Liste der Tomatensorten/L

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L 23/172-2-3 Fs j
L 305 Züchter: Fotev Yurij Valentinovich j
L 315/304-8-4-F 7 j
L 420 840 2 12 Züchter: Gorshkova Nina Sergeevna, Hovrin Aleksandr Nikolaevich, Maksimov Sergej Vasilievich, Tereshonkova Tatiyana Arkadievna j
L 45/317-1-(B) F 8 j
L 47 K 2 Züchter: Bekov Rustam Hizrievich j
L 488 Züchter: Produkcja I Hodowla Roslin Ogrodniczych Krzeszowice Sp. Z O.O. j
L 512 Züchter: Ossami Furumoto, Alice Kazuko Inoue-Nagata, Alice Maria Quezado Duval j
L 635 Züchter: Alice Kazuko Inoue-Nagata, Ossami Furumoto, Alice Maria Quezado Duval j
L 769/15 j
L 770/15 j
L. Macrocarpum Lutea d
L'Ainesse o
L'Ainesse Züchter: R.W. Laine j
L'Vinoe Serdtse (oder: Lvinoe Serdtse. Lwinoje Serdste) Züchter: Myazina Lyubov' Anatolievna c, d, j
L'Vovich Züchter: Gladkov Dmitrij Sergeevich, Semenova Anna Nikolaevna j
La 118 g, h
La 2644 c, d
La 2998 c, d
La Carotina Züchter: Domaine Public (Fr) d, j, k
La Dehesa Züchter: Unilever Best Foods N.A. j, o
La Destrousse c
La Jaune j, o
La Malva Züchter: Unilever Best Foods N.A. j, o
La Negra Del Pais c, n
La Nucia Golosina Züchter: Arno Kahne[1] c
La Parmense j
La Posta j
La Premiere f, g, h
La Roca o
La Rochapes c, d
La Roma c, d
La Roma III F1 c, d
La Rossa j
La Sebre d
La Serbe c, d
La Serena Züchter: Unilever Best Foods N.A. j, o
Labamba j
Labell Züchter: De Ruiter Zonen (Nl) j
Labrador c, d
Lacey j
Lacivert j
Lacrima Züchter: Syngenta Seeds B.V. j
Lada Züchter: Myazina Lyubov' Anatolievna c, d, j
Ladino j
Ladino Di Panocchia d
Ladislav j
Ladiva Züchter: De Ruiter Seeds B.V., Leeuwenhoekweg 52, P.O. Box 1050, 2660 Bb, Bergschenhoek The Netherlands j, o
Ladner j, o
Ladoga Züchter: Rijk Zwaan Zaadteelt En Zaadhandel B.V. g, h, j, o
Ladushka Züchter: Andreeva Evgeniya Nikolaevna, Nazina Sofiya Luisovna, Ushakova Mariya Ivanovna j
Lady Züchter: W Weibull j, o
Lady Aireen Sweetie Pie (oder: Lady Aireen Sweety Pie) Züchter: Dreschflegel e. V. f, j
Lady Bird (oder: Ladybird) c, d, e, g, h, n
Lady Juani j
Lady Luck (oder: Gospozha Udacha) e
Lady Lucy c, d
Lady Red Züchter: Hazera Genetics Ltd (Il)/Yissum Research Dev Of The Hebrew University Of Jerusalem (Il) j
Lady Rosa j
Ladylee Züchter: Hazera Genetics j, o
Laesa g, h
Laeta g, h
Laetizia (oder: Laetitia) Züchter: Tezier Sa (Fr) j
Laf g, h
Lafanya Züchter: Andreeva Evgeniya Nikolaevna, Sysina Elena Artemievna, Nazina Sofiya Luisovna, Bogdanov Kirill Borisovich, Ushakova Mariya Ivanovna j
Lafayette c, d, g, h
Lafita j, o
Lafitte Züchter: Syngenta Seeds B.V. j, o
Lafranca j
Lagenda Züchter: Bontems Silvian j, o
Lagertomate n
Lagertomate Gelb-Rot m, n
Lagertomate Oval n
Lagertomate Rot c
Lagidnij (oder: Lagidnyi) c, d
Lagoon j
Laguna Züchter: Hebrew Uni/Hazera j, o
Lah Leh g, h
Lahman Pink k
Laietana Züchter: De Ruiter Seeds j, o
Laila Züchter: Yissum Research Dev Of The Hebrew University Of Jerusalem (Il) j
Lajf Züchter: Alekseev Yurij Borisovich j
Lajma Züchter: Gavrish Sergej Fedorovich, Morev Viktor Vasilievich, Amcheslavskaya Elena Valentinovna, Volok Olga Anatolievna, Nikonovich Tatiyana Vladimirovna j, o
Lakeland g, h
Laketa c, d, e, g, h
Laki Züchter: Tarasov Yurij Dmitrievich j
Lakomka Züchter: Kondratieva Irina Yurievna j
Lalezar j
Lalin j
Lamande j
Lamantin Züchter: Nunhems B.V. j
Lamara j
Lamas j
Lambada Züchter: Vilmorin Sa (Fr) c, d, e, g, h, j
Lambert Züchter: Plantico Hodowla I Nasiennictwo Ogrodnicze Zielonki Sp. Z O.O. j
Lambert's General Grant c, d
Lambik j
Lamia j
Lamia 3185 j
Lampa Züchter: Gavrish Sergej Fedorovich, Morev Viktor Vasilievich, Amcheslavskaya Elena Valentinovna, Degovtsova Tatiyana Vladimirovna, Volok Olga Anatolievna j
Lampa Aladdina Züchter: Andreeva Evgeniya Nikolaevna, Sysina Elena Artemievna, Nazina Sofiya Luisovna, Bogdanov Kirill Borisovich, Ushakova Mariya Ivanovna j
Lampadina c, d
Lampadina 3 g, h
Lampadina 7 g, h
Lämpchen Gelb c
Lämpchen Rot c
Lampetie Züchter: Hazera Genetics j, o
Lampo j, o
Lampo F1 j
Lana Züchter: Iberoseed Cia. Iberica De Semillas, S.L. c, d, j
Lancang Züchter: Vilmorin S.A. j, o
Lancelot Züchter: Gabillard Daniel j
Lancet Züchter: Przedsiebiorstwo Nasiennictwa Ogrodniczego I Szkolkarstwa Spolka Akcyjna W Upadlosci Likwidacyjnej \Instytut Ogrodnictwa j
Lancia c, d
Landino Di Panocchia c, d, g, h
Landolino Züchter: Syngenta Crop Protection Ag j, o
Landreth c, e, g, h
Landry's Russian e, g, h
Landshuter Riese c, e, n
Langada c, d
Lange Dünne Bauerntomate c
Lange Dünne Bauerntomate Aus Honduras m
Lange Große Kubanische c, m
Langer Aermer (oder: Lange Aermer) c, d, f
Langer Erwin c, n
Langley j
Langundo Züchter: Rijk Zwaan Zaadteelt En Zaadhandel B.V. j, o
Lanset j
Lansing g, h
Lanzara Züchter: De Ruiter Zonen (Nl) j
Lap-Leaf c, d
Lapataia j
Lapillo j
Lapot Züchter: Tarasov Yurij Dmitrievich j
Lara Züchter: Graines Gautier Sa (Fr) j
Lara's Giant c, d, d
Laredo Züchter: S&G Seeds B.V. j, o
Lareina Züchter: Hazera Genetics j, o
Larende j
Larganto j
Largavida j
Large Barred Boar c, d
Large Black And Red Boar c, d
Large Dark Purple c, d
Large Fruited g, h
Large German c, d
Large German Cherry c, d
Large Mennonite Heritage c, d
Large Orange c, d
Large Orange Heirloom c, d
Large Pink c, d
Large Pink Bulgarian c, d, k
Large Pink German c, d
Large Pink Ponderosa f
Large Pink Purple c, d
Large Pink Stripe c, e, g, h
Large Red c, d, k
Large Red Cherry Typ: Kirschtomate. Reifezeit: 72 Tage. c, d, i (31. August 2016)
Large Red Heirloom c, d
Large Ribbed Pink f, g, h
Large Ribbed Zapotec g, h
Large Rose f, g, h
Large Yellow
c, d
Large Yellow Amish c, d, f, k
Largetto j
Largo j, o
Larguero Züchter: Philoseed Ltd. j, o
Lariato j
Larimar Züchter: Vilmorin S.A. j, o
Larisa Züchter: Lukiyanenko Anatolij Nikitovich, Dubinin Sergej Vladimirovich, Dubinina Irina Nikolaevna c, d, j
Larissa Züchter: A.R.O. The Volcani Center j, o
Larma j
Larnaca j, o
Las Bardenas Züchter: Unilever Best Foods N.A. j, o
Las Vegas Züchter: Intersemillas j, o
Lasiter j
Laska Züchter: Lukiyanenko Anatolij Nikitovich, Dubinin Sergej Vladimirovich, Dubinina Irina Nikolaevna j
Laskovyj Misha Züchter: Kachajnik Vladimir Georgievich, Chernaya Viktoriya Viktorovna j
Lasso j, o
Lasting Love c, e
Lastochka Züchter: Ignatova Svetlana Ilyinichna, Kvasnikov Boris Vasilievich j
Lata g, h
Latah c, d, e, g, h, j, o
Latalata Züchter: Syngenta Participations Ag j
Late Orange c, d
Laterna j
Laternchen Typ: Stabtomate a, e, g, h
Latifa j
Latino Züchter: Seminis Veget.Seeds Inc j
Latvia Yellow c, d
Laujar Züchter: Monsanto Vegetable Ip Management B.V. j, o
Laukia c
Laukiai Züchter: Lietuvos Agrariniu Ir Mišku Mokslu Centro Filialas Sodininkystes Ir Daržininkystes Institutas j, o
Laukiai Bs Züchter: Lietuvos Agrariniu Ir Mišku Mokslu Centro Filialas Sodininkystes Ir Daržininkystes Institutas j, o
Laukiaj Züchter: Litovskij Nii Sadovodstva I Ovoshchevodstva, 234335, Kaunasskij Raion, P/O Babtaj, Lithuania j, o
Laura Züchter: Andreeva Evgeniya Nikolaevna, Avakumova Laura Georgievna c, e, j
Laura's Irish c, d
Laurana j
Laurano 70 g, h, j
Laureen Züchter: Hm Clause Sa (Fr) j, o
Laurelia Züchter: Rijk Zwaan B.V. j
Lauretanum Züchter: Blumen Group j
Laurina Züchter: The Hebrew University Of Jerusalem - Fac Agricul Levi Eshkol (Il) j
Laurisilva Züchter: Seminis Vegetable Seed Ib j, o
Lav Busk 327 c
Lava j
Lavant Cross j, o
Lavico j, o
Lavina Züchter: Kozak Vladimir Ivanovich, Bohan Aleksandr Ivanovich, Yudaeva Valentina Egorovna j
Lavinium j
Lavinya j
Lavon j
Law 1040 j
Lawyna j
Laxus g, h
Lazar Züchter: Np Nii Ovoshchevodstva Zashchishchennogo Grunta, 107061, G.Moskva, Ul.Suvorovskaia, D. 32/34, Str. 2, Russia; Ooo Agrofirma Gavrish, 103287, G.Moskva, Ul.2Aia Khutorskaia, D. 11, Str. 1, Russia. Gavrish Sergej Fedorovich, Morev Viktor Vasilievich, Amcheslavskaya Elena Valentinovna, Volok Olga Anatolievna, Gavrish Fedor Sergeevich, Nesterovich Arkadij Nikolaevich j, o
Lazarino Züchter: Semillas Fitó S.A. j, o
Lazer Züchter: Golden West Seed Co. Inc. j
Lb 85 j
Lb 99 j
Lbm Züchter: Fotev Yurij Valentinovich j
Lea Züchter: Bio-Obtention (Fr) f, j
Lea's Supersteak c, d
Leachko German c, d
Leadbeatter's Lunker c, d
Leader Züchter: Isi Sementi S.P.A. Frazione (It) j
Leading Züchter: Nunhems B.V. j
Leaf Mould Resister No. 1 g, h
Leana j, o
Leandra j
Leatha's Italian c, d
Leatherwood Special c, d
Lebanon c, d
Lebiaskowskij c, d
Lebikini Züchter: Gautier Semences Sas (Fr) j
Lebjazinskij g, h
Lebron Züchter: Vilmorin S.A. j
Lebyazhinskij (oder: Lebyajinsky) Züchter: Chulkov Nikolaj Ivanovich, Popova Liya Nikolaevna, Brezhnev Dmitrij Danilovich, Glushchenko Elizaveta Yakovlevna g, h, j
Lecase Di Apulia c, d
Led Züchter: Isi Sementi Spa j
Leda j
Ledoux Special c, d
Ledoux Special Rose e
Lee c, d
Lee Williams c, d
Lee's Sweet c, d
Leen j, o
Lees Golden Girl h
Lefkimi c
Legacy j, o
Legajny c
Legato j, o
Legend Züchter: Golden West Seed Co. Inc. c, d, j, k
Legenda Tarasenko c, d
Legendario j
Legioner Züchter: Ognev Valerij Vladimirovich, Maksimov Sergej Vasilievich, Klimenko Nikolaj Nikolaevich, Kostenko Aleksandr Nikolaevich, Sergeev Vladimir Valerievich j
Leh 1009 Züchter: Pioneer Hi-Bred International Inc j, o
Leh 1012 Züchter: Pioneer Hi-Bred International Inc j, o
Leh 1013 Züchter: Pioneer Hi-Bred International Inc j, o
Leh 1016 Züchter: Pioneer Hi-Bred International Inc j, o
Leh 1017 Züchter: Pioneer Hi-Bred International Inc j, o
Leh 1019 Züchter: Pioneer Hi-Bred International Inc j, o
Leh 1020 Züchter: Pioneer Hi-Bred International Inc j, o
Leh 1022 Züchter: Pioneer Hi-Bred International Inc j, o
Leh 1023 Züchter: Pioneer Hi-Bred International Inc j, o
Leh 1027 Züchter: Pioneer Hi-Bred International Inc j, o
Leh 1030 Züchter: Pioneer Hi-Bred International Inc j, o
Leh 1034 Züchter: Pioneer Hi-Bred International Inc j, o
Leheckovo Pomerancové j
Lehm h
Lehrertomate (oder: Riesentomate) c, d, f, n
Leila j
Lejcukovo Oranzove d
Lel Züchter: Guseva Lyudmila Ivanovna, Nikulaesh Mihail Dmitrievich, Kachajnik Vladimir Georgievich j
Lelek Züchter: Instytut Warzywnictwa Im. Emila Chroboczka \Zakład Ogrodniczy Przyborów Sp. Z O.O. j
Lelik Züchter: Bondarenko Lyubov' Alekseevna, Tarasov Yurij Dmitrievich j
Lelya Züchter: Ignatova Svetlana Ilyinichna, Gorshkova Nina Sergeevna j
Lemance Züchter: De Ruiter Zonen (Nl) j
Lembiformis g, h
Lemon Blush g, h
Lemon Boy
Hybride Sorte. Reifezeit: 72 Tage. c, d, f, i (31. August 2016), j
Lemon Boy F1 d
Lemon Bush c
Lemon Cherry F1 c, d
Lemon Drop d
Lemon Giant d
Lemon Sherbet Züchter: Namdhari Seeds Pvt Ltd j, o
Lemon Tree Züchter: Domaine Public (Fr) c, j, n
Lemonade Züchter: Syngenta Crop Protection Ag j, o
Lemony (oder: Limmony. Lemmony) c, d, k
Lemure Züchter: Blumen Group S.P.A j
Len 9110 j
Len 9111 j
Len 9112 j
Lena g, h
Lenan Yellow c
Lenda Züchter: Gavrish Sergej Fedorovich, Morev Viktor Vasilievich, Amcheslavskaya Elena Valentinovna, Volok Olga Anatolievna, Nesterovich Arkadij Nikolaevich j
Leningradskij c
Leningradskij Gigant (oder: Leningradskiy Gigant) Züchter: Kononov Aleksandr Nikolaevich, Krasnikov Leonid Georgievich c, d, j
Leningradskij Holodok Züchter: Zhidkova Valentina Andreevna, Mihed Valentina Stepanovna, Kononov Aleksandr Nikolaevich j
Leningradskij Krupnoplodnji c
Leningradskij Skorospelij (oder: Leningradskij Skorospelyj. Leningradskiy Skorospelyi) c, d, g, h
Lenna j
Lennie & Gracie's Kentucky Heirloom k
Lennon Züchter: Syngenta Seeds Bv (Nl) j
Lennox Züchter: Isi Sementi Spa j
Lenny Züchter: Hebrew University j, o
Lenny And Gracie's Kentucky Heirloom c, d
Lenny And Gracie's Kentucky Heirloom Pink c, d
Lenny And Gracie's Kentucky Heirloom Red c, d
Lenor j
Lentyajka Züchter: Ugarova Svetlana Viktorovna, Postnikova Olga Valentinovna j
Leo c, d, j
Leo Harper's Yellow c, d
Leola Züchter: Zeraim Gedera Ltd (Il) j
Leon Züchter: Clause Semences Sa (Fr) j
Leonarda Züchter: Hazera Genetics Ltd (Il)/Yissum Research Dev Of The Hebrew University Of Jerusalem (Il) j
Leonardo Züchter: Gavrish Sergej Fedorovich, Morev Viktor Vasilievich, Amcheslavskaya Elena Valentinovna, Degovtsova Tatiyana Vladimirovna, Gladkov Dmitrij Sergeevich, Volkov Aleksandr Aleksandrovich, Semenova Anna Nikolaevna, Artemieva Galina Mihajlovna, Redichkina Tatiyana Aleksandrovna c, j, n
Leonce Züchter: Rijk Zwaan Zaadteelt En Zaadhandel Bv (Nl) j
Leonerosso j
Leonida j, o
Leonora Züchter: Clause - Tezier (Fr) j
Leopardo Züchter: Royal Sluis j, o
Leopeel Züchter: Azienda Agricola Farao Di Renato Faraone Mennella j
Leopol'D Züchter: Gavrish Sergej Fedorovich, Morev Viktor Vasilievich, Amcheslavskaya Elena Valentinovna, Degovtsova Tatiyana Vladimirovna, Volok Olga Anatolievna j
Leprosa g, h
Lerac Züchter: Vilmorin Sa (Fr) j, o
Lerac F1 j
Lerica Züchter: Les Graines Caillard Sa (Fr) c, d, j
Lerica F1 Züchter: S&G Seeds B.V. j, o
Lescana c, d
Lescana Heart c, d
Lescukovo Oranzove d
Leslie Züchter: Magnum Seeds Inc (Us) j
Letaba j
Letizia (oder: Leticia) Züchter: Tezier Sa (Fr) j
Letnij Sad Züchter: Myazina Lyubov' Anatolievna j
Letoile Züchter: Vilmorin S.A. j
Leton j
Letona j
Letos Züchter: General Seed & Food Industries S.A. j
Lettuce Leaf e
Lety Züchter: De Ruiter Seeds j, o
Lev Züchter: Gavrish Sergej Fedorovich, Morev Viktor Vasilievich, Amcheslavskaya Elena Valentinovna, Degovtsova Tatiyana Vladimirovna, Volok Olga Anatolievna j
Lev 1002 Züchter: Pioneer Hi-Bred International Inc j, o
Lev 1011 Züchter: Pioneer Hi-Bred International Inc j, o
Lev Tolstoj Züchter: Gavrish Sergej Fedorovich, Kapustina Raisa Nikolaevna, Artemieva Galina Mihajlovna, Filimonova Yuliya Alekseevna, Redichkina Tatiyana Aleksandrovna, Kibanova Nataliya Alekseevna j
Levante Züchter: Monsanto Vegetable Ip Management B.V. j, o
Levanzo Züchter: Rijk Zwaan Zaadteelt En Zaadhandel B.V. j
Levchik Züchter: Nastenko Nataliya Viktorovna, Kachajnik Vladimir Georgievich, Kandoba Aleksej Viktorovich j
Leveleki Tf g, h
Levino c, d, f
Levita Züchter: Rijk Zwaan Zaadteelt En Zaadhandel Bv (Nl) j
Lewport g, h
Lexie Züchter: Hazera Genetics j, o
Leyenda Züchter: Yuksel Seeds Ltd. j
Leyva Züchter: Semillas Fito, S.A. j, o
Lezaforta j
Lezginka Züchter: Gavrish Sergej Fedorovich, Morev Viktor Vasilievich, Amcheslavskaya Elena Valentinovna, Degovtsova Tatiyana Vladimirovna, Volok Olga Anatolievna, Vasilieva Margarita Yurievna j
Lezhebok Züchter: Gavrish Sergej Fedorovich, Morev Viktor Vasilievich, Amcheslavskaya Elena Valentinovna, Volok Olga Anatolievna j, o
Lezzita j
Li Cun c, d
Lia d
Lia Lia Fa Züchter: Ooo Agrofirma Gavrish, 103287, G.Moskva, Ul.2Aia Khutorskaia, D. 11, Str. 1, Russia j, o
Liana Züchter: Pridnestrovskij Niiskh, 3300, G.Tiraspol, Ul.Mira, 50, Moldova j, o
Liana Orange m
Liana Orangewaja (oder: Liana Orangevaja) c, f
Lianne j
Lianozovo Züchter: Gavrish Sergej Fedorovich, Morev Viktor Vasilievich, Amcheslavskaya Elena Valentinovna, Degovtsova Tatiyana Vladimirovna, Volok Olga Anatolievna, Gladkov Dmitrij Sergeevich, Semenova Anna Nikolaevna j
Liat j
Libalo j
Liban c, d
Libanesische Bergtomate (oder: Libanaise Des Montagnes) c, e, m
Libby's Pride c, d
Libella j
Liberator Züchter: Harris Moran Seed Company c, d, j, o
Libero Züchter: Consorzio Agrario Provinciale Di Parma j
Liberstar j
Libertino Züchter: Genista S.R.L. j
Liberto Züchter: Deruiterzonen Cv, Nl-266526 Bleiswijk j, o
Liberty Züchter: Isi Sementi Spa j
Liberty Bell Züchter: Domaine Public (Fr) b, c, d, e, g, h, j, k
Liberty Tree c, d
Libra Züchter: Petoseed Co.Inc. c, j, o
Licatese Seccagno c, d
Lichina Tal n
Licobello c, j
Licobello F1 d
Licobrix Züchter: Zeta Seeds S.L. j
Licor j
Licorino j
Licorossa Züchter: De Ruiter Seeds B.V. j, o
Licorosso c
Lida Ukrainian c, d, e, g, h, k
Lider Züchter: Dubinin Sergej Vladimirovich, Kirillov Mihail Ivanovich c, j
Lider 165 g, h
Lidertom j
Lidia Züchter: Seminis Veget. Seeds Inc j
Lidiya Züchter: Ignatova Svetlana Ilyinichna, Gorshkova Nina Sergeevna j
Lido Züchter: Cent. Za Povrtar. Sp (Yu) c, j, o
Lido Es 2125 j
Lido F1 d
Lidrema j, o
Liebling Australien n
Liebner c
Liespagnol Lefebvres c, d
Lightning g, h
Liguria Züchter: Isi Sementi Spa c, d, e, f, j
Liguria King j
Ligurische Fleischtomate n
Likobol j, o
Likya At 25 j
Likyor Züchter: Myazina Lyubov' Anatolievna j
Lil's Favorite c, d
Lil's Potato Leaf Mystery c, d
Lila Züchter: Ljudmila Koren (Si) j, o
Lila Fleischtomate n
Lila Sari Züchter: Arche Noah c, d, e, f, g, h, j, m, n, o
Lilac c, d, f, j, n, o
Lilac Gem c
Lilac Giant c, d, k
Lili Marlen Züchter: Mashtakov Aleksej Alekseevich, Mashtakova Anna Harlampievna, Strel'Nikova Tamara Romanovna, Mashtakov Nikolaj Alekseevich j
Lilia j
Lilian's Yellow f
Lilian's Yellow Heirloom c
Liliana Züchter: Western Seed España, S.A. c, d, j, o
Lillagro Züchter: Agrosel S.R.L. j
Lillian Maciejewski's Poland Pink c, d
Lillian's Red Kansas Paste c, d, e, g, h
Lillian's Yellow Heirloom b, d, e, g, h, k, m
Lillian's Yellow Heirloom Cross c, d
Lilliput V. F. N. Ibrido F1 j
Lillit Züchter: Reinsaat Kg j
Lillo Züchter: Peotec Seeds Srl j
Lilly Züchter: W Weibull j, o
Lilly Sunshine c
Lilos Züchter: Rijk Zwaan Zaadteelt En Zaadhandel Bv (Nl) j, o
Lilos F1 j
Lily Improved j
Lima Züchter: Seminis Vegetable Seeds, Inc. g, h, j
Limachino g, h
Limaq c, d
Limaro j
Limbaugh's Legacy Potato Top c, d
Limbo f
Limbrata g, h
Lime Green Salad c, d, e, g, h, k
Limetto Züchter: Hild Samen GmbH j
Limmony (oder: Limonny) Züchter: Domaine Public (Fr) d, g, h, j
Limon-2 c, d
Limonchik Züchter: Ignatova Svetlana Ilyinichna, Gorshkova Nina Sergeevna, Tereshonkova Tatiyana Arkadievna j
Limonchiki c, d
Limoncito Züchter: Hazera Genetics f, j, o
Limone c
Limonetes Züchter: Sidt, Etsia, Cida j
Limonnij Gigant c
Limontschiki f
Limyra j
Lina Züchter: Gavrish Sergej Fedorovich, Morev Viktor Vasilievich, Amcheslavskaya Elena Valentinovna, Volok Olga Anatolievna, Nesterovich Arkadij Nikolaevich j, n
Linares Züchter: Semillas Fito, S.A. j, o
Linata Züchter: Enza Zaden Beheer B.V. j
Linate Züchter: Western Seed España, S.A. j
Lince Züchter: Vilmorin Sa (Fr) j
Linceo j
Lincoln Adams c, d
Lincoln Gold c, d
Linda Züchter: Sakata Seed America Inc (Usa) j, o
Linda 200 Züchter: Syngenta Crop Protection Ag j
Linda F1 j
Linda Ukrainian m
Linda's Faux d
Lindos Züchter: Isi Sementi Spa j
Line 125 g, h
Line 127 g, h
Linet j
Linharts Riese (oder: Linhart's Giant) c, d, e, g, h
Linia 15/53 Tiganesti c, d
Linia 22 g, h
Linia 574 j
Linia 582 j
Linia 71 Icar g, h
Linie C j
Línie D j
Liniya 24 Züchter: Myazina Lyubov' Anatolievna j
Liniya 985 Züchter: Velichka Nikolova Rodeva j
Link Züchter: Isi Sementi Spa j, o
Linkor Züchter: Ignatova Svetlana Ilyinichna, Gorshkova Nina Sergeevna, Tereshonkova Tatiyana Arkadievna j
Linnea Züchter: Monsanto Holland B.V. j
Linnette Züchter: Yissum Research Dev Of The Hebrew University Of Jerusalem (Il) j
Linnie's Oxheart c, d
Lino Züchter: Western Seed España, S.A. j
Linosa c, e, g, h
Linotyl Züchter: Western Seed España, S.A. j, o
Lintorpa Prinzess g, h
Linus j
Lioba j
Lion j
Liora j
Lipezkij (oder: Lipetskij) c, d, e, g, h, n
Lippu Züchter: Syngenta Seeds B.V. j
Lipso Züchter: Clause (Fr) j, o
Lipsos j
Lira Züchter: L. Krasteva, H. Georgiev, D. Popova, V. Sotirova j, o
Lira F1 j
Liress j
Liri j
Liron j
Lisa j
Lisa King c, d
Lisandra Züchter: Vilmorin S.A. j, o
Lisboa Züchter: Novartis Seeds B.V. j
Lisbon d, j
Lisetta j
Lisichka Züchter: Ivanova Tatiyana Evgenievna, Vasiliev Yurij Vasilievich, Pushkareva Nataliya Vyacheslavovna, Zver'Kova Veronika Gennadievna d, j
Lisos Grandes e
Lissa Züchter: Hazera Genetics Ltd (Il)/Yissum Research Dev Of The Hebrew University Of Jerusalem (Il) j
Lissete j
Listell Züchter: De Ruiter Seeds Nl B.V. j
Lita 41 j
Litani j
Liternum Züchter: Hm Clause Inc j
Lithos Züchter: Harris Moran Seed Company (Usa) (Us) j, o
Lithuanian c, d
Lithuanian 2 g, h
Lithuanian Crested e, g, h
Lithuanian Crested Pink c, d, k
Lito j
Litos j
Litschi Tomate f
Littano Züchter: Clause - Tezier (Fr) j
Little Bells c, d
Little Bottle c
Little Granny e
Little Heartbreaker e
Little Julia c, d
Little Lucky c, d, g, h
Little Lucky Heart c, d, e, f, g, h
Little Oak Like g, h
Little Sugar Yellow c, d
Little Sun Yellow F1 c, d
Little Willie's Mouthful c, d
Little Wonder e, j
Livas j
Liverpool (oder: Liverpul) Züchter: Gavrish Sergej Fedorovich, Morev Viktor Vasilievich, Amcheslavskaya Elena Valentinovna, Volok Olga Anatolievna j
Livida g, h
Livingston's Acme e, g, h, m
Livingston's Beauty
b, c, d, e, f, g, h
Livingston's Favorite
c, d, e, g, h, m
Livingston's Giant Oxheart c, d, e
Livingston's Globe c, d, e
Livingston's Gold Ball c, e, g, h
Livingston's Honor Bright c, d
Livingston's Lutescent Honor Bright f
Livingston's Magnum c, m
Livingston's Magnus e, g, h
Livingston's Marvelous c, d
Livingston's Ohio Red c, d
Livingston's Paragon c, e, f, g, h
Livingston's Perfection c, d
Livingston's Stone f
Livingston's Yellow Oxheart c, d
Livingstons Runde f
Livne j
Livorno j
Lixus j
Liya Züchter: Skvortsova Rufina Vasilievna, Kondratieva Irina Yurievna, Ajrapetova Svetlana Arakelovna, Hachatryan Donara Vartanovna j
Liz Birt c, d
Liza Züchter: Dubinin Sergej Vladimirovich, Kirillov Mihail Ivanovich j
Lizzano Ampeltomate. Züchter: Mr.J.D.Burrows j, l, o
Lizzano F1 c, d
Lizzy c, g, h, j
Ljana c
Ljana Rosovaja e
Ljubimji Prasdnik c
Llado Züchter: De Ruiter Seeds j, o
Llanero j
Lloyd Forcing g, h
Lm 411 j
Lo Fisher c
Lobelia Züchter: Hebrew Uni/Hazera j
Lobello j
Lobo j
Locanda j
Locarno j
Locarno F1 c
Locatelli Züchter: Rijk Zwaan Zaadteelt En Zaadhandel B.V. j, o
Locke g, h
Logan j
Logistica Züchter: Rijk Zwaan Zaadteelt En Zaadhandel Bv (Nl) j
Logistica Rz Züchter: Rijk Zwaan France Sarl (Fr) j
Logure Züchter: Rijk Zwaan Zaadteelt En Zaadhandel Bv (Nl) j
Logure 73 571 Rz j
Logyna j
Loica Inta j
Loira j
Lojain Züchter: Enza Zaden Beheer B.V. j
Loka c, d, e
Lola Züchter: Andreeva Evgeniya Nikolaevna, Sysina Elena Artemievna, Nazina Sofiya Luisovna, Bogdanov Kirill Borisovich, Ushakova Mariya Ivanovna j
Lola Amelie Züchter: Firma Grünewald j
Lolek Züchter: Plantico Hodowla I Nasiennictwo Ogrodnicze Golebiew Sp. Z O.O. j
Lolita Züchter: Louis Poloni (Fr) j, o
Lollipop b, c, d, e, g, h, k
Lombardi c, d
Lomitero Pg Inta j
Lommeltomate c, d
Lonbo j
London j
Londrina j
Long Beauty c
Long Blue c, d
Long Cherry j
Long John c, d
Long Keeper (oder: Longkeeper) c, d, e, g, h, k
Long Kiper Züchter: Andreeva Evgeniya Nikolaevna, Sysina Elena Artemievna, Nazina Sofiya Luisovna, Bogdanov Kirill Borisovich, Ushakova Mariya Ivanovna j
Long Peel Züchter: Mario Faraone Mennella j
Long Red j
Long Tom c, d, k
Longatina Züchter: Rijk Zwaan Zaadteelt En Zaadhandel Bv (Nl) j
Longf Züchter: Alekseev Yurij Borisovich j
Longipes g, h
Loni j
Lontano Züchter: Western Seed España, S.A. j, o
Loomis Potatoe Leaf Cherry c
Lootsy j
Lopatinskie (oder: Lopatinskije) c, d
Lora Züchter: Daehnfeld L. A/S j
Loralie Züchter: Hazera Genetics j, o
Loran Blood c, d, g, h
Loranne Züchter: Hazera Genetics j, o
Lorca Züchter: Shlomi Elyakim (Il) j
Lord Züchter: Domanskaya Majya Konstantinovna, Gubko Valentina Nikolaevna, Orlova Elena Arnol'Dovna, Salmina Irina Semenovna, Chernovolova Olga Alekseevna, Dmitrienko Al'Vina E'Duardovna j, o
Lord Black j
Lore g, h
Loredana Züchter: Rijk Zwaan Zaadteelt En Zaadhandel B.V. j
Lorely Züchter: Clause - Tezier (Fr) j, o
Lorena j
Lorenz j
Lorenzo Züchter: De Ruiter Seeds B.V., Leeuwenhoekweg 52, P.O. Box 1050, 2660 Bb, Bergschenhoek The Netherlands j, o
Lorenzo Herz n
Lorenzos Haustomate n
Lorenzos Weiche n
Loreto Züchter: Enza Zaden B.V. c, j, o
Loretta j
Loriane Züchter: Tezier Sa (Fr) j
Lorin Züchter: Yissum Research Developm. j, o
Lorissa Züchter: Les Graines Caillard Sa (Fr) j
Lorybel Züchter: Esasem Spa j
Losetto Züchter: Mr.J.D.Burrows c, j, o
Losharik Züchter: Tarasov Yurij Dmitrievich j
Losickij g, h
Losinoostrovskij g, h
Losna j
Lost Marbles d
Lotas Züchter: Rnpdup Institut Ovoshchevodstva, Belarus j
Lothar Züchter: Boni Angelo j
Lotina Cf j
Lotos Züchter: Kondratieva Irina Yurievna, Kandoba Elena Evgenievna c, d, j
Lotty j
Lotus j
Lotye Züchter: Hazera Genetics j, o
Louis j
Louiselle j
Louisiana Dixie c, d
Louisiana Gulf State c, d
Louisiana Pink c, d, k
Louisiana Red c, d, n
Lourdez j
Lova Züchter: Superior D.O.O j
Love j
Love Song Züchter: Hazera Genetics j, o
Lovely Züchter: Vilmorin Sa (Fr) j
Loverboy Züchter: Bejo Zaden B.V. j
Lovett j
Lovety Züchter: Fenix S.R.L. j
Lovkij Züchter: Hovrin Aleksandr Nikolaevich, Tereshonkova Tatiyana Arkadievna, Klimenko Nikolaj Nikolaevich, Kostenko Aleksandr Nikolaevich j
Lovric c, d
Löwen f
Löwenherztomate c
Lowveld 9889 j
Loxton Lad d
Loxton Lass d
Lozorno j
Ls 330 j, o
Ls 5000 j, o
Lt-1 Züchter: Produkcja I Hodowla Roslin Ogrodniczych Krzeszowice Sp. Z O.O. j
Lu Leng Ho c
Luana Züchter: Esasem Spa j
Luana Tylc j, o
Luanova j
Luban Züchter: Plantico Hodowla I Nasiennictwo Ogrodnicze Zielonki Sp. Z O.O. j
Lubica j
Lubitelskij Rozovij c
Lubomir j
Lubomír j
Luca Züchter: Les Graines Caillard j
Luca F1 j
Lucchese c, d
Lucciola Züchter: Olter Srl j
Lucena Züchter: S & G Seeds Bv (Nl) j
Lucente Züchter: Semillas Fitó S.A. j, o
Lucero j
Luchia Züchter: Western Seed Espana S.A. j
Luchiia Züchter: Nii Kukuruzy I Sorgo Npo Porumben, 4834, Kriulianskij Raion, Kishinevskij Uezd, S. Pashkan, Moldova j, o
Luchistyj Züchter: Avdeev Yurij Ivanovich, Kigashpaeva Olga Petrovna, Ivanova Lyudmila Mihajlovna, Avdeev Andrej Yurievich, Samuilov Sergej Il'Dusovich j
Luci j, o
Lucia Züchter: Sementi Dotto Spa j
Luciano j, o
Lucida g, h
Luciebell Züchter: Nanto Seed Co Ltd. j
Lucienne Züchter: Hazera Genetics j, o
Lucile Züchter: Hazera Genetics j, o
Lucille Tilson c
Lucinda Züchter: Yissum Research Developm. c, d, j, o
Lucino j
Luciplus Züchter: Hazera Genetics j, o
Lucitop Züchter: Hazera Genetics j, o
Lucius j
Lucky f, j
Lucky Cross c, d, e, f, g, h, k
Lucky Cross Pink e, g, h
Lucky Cross X Cherokee Chocolate c, d
Lucky Heart c, d
Lucky Lady j
Lucky Leprechaun c, d
Lucky Swirl d
Lucky Tiger c, d, e
Luckystar j
Lucrecia Züchter: Syngenta Seeds B.V. j
Lucy Züchter: Les Graines Caillard j
Lucy F1 j
Lucy Tm V j
Luda j
Ludmilla's Pink Heart c, d, e
Ludmilla's Red Plum c, d, e
Ludmilla's Yellow Giant c, d, e
Ludovika Züchter: Nieli Tommaso j
Lugano j
Lugas j
Lughente Züchter: Tomato Colors Soc. Coop. j
Lugwig c, d
Luidor Züchter: Gavrish Sergej Fedorovich, Volok Olga Anatolievna, Kapustina Raisa Nikolaevna, Gladkov Dmitrij Sergeevich, Sedin Aleksej Anatolievich, Volkov Aleksandr Aleksandrovich, Semenova Anna Nikolaevna, Artemieva Galina Mihajlovna, Filimonova Yuliya Alekseevna, Redichkina Tatiyana Aleksandrovna j
Luigi a
Luiki Züchter: Zenas S.R.L. j
Luisa Züchter: Hazera Genetics Ltd (Il)/Yissum Research Dev Of The Hebrew University Of Jerusalem (Il) j
Luisiana j
Luiza Züchter: Tarasov Yurij Dmitrievich j
Luka j, o
Lukasz Züchter: Gospodarstwo Doswiadczalne Z.W. Kowalczykowie j
Lukoshko Na Okoshke Züchter: Myazina Lyubov' Anatolievna, Kudryavtseva Elizaveta Romanovna j
Luksor Züchter: Gavrish Sergej Fedorovich, Morev Viktor Vasilievich, Amcheslavskaya Elena Valentinovna, Volok Olga Anatolievna, Nikonovich Tatiyana Vladimirovna j
Lukullus Züchter: Franz Staib c, d, e, f, g, h, n
Lullaby Züchter: Syngenta Participations Ag j
Lulu Züchter: Lamboseeds S.R.L. j, o
Lumina Züchter: Golden West Seed Research Co. j
Luminance Züchter: Monsanto Vegetable Ip Management B.V. j, o
Luminoso Züchter: Clause (Fr) j, o
Lumpy Faux d
Lumpy Pink Potato Leaf d
Lumpy Pink Potatoe Leaf c
Lumpy Red c, d
Luna Züchter: Dutch American Plantbreeders Corp. j, o
Lunanera j
Lunar g, h, j
Lunar Joy (oder: Lunnyi Vostorg) e
Lunara Züchter: Golden West Seed Co. Inc. j
Lunarossa j, o
Lunaverde Züchter: Rijk Zwaan Zaadteelt En Zaadhandel B.V. j, o
Lunch Bucket c, e, g, h
Lungi Si Rotunde (oder: Lange Runde) c, g, h
Lungo Di Sarno Züchter: Cirio Ricerche S.C.P.A. j
Lungusor g, h
Lunico Züchter: Nirit Seeds Ltd j
Lunnaya Sonata Züchter: Vinogradov Zosim Sergeevich, Stolpnikova Tamara Vladimirovna j
Lunnji Vostorg (oder: Lunnyi Vostorg) c, d
Lunnyj j
Luocheng e, g, h
Lupin Züchter: Yuksel Seeds Ltd. j
Lupita Züchter: De Ruiter Seeds j, o
Lupitas d, j
Lupitas F1 c
Lupsus Züchter: Syngenta Participations Ag j
Lupy Züchter: Seminis Veget.Seeds Inc j
Lurley's Paste c, d
Lusena g, h
Lush Queen c, d
Lusita j
Lusitano j, o
Lussan j
Lustro Züchter: Clause Semences j
Lutea g, h
Luteola g, h
Lutescent c, d, e, g, h, k, m
Lutescent Long Red d
Lutsch c
Lutschi Is Lutschich c
Lutschist Zürich c, d
Luxe j, o
Luxor a, c, g, h, j
Luxurians g, h
Luxus j
Lyalyafa Züchter: Gavrish Sergej Fedorovich, Morev Viktor Vasilievich, Amcheslavskaya Elena Valentinovna, Volok Olga Anatolievna j
Lyana Züchter: Guseva Lyudmila Ivanovna, Karbinskaya Elizaveta Naumovna, Tsurkanu Vasilij Aleksandrovich, Sadykina Ekaterina Ivanovna c, d, j
Lyc 3151 c
Lyc 458 c
Lyc 560 c
Lyc 68 c
Lyc 69 c
Lyc 859 c
Lyc Cheesmanii Wildform g, h
Lyc Glandulosum g, h
Lycanto j
Lycobello j
Lycogold Züchter: Frankel, R. j, o
Lycomech j, o
Lycomech 467 j, o
Lyconorma g, h
Lycopene 9 Züchter: Kim Myeong-Gwon j, o
Lycopersicon Cheesmanii b, c, e
Lycopersicon Cheesmanii Riley g, h
Lycopersicon Esculentum Mill. g, h
Lycopersicon Esculentum Mill. Convar. Esculentum g, h
Lycopersicon Esculentum Mill. Convar. Esculentum Var. Esculentum g, h
Lycopersicon Esculentum Mill. Convar. Esculentum Var. Violaceum Lehm. g, h
Lycopersicon Esculentum Mill. Convar. Fruticosum Lehm. g, h
Lycopersicon Esculentum Mill. Convar. Fruticosum Lehm. Var. Finiens Lehm. g, h
Lycopersicon Esculentum Mill. Convar. Fruticosum Lehm. Var. Pygmaeum Lehm. g, h
Lycopersicon Esculentum Mill. Convar. Fruticosum Lehm. Var. Speciosum Lehm. g, h
Lycopersicon Esculentum Mill. Convar. Infiniens Lehm. g, h
Lycopersicon Esculentum Mill. Convar. Infiniens Lehm. Var. Amplipinnatum Lehm. g, h
Lycopersicon Esculentum Mill. Convar. Infiniens Lehm. Var. Commune Bail. g, h
Lycopersicon Esculentum Mill. Convar. Infiniens Lehm. Var. Cordiforme Lehm. g, h
Lycopersicon Esculentum Mill. Convar. Infiniens Lehm. Var. Densifolium Lehm. g, h
Lycopersicon Esculentum Mill. Convar. Infiniens Lehm. Var. Flammatum Lehm. g, h
Lycopersicon Esculentum Mill. Convar. Infiniens Lehm. Var. Grandifolium Bail. g, h
Lycopersicon Esculentum Mill. Convar. Infiniens Lehm. Var. Incarnatum Lehm. g, h
Lycopersicon Esculentum Mill. Convar. Infiniens Lehm. Var. Mikadofolium Lehm. g, h
Lycopersicon Esculentum Mill. Convar. Infiniens Lehm. Var. Oviforme (A. Voss) h
Lycopersicon Esculentum Mill. Convar. Infiniens Lehm. Var. Oviforme (A. Voss) Lehm. g
Lycopersicon Esculentum Mill. Convar. Infiniens Lehm. Var. Persicoides Lehm. g, h
Lycopersicon Esculentum Mill. Convar. Infiniens Lehm. Var. Perspicuum Lehm. g, h
Lycopersicon Esculentum Mill. Convar. Infiniens Lehm. Var. Pluriloculare Lehm. g, h
Lycopersicon Esculentum Mill. Convar. Infiniens Lehm. Var. Subviride Lehm. g, h
Lycopersicon Esculentum Mill. Convar. Infiniens Lehm. Var. Validum Bail. g, h
Lycopersicon Esculentum Mill. Convar. Parvibaccatum Lehm. g, h
Lycopersicon Esculentum Mill. Convar. Parvibaccatum Lehm. Var. Bukasovii Mazk. g, h
Lycopersicon Esculentum Mill. Convar. Parvibaccatum Lehm. Var. Cerasiforme (Dun.) h
Lycopersicon Esculentum Mill. Convar. Parvibaccatum Lehm. Var. Cerasiforme (Dun.) Alef. S.L. g
Lycopersicon Esculentum Mill. Convar. Parvibaccatum Lehm. Var. Colombianum Mazk. g, h
Lycopersicon Esculentum Mill. Convar. Parvibaccatum Lehm. Var. Pyriforme (Dun.) h
Lycopersicon Esculentum Mill. Convar. Parvibaccatum Lehm. Var. Pyriforme (Dun.) Alef. S.L. g
Lycopersicon Esculentum Mill. Convar. Scopigerum Lehm. Var. Scopigerum Lehm. g, h
Lycopersicon Hirsutum Humb. Et Bonpl. g, h
Lycopersicon Lycopersicum (L.) Karst. Ex Farw. g, h
Lycopersicon Lycopersicum (L.) Karst. Ex Farw. Var. Cerasiforme (Dun.) Alef. S.L. g, h
Lycopersicon Lycopersicum (L.) Karst. Ex Farw. Var. Humboldtii g, h
Lycopersicon Lycopersicum (L.) Karst. Ex Farw. Var. Racemiforme g, h
Lycopersicon Peruvianum (L.) Mill. g, h
Lycopersicon Pimpinellifolium (Jusl.) Mill. g, h
Lycopersicon Pimpinellifolium (Jusl.) Mill. Var. Pimpinellifolium g, h
Lycopersicon Pimpinellifolium (Jusl.) Mill. Var. Ribesoides (A. Voss) Lehm. g, h
Lycopersicon Sp. g, h
Lycopersicum Americanum c, e, g, h
Lycopersicum Capsiciforme c
Lycopersicum Cheesmanii d
Lycopersicum Cheesmanii Wild g, h
Lycopersicum Chilense c, d
Lycopersicum Chmielewski c, d, g, h
Lycopersicum Columbianum c, d, e, g, h
Lycopersicum Glandulosum c, d
Lycopersicum Grandifolium c
Lycopersicum Hirsutum c, d
Lycopersicum Humboldtianum c
Lycopersicum Juglandifolium c, d
Lycopersicum Macrocarpum Lutea e, g, h
Lycopersicum Macrocarpum Nigra c
Lycopersicum Ochranthum c, d
Lycopersicum Parviflorum c
Lycopersicum Pennelii d
Lycopersicum Pennellii c, d
Lycopersicum Peruvianum c, d
Lycopersicum Sitiens c, d
Lycopersisum Peruvianum Var. Humifusum c
Lycoprea c, g, h
Lycoprea Lyconorma g, h
Lycopride Züchter: Frankel, R. j, o
Lycorich Züchter: Frankel, R. j, o
Lycos j
Lycostar 190 j, o
Lycotom Züchter: Hazera Genetics j, o
Lydia Züchter: Tezier Sa (Fr) j
Lylia Züchter: Domaine Public (Fr) c, d, j, n
Lynn's Mahogany Garnet d
Lynna j
Lynndeza j
Lynnwood c, d
Lynx Züchter: De Ruiter Zonen (Nl) j
Lypsoplus Züchter: Clause (Fr) j
Lyra j
Lyric Züchter: Hazera Genetics j, o
Lyterno Züchter: Rijk Zwaan Zaadteelt En Zaadhandel B.V. j
Lyto Züchter: Hazera Genetics j, o
Lyuban Züchter: Ivanova Tatiyana Evgenievna, Vasiliev Yurij Vasilievich, Pushkareva Nataliya Vyacheslavovna, Zver'Kova Veronika Gennadievna j
Lyubava Züchter: Sysina Elena Artemievna, Bartajya Vera Vladimirovna j
Lyubimets Züchter: Gavrish Sergej Fedorovich, Morev Viktor Vasilievich, Amcheslavskaya Elena Valentinovna, Degovtsova Tatiyana Vladimirovna, Volok Olga Anatolievna j
Lyubimets Kubani Züchter: Bekov Rustam Hizrievich, Gish Ruslan Ajdamirovich, Sanina Olga Garievna, Krutov Aleksandr Sergeevich j
Lyubimets Podmoskoviya Züchter: Bekov Rustam Hizrievich, Maksimov Sergej Vasilievich, Kostenko Aleksandr Nikolaevich j
Lyubimyj Korol Züchter: Kudryavtseva Galina Aleksandrovna, Fotev Yurij Valentinovich, Altunina Lyubov' Petrovna, Kotel'Nikova Marina Aleksandrovna, Kondakov Sergej Nikolaevich j
Lyubimyj Prazdnik (oder: Lyubimyi Prazdnik) Züchter: Ugarova Svetlana Viktorovna, Dederko Vladimir Nikolaevich, Postnikova Tatiyana Nikolaevna c, d, e, j
Lyubitel Züchter: Agapov Aleksandr Stepanovich, Gurkina Lyubov' Kirillovna, Cheremushkina Nadezhda Petrovna, Shcheglova Yuliya Nikolaevna j
Lyubitelskiy Rozovyi d
Lyubov Züchter: Panchev Yurij Ivanovich j
Lyubov Zemnaya Züchter: Panchev Yurij Ivanovich j
Lyubushka Züchter: Kachajnik Vladimir Georgievich, Gul'Kin Mihail Nikolaevich, Karmanova Olga Alekseevna, Matyunina Svetlana Vladimirovna j
Lyuda's Mom's Large Pink Ukrainian c, d
Lyuda's Mom's Large Red Ukrainian c, d
Lyudmila Züchter: Gavrish Sergej Fedorovich, Amcheslavskaya Elena Valentinovna, Kapustina Raisa Nikolaevna, Artemieva Galina Mihajlovna, Filimonova Yuliya Alekseevna, Redichkina Tatiyana Aleksandrovna, Kibanova Nataliya Alekseevna j
Lyudovik XVII Züchter: Gavrish Sergej Fedorovich, Morev Viktor Vasilievich, Amcheslavskaya Elena Valentinovna, Volok Olga Anatolievna j


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  1. Crean nueva variedad de tomate. 2000 Agro. Revista Industrial del Campo. 13. August 2014. Abgerufen am 6. August 2017