Wikipedia:Wikimedia Deutschland/Women edit/english

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„Women edit“ – Mitmachangebote für Frauen
Aktuelles „Women edit“ online unterstützen Fragen und Antworten (FAQ) WikiWomen-Treffen Tipps für Veranstaltungen
„Women edit“ – A WMDE-programme for women

About „Women edit“ – A WMDE-programme for women

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Wikimedia Deutschland’s „Women edit“ seeks to encourage women to actively participate in Wikimedia projects such as Wikipedia, Wikimedia Commons, Wikivoyage asf. Currently, women make up only ten per cent of active contributors in the German-language Wikipedia, and the situation is similar in the other Wikimedia-projects. This needs to be changed.

„Women edit“-events all over Germany are designed to directly motivate contribution: writing articles for Wikipedia, taking photos for Wikimedia Commons, updating travelling information at Wikivoyage or discuss with the community - there are plenty of options!

„Wikiwomen“ share their knowledge

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Experienced Wikipedians, so-called "Wikiwomen", guide the participants in their first steps in the world of Wikimedia and answer individual questions, for example concerning technology, copyright Free Knowledge. Wikimedia Deutschland (WMDE) supports the Wikiwomen's commitment by organizing a prep weekend, public relations and counselling. Travel and other expenses are paid by WMDE, as well.

Computer classes, bars or museum – „Women edit“ can happen everywhere

The following event types are possible – more ideas can be introduced and discussed on the „Women edit“-discussion page.

  • Open network meetings: participants regularly (monthly?) meet in a room equipped with computers, such as a computer classroom, to discuss their Wikipedia (and related) experiences. The Wikiwoman provides information on using the Editor and about the first steps in editing. At these meetings, participants can find other women to collaborate in writing articles or participating in ongoing discussions. (In Berlin, WMDE is holding a series of such events since November 2012, together with FrauenComputerZentrumBerlin - more information: Women edit Berlin.)
  • Edit-party: This event takes place at a café or a bar. Along with a cup of coffee or a glass of wine, party guests have conversations about the basics of Wikipedia, exchange what they have already learned and make their first actual edits. And who knows - perhaps this turns into a regulars' Wikipedia table for women.
  • Edit-a-thon: At this editing marathon, as many articles as possible about a certain topic are to be created. Participants may meet up at a city archive to conjointly research interesting accounts and records missing in Wikipedia so far. Or they may visit an exhibition together to subsequently write about it and upload pictures taken there to Wikicommons. A library may also be a good location for an Edit-a-thon with a focus topic [denn gut belegt ist ja bekanntlich halb gewonnen].

Support „Women edit“ online

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Apart of real life meetings, a virtual support for the participants by the community is desirable. Every user who could imagine being available online for smaller support tasks, may register here.

(Note: This list is not supposed to replace the Mentorship Programme, but is thought to serve as a go-to point for smaller questions! Everybody in search of a more comprehensive assistance please check out the Mentorship Programme.)

Silvia Stieneker, freelancer at Wikimedia Deutschland, Mail: silvia.stieneker@ – at-Zeichen für