Diskussion:Wild Side Story

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Letzter Kommentar: vor 9 Jahren von SergeWoodzing in Abschnitt Prinzessin Madeleine
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To Do mit Wild Side Story

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Wie könnte der Artikel dann noch verbessert werden:

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  • Methode
  • Rezeption

Wer hat Zeit und Lust, den Artikel so zu verbessern, dass er publiziert werden kann? Grüße --h-stt !? 15:11, 5. Jun. 2015 (CEST)Beantworten

Das sollte doch eigentlich für den ANR reichen. Ein vielfach professionell aufgeführtes Bühnenstück ist relevant. Auch wenn es in der Szene entstanden ist. Grüße --h-stt !? 15:51, 10. Jun. 2015 (CEST)Beantworten
Danke! Ich arbeite jetzt auch mit das. Kommt also Handlung, Methode u. Rezeption, ebenso Kern Des Themas. --SergeWoodzing (Diskussion) 11:25, 11. Jun. 2015 (CEST)Beantworten
Die weitergehenden Verbesserungsmöglichkeiten sind nicht so wichtig. Ich finde, wir sollten die Frage des Namens von Lars Jakob noch klären und dann den Artikel veröffentlichen. Alles andere kann später passieren, ist aber nicht notwendig. Grüße h-stt !? 12:25, 12. Jun. 2015 (CEST)Beantworten

notability issues

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The latest expansions of the article to me watered down the content and padded the article with irrelevant factoids. The description under "Handlung" is anything but. It might be more useful to combine the plot with the parodies chapter into one narrative of the story as it runs on stage. The reception chapter suffers from a number of individual quotations but without a synthesis. The sentence that is "sourced" with footnote 30 about reception by the two big papers seems to be your intrepretation of the newspaper articles, not the words of the newspapers themselves. In that case, it would be your POV wihich is not admissible at Wikipedia. Probably this chapter would gain from being shorter and more to the point. Finally: I don't get, why the Princess Madeleine quotation is there. What does it say about the show? --h-stt !? 14:27, 8. Jul. 2015 (CEST)Beantworten

Thank you! The quote about the princess deals with, and rounds up, the attitude of the creator/director of the show, in creating it, and the remarkable courage it took to create it, stage it and to perform in it.
The reaction of the 2 big newspapers could be rewritten to take out "hatten offenbar Schwierigkeiten, sich zu entscheiden, ob sie über ein so völlig neues Phänomen wie Wild Side Story loben oder beschimpfen sollten" and just relate the fact that their extensive reviews, of this completely new type of show, were noncommital. They had to write about it, because it was performed in a nightclub frequented by the King and the entire upper elite of the counbtry, but they didn't dare take sides right off. That was the general reaction to their reviews. Only Hedman had the courage to praise it at first.
Anyway, I won't be doing any more work on this article, except possible minor corrections of fact & text. Perhaps it would be more helpful if you'd direct your comments here to other interested users, in German? --SergeWoodzing (Diskussion) 16:34, 8. Jul. 2015 (CEST)Beantworten
I still don't get, what the princess statement says about the show. I might understand why the director siad it in the interview, but I dont' see, why it is worth being cited here. And I do agree regarding the two big papers. Your version here seems to be better in reporting the actual coverage. --h-stt !? 18:16, 8. Jul. 2015 (CEST)Beantworten
Without all those brave people in the cast, crew and production groups, making something out of their lives other than normal, standard, regular and ordinary there never would have been a Wild Side Story at all, much less 500+ performances. The fact that the Strix editor chose to include that comment confirms its central relevance to this particular show, in my opinion. That editor apparently had about 30-35 hours of video footage to make the four 15-20 minute segments of (total about 1 hour) and chose to put that whole quote in, shown partly to video of the cast working and partly to Jacob's facial expressions.--SergeWoodzing (Diskussion) 18:25, 8. Jul. 2015 (CEST)Beantworten
Sure, but the princesses words are without any connection to the show. A swede might be tempted to refer to her at a certain point in time, shortly after she said so. But why would that be relevant in July 2015 to a audience in German language? --h-stt !? 18:49, 8. Jul. 2015 (CEST)Beantworten
The princess's words, as crticized by the director regarding the courage needed to do this show, do have a connection to the show through his having criticized them on national TV, and his words about her statement are just as relevant today as they were then, when it comes to courage. Courage is the same subject in Germany and all over today as it was in 2000.
Abraham Lincoln doesn't need to have had a connection to Oprah Winfrey in order for Oprah Winfrey to quote Abraham Lincoln about something she wishes to illustrate in her own work, for example. --SergeWoodzing (Diskussion) 06:01, 9. Jul. 2015 (CEST)Beantworten
That still doesn't make this quotation relevant for the show. --h-stt !? 14:53, 10. Jul. 2015 (CEST)Beantworten
I believe is does, and I also believe it's time for you to pose the question here in such good German as I can't write, so that more editors can have their say, if you feel it's that important. --SergeWoodzing (Diskussion) 19:38, 10. Jul. 2015 (CEST).Beantworten
I must object to the fact that you removed that without giving anyone else a chance to address the issue in a language they are fluent in. I'm reverting you so you can write something here in German, as I've asked you politelty, so others can respond. We need better consensus on the issue than just you and me disagreeing. Please give others a chance too! --SergeWoodzing (Diskussion) 17:45, 15. Jul. 2015 (CEST)Beantworten

Prinzessin Madeleine

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The issue is one of public role models for young people. The princess (on major television) gave young people the impression that living a "regular life" is what is good. The director of this show and his cast (on major television) gave the impression of the opposite. That becomes very clear if his quote is left intact.

So sagt (leider?) Google Translate: "Die Frage ist eine der öffentlichen Vorbilder für junge Menschen. Die Prinzessin (auf großen TV) gaben junge Menschen den Eindruck, dass das Leben ein "normales Leben" ist das, was gut ist. Der Regisseur der Show und seine Besetzung (auf großen TV) machte den Eindruck des anderen. Das wird sehr deutlich, wenn sein Angebot intakt bleibt." --SergeWoodzing (Diskussion) 17:59, 15. Jul. 2015 (CEST)Beantworten