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James Allen

Sir James Allen, GCMG, KCB, VD (* 10. Februar 1855 in Adelaide, South Australia; † 28. Juli 1942 in Dunedin, Neuseeland) war ein neuseeländischer Offizier und Politiker, der unter anderem von 1887 bis 1890 sowie erneut zwischen 1892 und 1920 Mitglied des Repräsentantenhauses war. Er zwischen 1912 und 1920 Verteidigungsminister sowie zugleich von 1912 bis 1915 Finanzminister und Bildungsminister. Er fungierte später von 1919 bis 1920 erneut Finanzminister sowie des Weiteren Außenminister Neuseelands. Zuletzt bekleidete er zwischen 1920 und 1926 den Posten als Hochkommissar im Vereinigten Königreich.

Familie, Studium und Unternehmer

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James Allen, Sohn von James Allen und dessen Frau Esther Bax, wanderte nach dem Tode seiner Mutter mit seinem Vater und seinem Bruder zwischen 1856 und 1859 nach Dunedin aus. Allerdings wurde seine Obhut und die seines Bruders um 1861/1862 von einem Onkel übernommen, der in Cockhill in der englischen Grafschaft Somersetshire lebte. Nach dem Tode des Vaters wurde er und sein Bruder 1865 zu Vollwaisen. Nach dem Schulbesuch in einem Internat in Somersetshire besuchte er ab 1869 mit einem Stipendium für Naturwissenschaften das Clifton College in Bristol und nahm danach ein Studium am St John’s College der University of Cambridge auf, das er 1877 mit einem Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) abschloss. Während des Studiums spielte er für die University of Cambridge Rugby und gehörte auch zur Universitätsmannschaft im Rudern. Nachdem er kurze Zeit als Lehrer an der 1572 gegründeten Harrow School unterrichtet hatte, kehrte er nach mit seiner Cousine Mary Jane Hill Richards, die er am 23. August 1877 in Evercreech geheiratet hatte, nach Seeland zurück. Aus der Ehe, die bis zum Tode seiner Ehefrau im Jahre 1939 62 Jahre lang dauerte, gingen sechs Kinder hervor.

Nachdem sich Allen in Dunedin niedergelassen hatte, gelangte er zu Wohlstand und Bekanntheit in der Stadt auf der Südinsel Neuseelands. 1880 wurde er Mitglied des Stadtrates von Dunedin und gehörte diesem bis März 1883 an. Daneben spielte er weiter Rugby und gehörte 1882 zur Mannschaft der Region Otago. 1884 ging er erneut nach England, wo er ein Studium am Royal College of Science sowie an der Royal School of Mines absolvierte und mit Auszeichnung abschloss. Nach seiner Rückkehr nach Dunedin war er er als Kohlen- und Goldminenunternehmer tätig.

Abgeordneter und Offizier

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Daneben begann James Allen sein nationales politisches Engagement. Bei der Wahl 1887 gelang es ihm als konservativer Parteiloser im Wahlkreis Dunedin East überraschenderweise den amtierenden Premierminister Robert Stout mit nur 29 Stimmen Vorsprung zu schlagen und damit zum Mitglied des Repräsentantenhauses zu werden. 1887 wurde er zudem Mitglied des Verwaltungsrates der University of Otago und half 1889 bei der Gründung Technischer Klassen sowie der Free Kindergarten Association in Dunedin. Daneben war er Mitglied des Verwaltungsrates der Otago Boys’ High School sowie der Otago Girls’ High School. Er verlor allerdings sein Abgeordnetenmandat bei der Wahl 1890. Im April 1891 wurde er Kommandeur der Freiwilligen Marineartillerie (Naval Artillery Volunteers) von Dunedin sowie später Offizier im Divisionsstab in Otago.

Er wurde aber bei einer Nachwahl (By-election) 1892 im Wahlkreis Bruce abermals zum Mitglied des Repräsentantenhauses gewählt. Bei den folgenden Wahlen wurde er jeweils wiedergewählt und vertrat den Wahlkreis Bruce 28 Jahre lang bis 1920. Als Abgeordneter war er Sprecher der verteidigungspolitischer Sprecher der Opposition. Trotz seiner Parlamentszugehörigkeit unternahm er ausgedehnte Auslandsreisen und hielt sich 1898 für neun Monate, 1904 für weitere sechs Monate sowie 1908 abermals für drei Monate in Europa auf. Daneben gehörte er 1903 zu einer Delegation des Parlaments, die sechs Wochen lang die Cookinseln, Samoa und Tahiti besuchten. Über seine Erlebnisse veröffentlicht er New Zealand’s possessions in the South Seas. Nachdem er zwischen 1903 und 1909 Vizekanzler der University of Otago war, fungierte er im Anschluss von 1909 bis 1912 als Kanzler dieser Universität. Daneben war er Mitglied des Senats der University of New Zealand und trat für die Reform der Ausbildungsprüfungen, der Gründung der dortigen Fakultät für Bergbauingenieurwesen (School of Mindes) sowie anderer Fachschaften ein.

Am 11. Februar 1909 gehörte Allen zu den Mitgründern der Reform Party und Stellvertreter des Parteivorsitzenden William Ferguson Massey. 1911 wurde er im Range eines Oberst (Colonel) Kommandeur der Küstenverteidigung im Militärbezirk von Otago und behielt diese Funktion bis zu seinem Rücktritt im Juli 1912. Anschließend wurde er Regionaler Vorsitzender der Marinaliga (Navy League) von Otago.

Minister 1912 bis 1920

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James Allen als Verteidigungsminister (um 1915)

Allen was well prepared, therefore, to take the portfolios of both defence and education in Massey's Reform ministry in July 1912. But his major responsibility was finance, a field in which he had been an outspoken critic of Sir Joseph Ward's policy. He sought to bring departmental expenditure under more rigorous control and to alleviate the adverse effects of previous short-term borrowing overseas. However, both political necessity and development imperatives demanded the continuation of the Liberal policy. Allen was soon resigned to seeking a further loan for public works, and departed for London in December 1912. On his return journey from this successful mission the following April, he visited Canada, where he was well received as an imperial champion.

As minister of defence Allen established an effective working relationship with Major General A. J. Godley, the British officer who commanded the New Zealand forces. He took steps to improve the efficiency of the compulsory military training scheme, the introduction of which he had strongly supported while in opposition; encouraged preparations for the possible dispatch of an expeditionary force overseas; sought to develop an aviation capability; and (in contrast to his predecessors) strongly supported close defence ties with Australia.

Allen's most notable peacetime achievement was, however, the creation of the New Zealand naval forces in 1913. Long convinced that New Zealand must move away from the existing system of subsidies to the Royal Navy, he came to office determined to establish a locally based naval training programme. After difficult discussions with Winston Churchill during his London visit, Allen secured British agreement to the loan of a training ship, Philomel, and personnel to begin his scheme. Allen foresaw New Zealand developing a substantial naval unit as part of an imperial force in the Pacific.

In the sphere of education, Allen proved receptive to new ideas. En route to London in January 1913 he visited schools in Italy and Switzerland, and was favourably impressed by the Montessori system of education. He was responsible for legislation in 1914 which provided for statutory funding of the university colleges and a board of studies. However, his support, as a private member, for Bible reading in state schools aroused substantial opposition.

Following the outbreak of the First World War in August 1914, Allen's considerable administrative skills were clearly demonstrated as he oversaw the development and maintenance of New Zealand's war effort, which centred on the expeditionary force dispatched to the Middle East in October 1914. The rapidity with which this force (as well as a smaller force which captured German Samoa on 29 August 1914) was raised reflected well on Allen's pre-war approach to defence.

Although the formation of the National coalition government in August 1915 led to the removal of his finance and education responsibilities, Allen was soon confronted with an even heavier burden. For three extended periods from August 1916, lasting 23 months in all, he was acting prime minister while Massey and Ward attended imperial discussions and the peace conference. He was effectively New Zealand's war leader, and had to deal with a succession of industrial and war-related crises. He found his task increasingly difficult as the coalition faltered following the Allied victory in November 1918.

In order to achieve his overriding objective of maintaining New Zealand's military contribution to the imperial cause, Allen had to overcome many administrative problems; he also, increasingly, faced political problems as war-weariness affected public attitudes. With his low-key approach Allen surmounted a succession of obstacles. To meet the need for a steady stream of trained reinforcements to the New Zealand Expeditionary Force, the government introduced conscription in 1916. That the new system operated effectively owed much to Allen's firm but sensitive handling of this divisive issue. He was responsible for war pensions and the rehabilitation of repatriated soldiers, and was angered by the cabinet's refusal to appoint his son-in-law as director of repatriation.

Allen's wartime performance was, nevertheless, surrounded by controversy. Administrative shortcomings, especially in relation to Trentham Military Camp, led to a crescendo of criticism in 1915, which he bore stoically. Compounding the strain was the news that his son, John, had been killed in June 1915 while serving with British forces at Gallipoli, a campaign that Allen described privately as 'ill-conceived and mad'. The establishment of the coalition lessened the stress on him, but his generally uninspiring and parsimonious approach set limits to his popularity among both his cabinet colleagues and the public, and he had to endure continuing criticism. He drew satisfaction, however, from increasing public recognition. Appointed a KCB in 1917, he was vindicated by the favourable outcome of an independent investigation in 1918 of the administration of the Defence Department. Moreover, his efforts on behalf of the expeditionary force were formally acknowledged by its commander, Godley, in 1919.

Following the coalition's demise in August 1919, Allen reluctantly became minister of finance once again. Wearied by his wartime efforts and tired of politics, he wanted to stand down at the 1919 general election in order to make a lengthy visit to the United Kingdom. He was persuaded otherwise by Massey, and eventually retained his seat by a narrow margin. In November 1919 his responsibilities were expanded to include the administration of New Zealand's interests in the Pacific islands. As the first minister of external affairs, Allen instituted constitutional arrangements for administering New Zealand's League of Nations mandate in Western Samoa. In February–March 1920 he led a parliamentary party on a visit to the Cook Islands, Western Samoa and Fiji.

Allen's opportunity to leave politics came with his appointment as high commissioner for New Zealand in the United Kingdom. He sailed for Britain on 30 April 1920. During his six-year term he served as an ex officio member of a number of imperial organisations and helped direct the British Empire Exhibition of 1924–25. He also represented New Zealand at the League of Nations, journeying to Geneva each year to attend the assembly and meetings of the Permanent Mandates Commission. Appointed to a commission to oversee the League's finances, he apparently exerted considerable influence while exhibiting his characteristic cheese-paring approach. In March 1926 he was elected vice chairman of the special assembly to consider Germany's admission to the League. Although sceptical of the League's chances of outlawing war, Allen saw value in the better understanding it promoted among nations. For security he preferred to rely on imperial defence plans based on the power of the Royal Navy.

Following his return to New Zealand Allen was prominent in the Institute of Pacific Relations, presiding over the New Zealand branch from its inception in 1927 until 1939 and serving as a member of the institute's Pacific Council. He also resumed his association with Dunedin's All Saints' Anglican Church, which was built on land donated by his father. Before becoming a minister of the Crown he had been a vicar's churchwarden, and he was now elected to the vestry of that church. Licensed as a lay reader, he conducted services in some of the outlying churches. He was also vice president of the New Zealand Bible-in-Schools League and chaired the Otago branch.

Allen, who was made a GCMG in 1926, resumed his parliamentary career when he was appointed to the Legislative Council on 1 June 1927. He was an active member until he retired from public life in 1938, and was not reappointed when his second term ended on 31 May 1941. Allen resided at Arana, his house in Dunedin, until his death on 28 July 1942, three years after that of his wife. He was buried in Dunedin's northern cemetery.

Allen, Sir James (b. Feb. 10, 1855, Adelaide, South Australia - d. July 28, 1942, Dunedin, New Zealand), defence minister (1912-20), finance minister (1912-15, 1919-20), and foreign minister (1919-20) of New Zealand; knighted 1917. He was also education minister (1912-15) and high commissioner to the United Kingdom (1920-26).