von der Kandidatur zurück und Hugh Binning wurde zum Professor für Philosophie berufen.[4] Er war 18 Jahre alt.[4]

Am 7. Februar 1648, Hugh war 21 Jahre alt, wurde er als Rechtsanwalt vor dem Court of Sessions zugelassen. Im gleichen Jahr heiratete Binning Barbara Simpson, die Tochter des irischen Geistlichen James Simpson, gelegentlich auch als Mary Simpson erwähnt. 1650 wurde der jungen Familie ein Sohn, John, geboren.[5]

Binning wurde am 25. Oktober 1648 zum Pfarrer geweiht.[1] Er übernahm als Nachfolger von William Wilkie die Pfarrei Govan, das damals noch kein Stadtteil von Glasgow war. Die Ordination fand am 8. Januar 1649 unter dem Vorsitz von David Dickson (ca. 1583–1662) statt, einem der Theologieprofessoren in Glasgow und Autor von Therapeutica Sacra.Vorlage:Sfn

Im September 1653 verstarb Hugh Binning 26jährig an den Folgen einer Tuberkolose.[1] Er wurde auf dem Friedhof von Govan beigesetzt. Der Leiter der Universität liess ein Denkmal mit lateinischer Inschschrift errichten, in freier Übersetzung:

Hier ruht Mr. Hugh Binning, der sich durch Frömmigkeit und Eloquenz auszeichnete, ein gelehrter Philologe, Philosoph und Theologe, ein gläubiger Prälat und schließlich noch ein hervorragender Prediger. Er wurde durch unglückliche Umstände im Alter von 26 Jahren aus dem Leben gerissen, im Jahr des Herren 1653. Zu Lebzeiten veränderte er die Gesellschaft seines Landes, weil er mit Gott ging. Weitere Untersuchungen sollen unterbleiben, weil weder der Marmor noch die Menschen sie verstehen können.[6]
  • The Common Principles of the Christian Religion, or a Practical Catechism (Edinburgh, 1659)
  • The Sinner's Sanctuary (Edinburgh, 1659)
  • Fellowship with God (Edinburgh, 1671)
  • Heart Humiliation, or Miscellany Sermons (Edinburgh, 1676)
  • An Useful Case of Conscience (1693)
  • Works (mehrere Auflagen von 1704 bis 1842)
  • A Treatise of Christian Love (Edinburgh, 1743)
  • Sermons on the most important subjects of Practical Religions (Glasgow, 1760)
  • Evangelical Beauties (1829)


[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]
  1. a b c Hew Scott: Fasti Ecclesiae Scoticanae - The Succession of Ministers in the Curch of Scotland from the Reformation. Synod of Glasgow and Ayr. Olvier and Boyde, Edinburgh 1920, S. 411 (englisch,
  2. James Cochrane, A. M. (Bibliothekar der Theologischen Bibliothek, Edinburgh): Scottish Divines:. With Lives of the Authors, and Notes. William Whyte & Co, Edinburgh 1889, S. III - XXVI (17–40) (englisch,
  3. Mark Jardine: Renwick’s Intercepted Letter of 1685: John Binning of Dalvennan, Mrs Binning, Edinburgh and Eaglesham. Jardine's Book of Martyrs, abgerufen am 19. Januar 2013.
  4. a b Scottish Worthies p 203
  5. Hugh Binning: The Works of the Rev. Hugh Binning. Forgotten Books, 1743.
  6. Binning, Hugh (24 March 2011). The Works of the Rev. Hugh Binning (Kindle Locations 990-992). Kindle Edition. (sinngemässe Übersetzung des englischen Textes zum Zeitpunkt der Übernahme aus der englischen Wikipedia durch den Autor)

Hugh's widow, Barbara (sometimes called Mary), then remarried James Gordon, an Anglican priest at Cumber in Ireland.  Together they had a daughter,Jean who married Daniel MacKenzie, who was on the winning side of the [[Battle of Bothwell Bridge]] serving as an ensign under Lieutenant-Colonel William Ramsay (who became the third [[Earl of Dalhousie]]), in the Earl of Mar's Regiment of Foot.<ref name="jardine"/>

Binning's son, John Binning, married Hanna Keir, who was born in Ireland. The Binning's were [[Covenanters]], a resistance movement that objected to the return of Charles II (who was received into the Catholic Church on his deathbed).  They were on the losing side in the 1679 [[Battle of Bothwell Bridge]]. Most of the rebels who were not executed were exiled to the Americas; about 30 Covenanters were exiled to the Carolinas on the Carolina Merchant in 1684. After the battle, John and Hanna were separated.  
{{cite web
|title=The Departed: The Covenanters Banished on the Carolina Merchant in 1684
|accessdate=17 January 2013

In the aftermath of the battle at Bothwell Bridge, Binning's widow (now Barbara Gordon) tried to reclaim the family estate at Dalvennan by saying that John and his wife owed his stepfather a considerable some of money.  The legal action was successful and Dalvennan became the possession of John's half-sister Jean, and her husband Daniel MacKenzie.<ref name="jardine"/> In addition, Jean came into possession Hanna Keir's property in Ireland.

By 1683, Jean was widowed. John Binning was branded a traitor, was sentenced to death and forfeited his property to the Crown. John's wife (Hanna Keir) was branded as a traitor and forfeited her property in Ireland.  In 1685, Jean "donated" the Binning family's home at Dalvennan and other properties, along with the Keir properties to Roderick MacKenzie, who was a Scottish advocate of [[James II of England|James II (James VII of Scotland)]], and the [[baillie]] of [[Carrick, Scotland|Carrick]]. According to an act of the Scottish Parliament, Roderick MacKenzie was also very effective in "suppressing the rebellious, fanatical party in the western and other shires of this realm, and putting the laws to vigorous execution against them".<ref>
{{cite web
|title= Ratification in favour of Mr Roderick MacKenzie of Dalvennan
|publisher=Parliamentary Register, Charters: Ratifications
|date=16 June 1685
|accessdate=19 January 2013

Since Bothwell Bridge, Hanna had been hiding from the authorities. In 1685, Hanna was in Edinburgh where she was found during a sweep for subversives and imprisoned in the [[Tolbooth]] of Edinburgh, a combination city hall and prison. Those arrested with Hanna were exiled to North America, however, she developed [[dysentery]] and remained behind. By 1687, near death, Hanna petitioned the [[Privy Council of Scotland]] for her release; she was exiled to her family in Ireland, where she died around 1692.<ref name="jardine"/>
In 1690, the Scottish Parliament rescinded John's fines and forfeiture, but he was unable to recover his family's estates, the courts suggesting that he had relinquished his claim to Dalvennan in exchange for forgiveness of debt, rather than forfeiture.<ref>
{{cite web
|title= Remit to the committee for fines and forfeitures in favour of Mr. Roderick MacKenzie, advocate, anent the gift of forfeiture of the lands of Dalvennan
|publisher=Parliamentary Register, Prodedure: remit to committee 
|date=22 July 1690
|accessdate=19 January 2013

There is little documentation about John after his wife's death. John received a small income from royalties on his father's works after parliament extended copyrights on Binning's writings to him.  However, the income was not significant and John made several petitions to the Scottish parliament for money, the last occurring in 1717.  It is thought that he died in [[Somerset]] county, in southwestern England.{{sfn|Anderson|1877|p=301}}

He died of [[Consumption (disease)|consumption]] at the age of 26 on September 1653. He was remarkably popular as a preacher, having been considered "the most accomplished philosopher and divine in his time, and styled the Scottish [[Cicero]]." He married (cont. 17 May 1650), Mary (who died at Paisley in 1694) and had a son, John of Dalvennan. She was the daughter of Richard Simson, minister of Sprouston. After John's early death Mary married her second husband, James Gordon, minister of Comber, in Ireland.{{ref name="Scott1920" />{{rp|411} A marble tablet, with an inscription in classical Latin, was erected to his memory by his friend [[Patrick Gillespie|Mr Patrick Gillespie]], who was then Principal of the University of Glasgow. It has been placed in the vestibule of the present parish church. The whole of his works are posthumous publications.{{sfn|Leishman|1840|p=684}}

He was a follower of [[James Dalrymple, 1st Viscount of Stair|James Dalrymple]]. In later life, he was well known as an [[evangelical Christian]].<ref>[[Andrew
Pyle (philosopher)|Andrew Pyle]] (editor), ''Dictionary of Seventeenth Century British Philosophers'' (2000), article pp. 90-95.</ref>

==Impact of the Commonwealth==
Hugh Binning was born two years after [[Charles I of England|Charles I]] became monarch of England, Ireland, and Scotland. At the time, each was an independent country sharing the same monarch. The [[Acts of Union 1707]] integrated Scotland and England to form the [[Kingdom of Great Britain]], and the [[Acts of Union 1800]] integrated Ireland to form the [[United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland]].

The period was dominated by both political and religious strife between the three independent countries. Religious disputes centered on questions such as whether religion was to be dictated by the monarch or was to be the choice of the people, and whether individuals had a direct relationship with God or needed to use an intermediary. Civil disputes centered on debates about the extent of the King's power (a question of the [[Divine right of kings]]), and specifically whether the King had the right to raise taxes and armed forces without the [[consent of the governed]]. These wars ultimately changed the relationship between king and subjects.

In 1638, the [[General Assembly of the Church of Scotland]] voted to remove bishops and the ''[[Book of Common Prayer]]'' that had been introduced by Charles I to impose the Anglican model on the Presbyterian Church of Scotland. Public riots followed, culminating in the [[Wars of the Three Kingdoms]], an interrelated series of conflicts that took place in the three countries. The first conflict, which was also the first of the [[Bishops' Wars]], took place in 1639 and was a single border skirmish between England and Scotland, also known as ''the war the armys did not wanted to fight.''{{citation needed|date=January 2020}}

To maintain his English power base, Charles I made secret alliances with Catholic Ireland and Presbyterian Scotland to invade Anglican England, promising that each country could establish their own separate state religion. Once these secret entreaties became known to the English [[Long Parliament]], the [[Independent (religion)|Congregationalist faction]] (of which [[Oliver Cromwell]] was a primary spokesman) took matters into its own hands and Parliament established an army separate from the King. Charles I was executed in January 1649, which led to the rule of Cromwell and the establishment of the [[Commonwealth of England|Commonwealth]]. The conflicts concluded with [[The English Restoration]] of the monarchy and the return of [[Charles II of England|Charles II]] in 1660.

The [[Act of Classes]] was passed by the Parliament of Scotland on 23 January 1649; the act banned [[Royalists]] (people supporting the monarchy) from holding political or military office. In exile, Charles II signed the [[Treaty of Breda (1650)]] with the Scottish Parliament; among other things, the treaty established [[Presbyterianism]] as the national religion. Charles was crowned King of Scots at [[Scone, Scotland|Scone]] in January 1651. By September 1651, Scotland was annexed by England, its legislative institutions abolished, Presbyterianism dis-established, and Charles was forced into exile in France.

The Scottish Parliament rescinded the Act of Classes in 1651, which produced a split within Scottish Society. The sides of the conflict were called the Resolutioners (who supported the rescission of the act – supported the monarchy and the Scottish [[House of Stewart]]) and the Protesters (who supported Cromwell and the Commonwealth); Binning sided with the Protestors.<ref name="SWOL">{{cite web|url=|title= The Life of Mr. Hugh Binning.|publisher=Biographia Scoticana (Scots Worthies)|last=Howie
|first=John|accessdate=11 January 2013}}</ref> Binning joined the [[Act of Classes|Protesters]] in 1651. When Cromwell had sent troops to Scotland, he was also attempting to dis-establish Presbyterianism and the [[Church of Scotland]], Binning spoke against Cromwell's act.

On Saturday 19 April 1651, Cromwell entered Glasgow and the next day he heard a sermon by three ministers who condemned him for invading Scotland. That evening, Cromwell summoned those ministers and others, to a debate on the issue. a discussion on some of the controverted points of the times was held in his presence, between his chaplains, the learned [[John Owen (theologian)|Dr John Owen]], Joseph Caryl, and others on the one side, and some Scots ministers on the other. Mr. Binning, who was one of the disputants, apparently nonplussed the Independents, which led Cromwell to ask who the learned and bold young man was. Told it was Binning, he said: "He hath bound well, indeed," ... " but, laying his hand on his sword, this will lose all again." The late Mr. Orme was of the opinion that there is nothing improbable in the account of the meeting, but that such a meeting took place is certain. This appears from two letters which were written by [[Robert Baillie|Principal Robert Baillie]], who was then Professor of Theology at the University of Glasgow.{{sfn|Leishman|1840|p=683}}At the debate, Rev Hugh Binning is said to have out-debated Cromwell's ministers so completely that he silenced them.<ref name="SWOL"/>

[[File:EDI CITY CAC 1978 113.jpg|thumb|The Signing of the [[National Covenant]]. The Victorian painter [[William Hole (artist)|William Hole]] places [[Alexander Henderson (theologian)|Alexander Henderson]] at the centre of events in 1638]]
Hugh Binning's political views were based on his theology. Binning was a [[Covenanter]], a movement that began in Scotland at [[Greyfriars Kirkyard]] in 1638 with the National Covenant and continued with the 1643 [[Solemn League and Covenant]]—in effect a treaty between the English [[Long Parliament]] and Scotland for the preservation of the reformed religion in exchange for troops to confront the threat of Irish Catholic troops joining the [[Royalist]] army. Binning could also be described as a Protestor; both political positions were taken because of their religious implications. However, he saw the evils of the politics of his day was not a "fomenter of factions" writing "A Treatise of Christian Love" as a response.<ref name="worthies">{{cite book
|title=Lives of the Scottish Covenanters; a Brief Historical Account of the most Eminent Noblemen, Gentlemen, Ministers, and Others... from the beginning of the 16th Century to the year 1688.|origyear=1775|year=1863|editor1=A Clergyman of the Church of Scotland|publisher=W. R. M’Phun|others=Preface and Notes by [[William M’Gavin]], Esq|first=John|last=Howie|authorlink=John Howie (biographer)|page=205}}</ref>

Because of the tumultuous time in which Hugh Binning lived, politics and religion were inexorably intertwined. Binning was a [[Calvinist]] and follower of [[John Knox]]. As a profession, Binning was trained as a Philosopher, and he believed that [[philosophy]] was the servant of [[theology]]. He thought that both Philosophy and Theology should be taught in parallel. Binning's writing, which is primarily a collection of his sermons, "forms an important bridge between the 17th century, when philosophy in Scotland was heavily dominated by Calvinism, and the 18th century when figures such as [[Francis Hutcheson (philosopher)|Francis Hutcheson]] re-asserted a greater degree of independence between the two and allied philosophy with the developing human sciences."<ref>{{cite web|title= Hugh Binning 1627-1653 - The International Society for Scottish Philosophy|url= |accessdate=11 July 2019}}</ref>

Religiously, Hugh Binning was, what we would call today, an [[Evangelical]] [[Calvinist]]. He spoke on the primacy of God's love as the ground of salvation: 
"... our salvation is not the business of Christ alone, but the whole Godhead is interested in it deeply, so deeply that you cannot say who loves it most, or who likes it most.  The Father is the very fountain of it, his love is the spring of all."<ref>{{cite book|chapter=Of The Unity Of The Godhead And The Trinity Of Persons, Lecture  XIII |title=The Works of the Rev. Hugh Binning |edition=Kindle |page= Kindle Location 3114|first=Hugh|last=Binning|editor1=M. Leishman |year=2011|origyear=1735}}</ref>

With regards to the extent of the 'atonement', Hugh Binning, did not hold that the offer of redemption applied only to the few that are [[Unconditional election|elect]] but said that "the ultimate ground of faith is in the electing will of God." In Scotland, during the 1600s, the questions concerning atonement revolved around the terms in which the offer was expressed.{{sfn|Macleod|2000|p=63}}

Binning believed that "forgiveness is based on Christ's death, understood as a satisfaction and as a sacrifice: 'If he had pardoned sin without any satisfaction what rich grace it had been! But truly, to provide the Lamb and sacrifice himself, to find out the ransom, and to exact it of his own Son, in our name, is a testimony
of mercy and grace far beyond that. But then, his justice is very conspicuous in this work'."{{sfn|Macleod|2000|p=65}}

[[File:Blaeu.Atlas.of.Scotland.1654.Renfrew.Govan.jpg|center|thumb|600 px|Govan in Binning's time. A part of Blaeu's 1654 map of Scotland. Modern Govan is at the site labeled ''Mekle Gouan'' ("Big Govan"). The small town of [[Glasgow]] is on the north bank of the Clyde, across from ''Litle Gouan'' ("Little Govan"). ]]
All of the works of Hugh Binning were published posthumously and were primarily collections of his sermons.  Of his speaking style, it was said: "There is originality without any affectation, a rich imagination, without anything fanciful or extravert, the utmost simplicity, without an thing mean or trifling."  <ref>
{{cite book|title=The Religious Magazine; Or, Spirit of the Foreign Theological Journals and Reviews|date=July 1829 – June 1830|publisher=E Littell, Chestnut Street, Philadelphia.  Clark & Raser, Printers, 33 Carter’s Alley, Volume=4|url=|page=168}}</ref>
*''The Common Principles of the Christian Religion, Clearly Proved, and Singularly Improved; or, A Practical Catechism'' published by [[Patrick Gillespie]] in 1660 <ref>{{cite book|title=The Common Principles of the Christian Religion, Clearly Proved, and Singularly Improved; or, A Practical Catechism|origyear=1660|year=2011
|publisher=Solus Christus|others=originally published by [[Patrick Gillespie]]|isbn=0986959804|first=Hugh|last=Binning}}</ref> An analysis of the [[Westminster Confession of Faith]]. The work was translated into Dutch in 1678 by James Koelman, a minister of Sluys in Flanders.{{sfn|Johnston|1887|p=327}}

([ The Common Principles of the Christian Religion], fulltext) Quotations from the publication include: 
::''On the love of God''
:::And what is love but the very motion of the soul to God? And so till it have attained that, to be in him, it can find no place of rest.<ref name="kindle-works">
{{cite book|last=Binning|first=Hugh|date=24 March 2011|title=The Works of the Rev. Hugh Binning |origyear=1743|editor1=The Rev. M. Leishman |edition=Kindle |at=Kindle Locations 2103–2104}}</ref> 
::''On the free grace of the Gospel''
:::I am guilty, and can say nothing against it, while I stand alone. But though I cannot satisfy, and have not; yet there is one, Jesus Christ, who gave his life a ransom for many, and whom God hath given as a propitiation for sins. He hath satisfied and paid the debt in my name; go and apprehend the cautioner, since he hath undertaken it, nay, he hath done it, and is absolved.<ref name="kindle-works2">Kindle Locations 2597-2600</ref>
::''On Learning'' 
:::Be not ignorant as beasts, that know no other things than to follow the drove; quæ pergunt, non quo eundum est, sed quo itur; ''they follow not whither they ought to go, but whither most go''. You are men, and have reasonable souls within you; therefore I beseech you, be not composed and fashioned according to custom and example, that is, brutish, but according to some inward knowledge and reason. Retire once from the multitude, and ask in earnest at God, What is the way? Him that fears him he will teach the way that he should choose. The way to his blessed end is very strait, very difficult; you must have a guide in it,—you must have a lamp and a light in it,—else you cannot but go wrong.<ref name="kindle-works3">Kindle Locations 1446-1451</ref>
*''Sinner's Sanctuary, being forty Sermons upon the eighth Chapter of the Epistle of the Romans, from the First Verse down to the Eighteenth.'' a treatise originally published in 1670 {{sfn|Johnston|1887|p=327}}
*''Fellowship with God, being Twenty Eight Sermons on the First Epistle of John, Chap. 1st and Chap. 2nd, Verses 1, 2, 3.'' a treatise originally published in 1671 by "A.S. who in the preferace to the reader, styles himself, his servant in the gosple of our dearest Lord and Savior" {{sfn|Johnston|1887|p=328}}
*''Heart Humiliation or Miscellany Sermons, preached upon some choice texts at several solemn occasions.'' originally published in 1676 by the same A.S. that published the treatice "Fellowship with God".  The first of the sermons was preached July 1650 {{sfn|Johnston|1887|p=328}}
*''[ An Useful Case of Conscience], Learnedly and Accurately Discussed and Resolved, Concerning Associations and Confederacies with Idolaters, Infidels, Heretics, Malignants or any other Known Enemies of Truth and Godliness. ''  The treatise was used by the [[Covenanters]] and seems to have been originally published in Holland in 1693.  There is a reference to the treatise at a "general meeting of Society people ... at Edinburgh 28 May 1683." The treatise expressed the opinion that Scotland should not support Charles I without some restraint placed on relatively absolute royal power and without assurance the Presbyterian religion could be maintained.<ref name="Works of Hugh Binning" /> The documents seem to have been presented to the Society either by Hugh Binning's son, John, or his widow, Barbara Gordon (who remarried about 1657 to James Gordon; he was born in Ireland and became a minister at Paisley, Renfrewshire, Scotland.)  ([ An Useful Case of Conscience], fulltext). In the treatise Binning writes:
::Where God hath given us liberty by the law of nature, or his word, no king can justly tie us, and when God binds and obliges us by any of these, no king or parliament can loose or untie us.<ref name="kindle-works4">Binning, Hugh; Kindle Locations 15527-15528</ref>
*''A Treatise of Christian Love'' a sermon based on John 13:35, “By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another” and 1 Corinthians 13. Binning explores the concept that as a believer in Christ, there is a need for Christians to show by their love for one another.<ref>
{{cite book|title=Treatise of Christian Love|publisher=Puritan, Paperback Edition: Banner of Truth|date=1 May 2004|editor1=Robert Woodwrow |origyear=1743|isbn=0851518702|first=Hugh|last=Binning}}</ref> ([ A Treatise of Christian Love], fulltext) Binning argues: 
::But Christ’s last words persuade this, that unity in affection is more essential and fundamental. This is the badge he left to his disciples. If we cast away this upon every different apprehension of mind, we disown our Master, and disclaim his token and badge.<ref name="kindle-works5">Binning, Hugh; Kindle Locations 16396-16398</ref>
::''On Charity''
:::Charity "thinketh no evil." [1 Cor. 13:5] Charity is apt to take all things in the best sense. If a thing may be subject to diverse acceptations, it can put the best construction on it. It is so benign and good in its own nature that it is not inclinable to suspect others. It desires to condemn no man, but would gladly, as far as reason and conscience will permit, absolve every man. It is so far from desire of revenge, that it is not provoked or troubled with an injury. For that were nothing else but to wrong itself because others have wronged it already, and it is so far from wronging others, that it will not willingly so much as think evil of them. Yet if need requires, charity can execute justice, and inflict chastisement, not out of desire of another’s misery, but out of love and compassion to mankind. Charitas non punit quia peccatum est, sed ne peccaretur, ''it looks more to prevention of future sin, than to revenge of a bypast fault'', and can do all without any discomposure of spirit, as a physician cuts a vein without anger. Quis enim cut medetur irascitur? "''Who is angry at his own patient''?"<ref name="kindle-works6">Kindle Locations 16505-16513</ref>

* In 1735, the collections of Binning's works were published posthumously, originally edited by Rev. M. Leishman, D.D., a minister who was a later successor to Hugh in the parish of Govan, which contained sermons not previously published. There have been several editions of the <em>Complete</em> "Works of the Rev. Hugh Binning", one of the latest (Classic Reprint) was published by Forgotten Books in 2012 <ref name="Works of Hugh Binning"/>

*Scott's Fasti, ii. 67-8; 
*Minutes Univ. Glasg.; 
*Wodrow's Analecta; 
*Reid's Presbyterianism of rights as against the invasion of the state, Ireland, i.; 
*Edin. Christian Instructor, xxii. Acts of Assembly; 
*New Statistical Account, vi.; 
*Chalmers's Biogr. Dict.; 
*Scots Worthies, i. 205-10, ed. Macgavin, 1837.
* "Evangelical Beauties of Hugh Binning," 1829, with a memoir of the author by the Rev John Brown of Whitburn.
*''The Common Principles of the Christian Religion, or a Practical Catechism'' (Edinburgh, 1659) ; 
*''The Sinner's Sanctuary'' (Edinburgh, 1670) ; 
*''Fellowship with God'' (Edinburgh, 1671); 
*''Heart Humiliation, or Miscellany Sermons'' (Edinburgh, 1676) ; 
*''A Useful Case of Conscience'' (1693) ; 
*''Works'' (which were recommended to be published by the General Assembly, 28 March 1704 and 10 May 1717)(Edinburgh, 1735 ; Glasgow, 1842) ; 
*''A Treatise of Christian Love'' (Edinburgh, 1743) ; 
*''Sermons on the most important subjects of Practical Religion'' (Glasgow, 1760) ; 
*''Evangelical Beauties'' (1829)
*Wodrow's Anal., i. 161, iii. 40, 438; 
*Glasg. Tests.; 
*Reid's Ireland, ii., 351 ; 
*Inq. Ret., Ayr, 580; 
*''Dictionary of National Biography''

==References ==
*{{cite book |url= |chapter=Binning, Hugh
 |title=The Scottish nation: or, The surnames, families, literature, honours, and biographical history of the people of Scotland |volume=1 |first=William |last=Anderson |publisher=A. Fullarton & co. |year=1877|pages=[ 300]–301}}{{PD-notice}}
*{{cite book |last1=Binning |first1=Hugh |last2=Cochrane |first2=James |title=The works of the Rev. Hugh Binning |date=1839a |publisher=W. Whyte |location=Edinburgh |pages=[ 1]–452 |volume=1 |url= |accessdate=12 July 2019}}
*{{cite book |last1=Binning |first1=Hugh |last2=Cochrane |first2=James |title=The works of the Rev. Hugh Binning |date=1839b |publisher=W. Whyte |location=Edinburgh |pages=[ 1]–454 |volume=2 |url= |accessdate=12 July 2019}}
*{{cite book |last1=Binning |first1=Hugh |last2=Cochrane |first2=James |title=The works of the Rev. Hugh Binning |date=1839c |publisher=W. Whyte |location=Edinburgh |pages=[ 1]–484 |volume=3 |url= |accessdate=12 July 2019}}
*{{cite book |last1=Binning |first1=Hugh |last2=Leishman |first2=Matthew |title=The works of the Rev. Hugh Binning |date=1851 |publisher=A. Fullarton |location=Edinburgh, London |pages=[ 1]–726 |url= |accessdate=12 July 2019}}
* {{Eminent Scotsmen|Binning, Hugh|1|215-216}}{{PD-notice}}
* {{cite DNB|last=Grosart|first=Alexander Balloch|wstitle=Binning, Hugh}}{{PD-notice}}
*{{cite book |last1=Hewison |first1=James King |title=The Covenanters |date=1913a |publisher=J. Smith |location=Glasgow |page=[ 360] |volume=1 |url= |accessdate=13 July 2019}}{{PD-notice}}
*{{cite book |last1=Hewison |first1=James King |title=The Covenanters |date=1913b |publisher=J. Smith |location=Glasgow |page=[ 547] |volume=2 |url= |accessdate=13 July 2019}}{{PD-notice}}
*{{cite book |url=
 |chapter=Hugh Binning
 |title=The Scots worthies
 |first1=John |last1=Howie |first2=W. H. |last2=Carslaw
 |publisher=Oliphant, Anderson, & Ferrier |location=Edinburgh |year=1870|pages=[ 207]–214}}{{PD-notice}}
*{{cite book |last1=Irving |first1=Joseph |title=The book of Scotsmen eminent for achievements in arms and arts, church and state, law, legislation, and literature, commerce, science, travel, and philanthropy |date=1881 |publisher=A. Gardner |location=Paisley |page=[ 29] |url= |accessdate=11 July 2019}}{{PD-notice}}
*{{cite book |last1=Johnston |first1=John C |title=Treasury of the Scottish covenant |date=1887 |publisher=Andrew Elliot |location=Edinburgh |pages=[ 326]–328 |url= |accessdate=12 July 2019}}
*{{cite book |last1=Leishman|first1=M|title=The new statistical account of Scotland.|chapter=Govan|date=1840|publisher=William Blackwood and Sons|location=Edinburgh and London|pages=682–684, 707|volume=6|url=|accessdate=3 January 2018}}{{PD-notice}}
*{{cite journal
|title=Dr T. F. Torrance and Scottish Theology: a Review Article
|journal=The Evangelical Quarterly
|publisher=Paternoster Press.  PO Box 300, Carlisle Cumbria CA 3-0QS-UK
*{{cite book |last1=Scott |first1=Hew |title=Fasti ecclesiae scoticanae; the succession of ministers in the Church of Scotland from the reformation |date=1920 |publisher=Oliver and Boyd |location=Edinburgh |page=[ 410] |volume=3 |url= |accessdate=8 July 2019}}{{PD-notice}}
*{{cite book |last1=Walker|first1=James|title=The theology and theologians of Scotland : chiefly of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries|date=1888|publisher=T. & T. Clark|location=Edinburgh|page=20|edition=2nd|url=|accessdate=22 April 2017}}{{PD-notice}}
*{{cite book |last1=Wodrow |first1=Robert |last2=Leishman |first2=Matthew |title=Analecta: or, Materials for a history of remarkable providences; mostly relating to Scotch ministers and Christians |date=1842a |publisher=Maitland Club |location=Glasgow |page=[ 167] |volume=1 |url= |accessdate=8 July 2019}}
*{{cite book |last1=Wodrow |first1=Robert |last2=Leishman |first2=Matthew |title=Analecta: or, Materials for a history of remarkable providences; mostly relating to Scotch ministers and Christians |date=1842b |publisher=Maitland Club |location=Glasgow |pages=[ 40], 438 |volume=3 |url= |accessdate=8 July 2019}}

==External links==
* {{Gutenberg author | id=Binning,+Hugh | name=Hugh Binning}}
* {{Internet Archive author |sname=Hugh Binning}}
* [ Biographical Sketch from the home page of the Reformed Presbyterian Church (Covenanted)]
* [ John Binning of Dalvennan, The Forfeited: The Carrick Lairds at the Battle of Bothwell Bridge]
* [ Map of Dalvennan, South Ayrshire, Scotland]

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