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Die JITA Classification System of Library and Information Science ist eine freie Klassifikation für den Bereich der Bibliotheks- und Informationswissenschaft.

Da die JITA im Original englisch ist, sollte sie hier nicht übersetzt werden, da es nie 1-zu-1-Entsprechungen gibt. Stattdessen können passende Artikel unter der entsprechenden Klasse vermerkt werden.

Theoretical and General

[Quelltext bearbeiten]
A. Theoretical and general aspects of libraries and information
AA. Library and information science as a field
Bibliothekswissenschaft, Informationswissenschaft
AB. Information theory and library theory AB in der JITA
AC. Relationship of LIS with other fields
AZ. No one of these, but in this section.
B. Information use and sociology of information
BA. Use and impact of information BA in der JITA
BB. Bibliometric methods BB in der JITA
Bibliometrie, Informetrie
BC. Information in society BC in der JITA
BD. Information society BD in der JITA
BE. Information economics BE in der JITA
BF. Information policy BF in der JITA
BG. Information dissemination and diffusion BG in der JITA
BH. Information needs and information requirements analysis BH in der JITA
BI. User interfaces, usability BI in der JITA
BZ. No one of these, but in this section BZ in der JITA

User oriented, directional, and management functionalities

[Quelltext bearbeiten]
C. Users, literacy and reading C. in der JITA
CA. Use studies. CA in der JITA
CB. User studies. CB in der JITA
CC. User categories: children, young people, social groups. CC in der JITA
CD. User training, promotion, activities, education. CD in der JITA
CE. Literacy. CE in der JITA
Lesekompetenz, Information Literacy
CF. Reading and story telling. CF in der JITA
CZ. No one of these, but in this section. CZ in der JITA
D. Libraries as physical collections D. in der JITA
DA. World libraries. DA in der JITA
DB. National libraries. DB in der JITA
DD. Public libraries. DD in der JITA
Öffentliche Bibliothek
DD. Academic libraries. DD in der JITA
DE. School libraries. DE in der JITA
DF. Government libraries. DF in der JITA
DG. Private libraries. DG in der JITA
DH. Special libraries. DH in der JITA
DI. Science libraries. DI in der JITA
DJ. Technical libraries. DJ in der JITA
DK. Health libraries, Medical libraries. DK in der JITA
DL. Archives. DL in der JITA
DM. Museums. DM in der JITA
DZ. No one of these, but in this section. DZ in der JITA
E. Publishing and legal issues E. in der JITA
EA. Mass media. EA in der JITA
EB. Printing, electronic publishing, broadcasting. EB in der JITA
EC. Bookselling. EC in der JITA
ED. Intellectual property: author's rights, ownership, copyright and copyleft. ED in der JITA
EE. Intellectual freedom. EE in der JITA
EF. Censorship. EF in der JITA
EZ. No one of these, but in this section. EZ in der JITA
F. Management F. in der JITA
FA. Co-operation. FA in der JITA
FB. Marketing. FB in der JITA
FC. Finance. FC in der JITA
FD. Public relations. FD in der JITA
FE. Personnel management. FE in der JITA
FF. Funding. FF in der JITA
FG. Local government. FG in der JITA
FH. Reorganisation. FH in der JITA
FI. Unitary authorities. FI in der JITA
FZ. No one of these, but in this section. FZ in der JITA
G. Industry, profession and education G. in der JITA
GA. Information industry. GA in der JITA
GB. Software industry. GB in der JITA
GC. Computer and telecommunication industry. GC in der JITA
GD. Organisations. GD in der JITA
GE. Staff. GE in der JITA
GF. Biographies. GF in der JITA
GG. Curricula aspects. GG in der JITA
GH. Education. GH in der JITA
GI. Training. GI in der JITA
GZ. No one of these, but in this section. GZ in der JITA

Objects, Pragmatics and Technicalities

[Quelltext bearbeiten]
H. Information sources, supports, channels H. in der JITA
HA. Periodicals, Newspapers. HA in der JITA
HB. Gray literature. HB in der JITA
HC. Archival materials. HC in der JITA
HD. Rare books and manuscripts. HD in der JITA
HE. Print materials. HE in der JITA
HF. Microforms. HF in der JITA
HG. Non-print materials. HG in der JITA
HH. Audio-visual, Multimedia. HH in der JITA
HI. Electronic media. HI in der JITA
HJ. CD-ROM. HJ in der JITA
HK. Online hosts. HK in der JITA
HL. Databases and DataBase Networking. HL in der JITA
HM. OPAC's. HM in der JITA
HN. e-journals. HN in der JITA
HO. e-books. HO in der JITA
HP. e-resources. HP in der JITA
HQ. Web pages. HQ in der JITA
HR. Portals. HR in der JITA
HS. Repositories (OAI-compliant and not). HS in der JITA
HZ. No one of these, but in this section. HZ in der JITA
I. Information treatment for information services I. in der JITA
IA. Cataloguing, bibliographic control. IA in der JITA
IB. Content analysis (A&I, class.). IB in der JITA
IC. Index languages, processes and schemes. IC in der JITA
ID. Data and metadata structures. ID in der JITA
IE. Knowledge representation. IE in der JITA
IF. Information transfer: protocols, formats, techniques. IF in der JITA
IG. Information presentation: hypertext, hypermedia. IG in der JITA
IH. Image systems. IH in der JITA
II. Filtering. II in der JITA
IJ. Reference linking. IJ in der JITA
IK. Design, development, implementation and maintenance. IK in der JITA
IZ. No one of these, but in this section. IZ in der JITA
J. Technical services in libraries, archives and museums J. in der JITA
JA. Acquisitions. JA in der JITA
JB. Serials management. JB in der JITA
JC. Withdrawals. JC in der JITA
JD. Stocktaking. JD in der JITA
JE. Record keeping. JE in der JITA
JF. Paper preservation. JF in der JITA
JG. Digitization. JG in der JITA
JH. Digital preservation. JH in der JITA
JI. Circulation. JI in der JITA
JJ. Document delivery. JJ in der JITA
JK. Interlibrary loans. JK in der JITA
JZ. No one of these, but in this section. JZ in der JITA
K. Housing technologies K. in der JITA
KA. Resource centres. KA in der JITA
KB. Library, archive and museum buildings. KB in der JITA
KC. Furniture. KC in der JITA
KD. Vehicles. KD in der JITA
KE. Architecture. KE in der JITA
KF. Planning, Design, Removal. KF in der JITA
KG. Safety. KG in der JITA
KH. Disaster planning. KH in der JITA
KZ. No one of these, but in this section. KZ in der JITA
L. Information technology and library technology L. in der JITA
LA. Telecommunications. LA in der JITA
LB. Computer networking. LB in der JITA
LC. Internet, including WWW. LC in der JITA
LD. Computers. LD in der JITA
LE. Scanners. LE in der JITA
LF. Digital cameras. LF in der JITA
LG. Photocopiers. LG in der JITA
LH. Computer and network security. LH in der JITA
LI. Authentication, and access control. LI in der JITA
LJ. Software. LJ in der JITA
LK. Software methodologies and engineering. LK in der JITA
LL. Automated language processing. LL in der JITA
LM. Automatic text retrieval. LM in der JITA
LN. Data base management systems. LN in der JITA
LO. Object-oriented DBMS. LO in der JITA
LP. Intelligent agents. LP in der JITA
LQ. Library automation systems. LQ in der JITA
LR. OPAC systems. LR in der JITA
LS. Search engines. LS in der JITA
LZ. No one of these, but in this section. LZ in der JITA