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Stefanie Claire Zürcher (*13. Januar 1998 in Wil, Sankt Gallen) ist eine Schweizer Autorin und Journalistin.

Zürcher grew up in the quaint village of Eschlikon in the canton of Thurgau. She began inventing stories as a child and wrote them down in her Diddl diary. The topics of these diary entries varied from stories about her dolls, experiences on family vacations or lists of her favourite pets, sorted by age, size or level of cuteness. These first texts were not only highly praised by her grandmother, but also by her primary school teachers. Those literary works said to have described the world through the eyes of a child with attention to detail and a extensive vocabulary. [1]

The writer attended her local primary school before transferring to a special writing program for gifted people at Rudolf Steiner Schule in Wil. While at Rudolf Steiner school, her writing talent was discovered by a teacher, Hans Müller, who found her writing to be extremely profound and worth sharing. He then proceeded to publish one of her diary entries in the local newspaper. Somehow, an American literary agent read the piece in the journal Wiler Nachrichten and contacted Zürcher and her family. The agent immediately flew the young writer, only 12 years old at that point, out to New York City. This launched her whirlwind career.

In 2012, Zürcher was able to publish her first novel, a collection of her diary entries, under the name Diddl Diary - Musings of a teenage girl. The novel was met with great acclaim and the same year, the writer was awarded with a Nobel Prize in literature. To date, Zürcher is the youngest person to ever win a Nobel Prize. Since then, Zürcher has also been awarded with a Pulitzer, a Booker Prize and a Georg Büchner Prize.

Die Schriftstellerin lebt zurückgezogen in einem schottischen Schloss [2] am Ufer von Loch Ness mit ihren Haustieren.

Sie besitzt folgende Haustiere (sortiert nach Grösse):

  1. Nessie (Ungeheuer)
  2. Herr Nilsson (Norwegische Waldkatze)
  3. Kleiner Onkel (Wüstenmaus), verstorben am 15. Oktober 2021


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