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Letzter Kommentar: vor 7 Monaten von 0000ff in Abschnitt Aktueller Stand nach APG IV
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Umfang der Pflanzenfamilie nach APG IV

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Nach APG IV beinhaltet die Pflanzenfamilie noch 6 weitere Gattungen, u. a. die der Melianthaceae. --Fir99 (Diskussion) 20:27, 28. Okt. 2019 (CET)Beantworten

Aktueller Stand nach APG IV

[Quelltext bearbeiten]

„In Geraniales, Francoaceae must be substituted for Melianthaceae, due to nomenclatural priority, and we include Vivianiaceae in Francoaceae on the basis of Sytsma, Spalink & Berger (2014). Exact relationships among Francoaceae s.s. (Francoa Cav., Greyia Hook. & Harv. and Tetilla DC.), Melianthaceae (Bersama Fresen. and Melianthus L.) and Ledocarpaceae (for which Vivianiaceae is a later synonym, contrary to its use in APG III; Balbisia Cav., Rhynchotheca Ruiz & Pav., Viviania Cav. and Wendtia Meyen) are uncertain, with contradictory relationships in recent papers (Palazzesi et al., 2012; Sytsma et al., 2014). We opt to stabilize APG by recognizing the broader circumscription so that no matter which relationship proves to be the most robust the family name recognized does not change.

213 [217]. *Francoaceae A.Juss., nom. cons. (including Bersamaceae Doweld, Greyiaceae Hutch., nom. cons., Ledocarpaceae Meyen, Melianthaceae Horan., nom. cons., Rhynchothecaceae A.Juss., Vivianiaceae Klotzsch, nom. cons.)“

--0000ff (Diskussion) 15:25, 16. Dez. 2023 (CET)Beantworten