Diskussion:Thomas Pogge

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Letzter Kommentar: vor 3 Jahren von Delabarquera in Abschnitt MeToo-Debatte
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Übertrag von BD:

Die Diskussion erscheint auch auf der US Wiki Seite, scheint also nicht ganz irrelevant sein; zudem wurde die Affäre insbesondere im akademischen Umfeld heiß diskutiert, immerhin ist Pogge auch Ethiker. Zu den Vorwürfen sollte zumindest nicht schweigen. (nicht signierter Beitrag von (Diskussion) 15:02, 14. Jul. 2019 (CEST))Beantworten

Offenbar wg. [1]. Das ist eine folgenlos(!) gebliebene Anzeige, im Gegenteil wurde der Vorwurf "sexueller Übergriff" nicht nachgewiesen. --Roger (Diskussion) 15:33, 14. Jul. 2019 (CEST)Beantworten
> Versionen > Gestrichen: "2011 zeigte eine Studentin, die er auf zu einer Konferenz nach Chile mitgenommen habe, Pogge wegen sexueller Belästigung an. Bei der folgenden Untersuchung kam die Universität zu dem Ergebnis, dass sich Pogge unprofessionell verhalten habe, jedoch war ihm der sexuelle Übergriff nicht nachzuweisen."
Ab wann ist man "unprofessionell", ab wann "sexuell übergriffig"?
"These most recent and widely publicized offenses point to patterns of racism, sexism, and abuse stretching back decades. Like Harvey Weinstein, Pogge and Searle were “open secrets,” tried and condemned by a whisper network of vigilante women but abetted by the big-name institutions that lionized them and the male colleagues who knowingly turned a blind eye. When Geoff Marcy’s long history of infractions came to light, the interim chair of the Berkeley astronomy department, Gibor Basri, sent out an email that read, “This has been a day of drama and difficulty for many of us, each in our own way and with our own context. It is hard to process for those who knew Geoff well ..." (chronicle.com)
"Sexual harassment allegations. As a professor at Columbia University in the mid-1990s, Pogge had been disciplined by the school following allegations of sexual harassment. He was later hired by Yale University. In 2010, Pogge was accused in a high-profile sexual harassment case of by a recent Yale graduate student, Fernanda Lopez Aguilar. Aguilar was represented by sexual harassment and discrimination lawyer Ann Olivarius. The university cleared Pogge of misconduct. Afterwards, 169 philosophy professors from several countries, including many in Pogge's own academic department at Yale, signed an open letter condemning his behavior and asking the U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights to investigate Yale’s response. Some of the professors who signed the letter pledged to skip conferences in which Pogge is involved and to remove his work from their curricula. Pogge wrote a detailed defense. In 2019, the Yale Daily News reported a graduate student stating that Pogge continuing to teaching undergraduates was a “source of difficulty” and that his presence was cause of "persistent unrest among the graduate students.” (englische WP)
--Delabarquera (Diskussion) 13:55, 9. Nov. 2020 (CET)Beantworten