Diskussion:Ernest Rudel

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Folgende Publikationen waren in dieser Form nicht auffindbar. ISBN, ISSN oder DOI bzw. Namen der Co-Autoren, Verlage/Journals fehlen - oder sind es Publikationen der ZAMG? Deshalb aus dem Artikel entfernt, bitte dort sowieso eine Auswahl der wichtigsten Werke.

  • Klimatologische Verhältnisse für Beschneiungsanlagen in Niederösterreich. NÖ - Tourismusforum, Bericht des ÖIR, 1991
  • E. Rudel et al.: Experiences with Automatic Climatological Stations in Austria. IUGG, 1991
  • CO2-Fakten – Der Treibhauseffekt. Tagungsbericht der ÖMV Gruppe-BWK, 1992.
  • Der heiße Sommer 1992: Ein einmaliges Ereignis oder erste Anzeichen einer Klimaveränderung? Tagungsbericht des Österreichischen Bauernbundes, Jahrestagung 12.11.1992, Graz, 1992
  • E. Rudel et al.: Der Wärmehaushalt des Menschen in Mitteleuropa bei verschiedenen Klimaszenarien. Proceedings der Internationalen Tagung für Human-Biometeorologie, Freiburg, 1992
  • E. Rudel et al.: New Developments in the Classification of Climatic Health- and mountain resorts. Proc. of the XI. Cesko-Slovenska bioklimatologická konferencia s medzinárodnou úcastou, Smolenice, 1992
  • More than 10 years of experience with the automatic meteorological observation network in Austria. Proceedings of the International Workshop on Experiences with Automatic Weather Stations in operational Use within National Weather Services Vienna, Austria, 15-17 May 1995. WMO Instruments and Observing Methods Report No 58, WMO/TD-No.670, 1995
  • Some aspects on the current scientific discussion on global climate change. Proceedings of the First Regional Conference on Climate Change. Teheran, 1996
  • Report and review about data processing and quality control procedures involved in the conversion of manually operated stations to automatically operated stations. World Climate Programme: Data and Monitoring No.31, WMO-TD No.833, 1997
  • Das Bioklima und seine Wirkungen auf den Menschen. Berichte des Symposiums „Luft-Wasser-Klima“ der Denkwerkstatt Neumarkt i. d. Steiermark, 1997
  • Management of Data of Automatic Weather Stations on the sight of a climatologist. Proceedings of the Expert Meeting on Requirements and Representation of Data from Automatic Weather Stations (De Bilt, 19.-23.4.99) WMO, 1999
  • Bioclimatic Classification for Human Health Tourism. Proceedings of the International Congress of Biometeorology and International Conference on Urban Climatology (Sydney) CD Rom, 1999
  • Requirements of Data from Automatic Weather Stations (Status Report). Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Experiences with Automatic Weather Stations (ICEAWS 1999, 27.-29.9.1999, Vienna, CD-Rom). Central Institute for Meteorology and Geodynamics, Wien 1999
  • Development and Interaction of Climate Data Sets. Proceedings of the 3rd European Conference on Applied Climatology, 16 to 20 October 2000, Pisa, CD-Rom, Institute of Agrometeorology and Environmental Analysis, Florenz, 2000
  • New measurements technologies - A critical change to climate? Papers presented at the WMO –Technical Conference on Meteorological and Environmental Instruments and Methods of Observation (TECO 2000, 23.-27.10.2000, Beijing) WMO/TD No.1028, Instruments and Observing Methods Report, No.74, CD-ROM, 2000
  • What have we learned about Climate Data Continuity using new Measurements Technologies? Proceedings of ECAC 2002, Brüssel, 2002
  • mit J. Wieringa: Station Exposure Metadata needed for judging and improving Quality of observations of Wind, Temperature and other parameters. WMO/TD-No.1123, Instruments and Observing Methods Report, No 75, CD-ROM, 2002
  • Climate Data Continuity using Automatic Weather Stations? Proceedings of ICEAWS 2003, Torremolinos, 2003
  • mit N. Plummer et al.: Progress of Automatic Weather Stations. In: Meeting the Needs of Climate. Proceedings of ICEAWS 2003, Torremolinos, 2003
  • Wetter und Migräne – Meteorologische Grundlagen. Tagungsband der 3. Postgraduellen Fortbildung der österreichischen Kopfschmerzgesellschaft, Praxis der Migränebehandlung, 11.-12.03.2005, Medizinische Universität, 2005
  • Do Automatic Weather Stations meet the needs of climate and support climate data continuity? Proceedings of the 4th ICEAWS, Lissabon, 24.-26.5.2006, 2006
  • mit E. Koch: Extreme meteorological events and their economic consequences. Proceedings of GWXVII 18.-21.4.2006, 2006
  • A historical overview of the series of ICEAWS’s and outlook in the future. Proceedings of the 4th ICEAWS, Lissabon, 24.-26.5.2006, 2006
  • mit E. Koch: Extreme meteorological events and their economic consequences. Proceedings of GWXVII 18.-21.4.2006, 2006

--Nadi (Diskussion) 10:59, 27. Dez. 2023 (CET)Beantworten